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Old 04-06-2014, 04:45 PM   #1
Pandetta's Arena
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Does anyone know if regression handled the same way as last year's game?

I'm mostly referring to young, high end players like Trout regressing noticeably in the first few seasons - IE no one stays high for long. Older players like David Ortiz also decline into unplayability in their first seasons.

I'm not intending to complain about this behavior, I would just like to know if regression/progression is handled this way in the PS4 version.

Thanks, apologies if this has been covered, I could not find it when searching.
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Old 04-06-2014, 04:55 PM   #2
mmorg's Arena
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Re: Regression

A lot of that had to do with Potential ratings being below their actual overall ratings. By having the potential rating editable this year we'll be able to fix the young guys by putting their potential at or above their overall rating to prevent a huge crash and burn during their age 27-29 seasons.
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Old 04-08-2014, 11:07 AM   #3
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Re: Regression

I'm even more interested about simulated stats years into franchise mode. In the past years they have been off and off bad. By year 5 or 6 it was not uncommon to see the worst hitting team in the Majors batting about .330. While the best pitching team had a team ERA of 5.80. These numbers need to be toned, way, way down.
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Old 04-29-2014, 08:55 PM   #4
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Re: Regression

I've done four 10+ year franchises so far (White Sox, Cubs, Astros and Pirates) and so far I've noticed the expected steep decline in the mid to late 30s. I haven't noticed a huge drop in the high rated players, like the above poster was asking.

I've noticed that the stars/up and comers (Sale, Stanton, McCutchen) kept going up until they were mid to high 90s. Sale peaked at a 98 for me, Stanton hit 95 in one and 92 in another, and McCutchen hit 95.

My question is due to late age regression:

Do players consistently regress across multiple franchises? In my Pirates franchise, McCutchen steeply started to fall around 31 years old. At 33 he had dropped 30 points.

If I get McCutchen to 31 again, will I expect an equally steep decline, or is it random from franchise to franchise, with some players dropping off incredibly fast, some regressing normally, and a rare few remaining highly rated into their late 30s?
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Old 04-29-2014, 10:25 PM   #5
Sdrawkcab321's Arena
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Re: Regression

Originally Posted by Frostcrest
I've done four 10+ year franchises so far (White Sox, Cubs, Astros and Pirates) and so far I've noticed the expected steep decline in the mid to late 30s. I haven't noticed a huge drop in the high rated players, like the above poster was asking.

I've noticed that the stars/up and comers (Sale, Stanton, McCutchen) kept going up until they were mid to high 90s. Sale peaked at a 98 for me, Stanton hit 95 in one and 92 in another, and McCutchen hit 95.

My question is due to late age regression:

Do players consistently regress across multiple franchises? In my Pirates franchise, McCutchen steeply started to fall around 31 years old. At 33 he had dropped 30 points.

If I get McCutchen to 31 again, will I expect an equally steep decline, or is it random from franchise to franchise, with some players dropping off incredibly fast, some regressing normally, and a rare few remaining highly rated into their late 30s?

30 points? That's ridiculous. He's not an nfl running back. He should be hitting his prime by then. Unless he got hurt
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Old 04-29-2014, 10:44 PM   #6
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Re: Regression

Originally Posted by Frostcrest
I've done four 10+ year franchises so far (White Sox, Cubs, Astros and Pirates) and so far I've noticed the expected steep decline in the mid to late 30s. I haven't noticed a huge drop in the high rated players, like the above poster was asking.

I've noticed that the stars/up and comers (Sale, Stanton, McCutchen) kept going up until they were mid to high 90s. Sale peaked at a 98 for me, Stanton hit 95 in one and 92 in another, and McCutchen hit 95.

My question is due to late age regression:

Do players consistently regress across multiple franchises? In my Pirates franchise, McCutchen steeply started to fall around 31 years old. At 33 he had dropped 30 points.

If I get McCutchen to 31 again, will I expect an equally steep decline, or is it random from franchise to franchise, with some players dropping off incredibly fast, some regressing normally, and a rare few remaining highly rated into their late 30s?
Were you training McCutchen when he dropped steeply?
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Old 04-29-2014, 11:44 PM   #7
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Re: Regression

I don't have an amazing attention span, so I play with training on "Auto", so he was training whatever the CPU trained him. Also, I let CPU deal with Injuries, so he may have been hurt as well.

My goal is 30/30 World Series, 1 team actually fully franchise managed (when OSFM rosters come out), and 1 team fully franchise managed as a rebuild.

My question isn't as much "Why did McCutchen decline so quickly?", but "Will the same players decline the same every time?" excluding regression due to injury.
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Old 04-29-2014, 11:45 PM   #8
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Re: Regression

Originally Posted by Frostcrest

My goal is 30/30 World Series, 1 team actually fully franchise managed (when OSFM rosters come out), and 1 team fully franchise managed as a rebuild.
Er, the purpose of those two sentences is that I play with CPU doing some of the stuff so that I can pump out franchises faster. This is just one of the 30.
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