
Help With Contracts in Franchise?

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Old 05-18-2016, 01:13 AM   #1
scooterperpetual's Arena
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Help With Contracts in Franchise?

So I am approaching my first off season in my franchise and wanted to run a test just so I could get a feel for how the off season goes in MLB. Well I have no idea on earth how to renew renewable contracts. If I offer them an extension they then are no longer eligible for arbitration?

So basically how do I get renewable contracts to renew without losing their arbitration years.

For instance it looks like this prior to the extension:

Year 1 - RNW
Year 2 - RNW
Year 3 - ARB
Year 4 - ARB
Year 5 - ARB

once I offer the extension:

Year 1 - 1.2M
Year 2 - FA

EDIT: It seems it shows arbitration years once I advance to spring training so I guess its a glitch, or I just dont understand it fully.
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Last edited by scooterperpetual; 05-18-2016 at 01:25 AM.
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Old 05-18-2016, 08:33 AM   #2
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Re: Help With Contracts in Franchise?

Its really not that hard once you do it a couple times. On renewable guys they are not eligible for arbitration so your not losing anything. In a nutshell here is how it works.

Renewals - When the offseason starts the guys that you can renew you have until Dec 2nd I think (there is a Date reminder in the calendar) that you must offer the renewal guys a contract by or they become FA. After that date you can withdraw that offer then you have until Mid February, I think (its like 2 weeks before spring raining starts) ) the renew option becomes available. So what I do is guys I really want to lock down for whatever reason I give them I good offer, the others I give them an offer if they take great for me and bad for them. Once I pass the date I must offer a contract I withdraw the offers expect for the ones I really want to sign. Then Mid February when the wren option now becomes available I renew those guys that have no offer. The big part is don't let the Dec 2nd date get by you without offering them a contract if you do they hit FA.

Arbitration - You can offer arbitration to a player and still negotiate a contract with them. Then the payer will either accept your offer or goto arbitration.

Its not hard just pay attention to the stared dates, they are there for a reason.
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Old 05-19-2016, 11:08 AM   #3
scooterperpetual's Arena
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Re: Help With Contracts in Franchise?

Originally Posted by 90Bamagrad
Its really not that hard once you do it a couple times. On renewable guys they are not eligible for arbitration so your not losing anything. In a nutshell here is how it works.

Renewals - When the offseason starts the guys that you can renew you have until Dec 2nd I think (there is a Date reminder in the calendar) that you must offer the renewal guys a contract by or they become FA. After that date you can withdraw that offer then you have until Mid February, I think (its like 2 weeks before spring raining starts) ) the renew option becomes available. So what I do is guys I really want to lock down for whatever reason I give them I good offer, the others I give them an offer if they take great for me and bad for them. Once I pass the date I must offer a contract I withdraw the offers expect for the ones I really want to sign. Then Mid February when the wren option now becomes available I renew those guys that have no offer. The big part is don't let the Dec 2nd date get by you without offering them a contract if you do they hit FA.

Arbitration - You can offer arbitration to a player and still negotiate a contract with them. Then the payer will either accept your offer or goto arbitration.

Its not hard just pay attention to the stared dates, they are there for a reason.
Okay thank you. It was more so the Renewing that was confusing me mainly because I would give them the contract they would sign it then it would say they are on a new contract with no arbitration or anything but that fixed it self once I got to spring training.

One more question, say for a guy that I know I want to keep through all of his renewal years can I give hm a 2 year extension to cover both of his renewal years and he will still be up for arbitration? Or does this pointless and may as well just give them 1 year?
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Old 05-23-2016, 08:47 AM   #4
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Re: Help With Contracts in Franchise?

Originally Posted by scooterperpetual
Okay thank you. It was more so the Renewing that was confusing me mainly because I would give them the contract they would sign it then it would say they are on a new contract with no arbitration or anything but that fixed it self once I got to spring training.

One more question, say for a guy that I know I want to keep through all of his renewal years can I give hm a 2 year extension to cover both of his renewal years and he will still be up for arbitration? Or does this pointless and may as well just give them 1 year?
Your best bet is to offer a low contract to meet the deadline then withdraw it a couple days later. This way you can keep a player on Renewal status and save yourself some funding especially if you a re using a team with a low end budget. The only ones I offer a serious contract to are the studs I have that are young. Doing this will maximize your time with that player for the least amount of money. Arbitration is something you will have to deal with on every player once they meet the minimum years of service. But arbitration is not a bad thing. You can offer it and then still offer a contract. As for an extension there is no true extension in the game, you can do anything financially with anyone until their contract (renew, arbitrate, Qualify, ect) runs out. Hope this helps
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Old 05-23-2016, 10:28 AM   #5
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Re: Help With Contracts in Franchise?

Good info. But what determines how many renews a player will get and how many arb years they will get ?
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Old 05-23-2016, 10:43 AM   #6
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Re: Help With Contracts in Franchise?

Originally Posted by elbomberoloco
Good info. But what determines how many renews a player will get and how many arb years they will get ?
Its all based on years of service and age. If you look in the handbook in Franchise it will give more info plus they have star dates in the off-season to help you out.

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Last edited by 90Bamagrad; 05-23-2016 at 10:45 AM.
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Old 05-23-2016, 12:30 PM   #7
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Re: Help With Contracts in Franchise?

I'll look through the data, do you know if the game model actually follows this ?
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Old 05-23-2016, 02:48 PM   #8
HozAndMoose's Arena
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Re: Help With Contracts in Franchise?

Originally Posted by elbomberoloco
I'll look through the data, do you know if the game model actually follows this ?
Yeah It does.
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