
MLB The Show 25 Wishlist

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Old 09-15-2024, 01:44 PM   #1
Noble Lumpkin.
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A WishList - MLBTS25.

Number one with a bullet for me is support current gen console systems only. Even if that means dropping Nintendo from the mix.
Sorry Switch guys, its past time.

Number two, hundred man rosters. 125 would be even better and I could live with that number for the next twenty years.

Number three, it can only work if we get number two, twenty round drafts. I can also accept and live with fifteen rounds.

Number four, like being able to play without the DH and extra inning auto runners, give me the option to turn off batters faced minimums for my bullpen.

Number five, in regards to players attributes, pitcher splits for versus batters left and right for H9 HR9 K9 and BB9. Also add for batters, versus left and right attribute ratings for Vision and Discipline.

Thank you and God bless America.

It should go without saying, I believe we all want a return of Sounds of the Show and carry over saves at some point, but we arent going to hold our collective breath waiting.
I could have been a doctor
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Especially in the daylight.

Last edited by Ghost Of The Year; 10-06-2024 at 11:13 AM. Reason: Spelling.
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Old 09-15-2024, 02:08 PM   #2
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Re: A WishList - MLBTS25.

ERAs as in nba2k. Baseball is so rich in history. Let us replay great seasons
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Old 09-15-2024, 03:07 PM   #3
KnightTemplar's Arena
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Re: A WishList - MLBTS25.

1. Get rid of the eyesore blue circle on auto field/manual throw.
2. See (1) above.
3. See (2 & 1) above.
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Old 09-17-2024, 01:03 PM   #4
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Re: A WishList - MLBTS25.

Franchise only player, my wish list (no particular order):
1.crowd dispersement-for low crowds/empty sections/fans mostly in IF oriented seats.
2.rainouts/doubleheaders -27th man decision/games delayed by rain/games started than rained out etc.
3. ability in game to see: upcoming schedule/expected SPs/players fatigue meters
4. injuries-more day-to-day type/a risk reward system for playing a slightly hurt player/illness type "injuries"/more pregame decisions like -player A is a little tired-not feeling well, aggravated something etc
5. a way to somehow integrate the "live game rosters" into franchise for each game. i.e. for every team in every game of franchise the rosters,lineups, updated ratings,positions etc etc would be as they were in real life that day-maybe uploading and integrating a file every 2 wks?/ I would gladly pay for this as some kind of "live franchise" mode
6. increased Bullpen/lineup/pinch hitting A.I. by CPU

gameplay and misc:
1. quickcounts-add 0-0,1-0,0-1 counts
2. fielding: more imperfect bobbles/over throws/short hop throws/bad routes to fly balls/less OF ability to be in perfect fielding position on hits/can't get a grip animation delay etc.
3. like the HR rob feature-a foul pop near the stands rob feature-i.e. "will he have room drifting over..reaches out….type foul balls
4. more drop in bloop type hits i.e. 3 fielders converging type
5. IF gets too easily to and catch bloops and pop ups over their heads
6. 1B I feel always digs out short hop throws, not realistic
7. seems no matter the umpire setting, way way more borderline strikes are called balls than vice versa, not realistic
8. outfielders ability to go back on balls over their heads, as fast as they come in is not realistic
9. IF cutoffs on extra base hits not optimally aligned, also CPU throws home or 3rd too often w/o any chance of an out, makes taking xtra base too easy.
10.every play at the plate, the throw is either wildly off line, or to the catchers throw side where they do a sweep tag, needs more realistic throw/catch/tag animations.
11. create a stadium, enough with the auto huge foul territory and bullpens on the field.
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Old 09-17-2024, 01:04 PM   #5
Madden08PCgmr's Arena
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Re: A WishList - MLBTS25.

PC version
Roster carry-over
You want free speech?
Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours.
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Old 09-17-2024, 01:46 PM   #6
Madden08PCgmr's Arena
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Re: A WishList - MLBTS25.

Originally Posted by Ebpmd
ERAs as in nba2k. Baseball is so rich in history. Let us replay great seasons
I've always been curious how OOTP has player licensing for the entirety of MLB history?

It would be surreal if SDS or any other studio could bring that dream to life.
You want free speech?
Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours.
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Old 09-18-2024, 09:14 AM   #7
Noble Lumpkin.
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Re: A WishList - MLBTS25.

Originally Posted by KnightTemplar
1. Get rid of the eyesore blue circle on auto field/manual throw.
2. See (1) above.
3. See (2 & 1) above.
At the very very least, make it optional.
I could have been a doctor
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Especially in the daylight.
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Old 09-22-2024, 09:57 AM   #8
FBeaule04's Arena
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Re: A WishList - MLBTS25.

From an RTTS player only, here's a few one.

1. Get back the "Presentation" before every game. If I want to skip, I'll press A. But getting the game to go right with my player (at bat or on the field) is a bit annoying. I want to get in the game with seeing the stadium, the crowd, the umps talking with managers, etc.

2. Get a way to make equipment "even" for RTTS. If I want to bat with Sam Bat and not a Louisville, don't make it that we lost points like one is +6 +6 and the other is +9 +7. I know there's a logic behind that and that I can just equip and waist the points, but I don't!

3. More visual interactions when your player scored and those behind do, on non-HR plays. Always baffles me to see my guy scoring, and walk to the dugout like he's the only one on the field, and there's two runners coming home. Guys would stay behind plate, and do what they always do, guide the coming player so he comes home up, slide or jump.

4. I don't have anything bad to say about the Skill sets and Perks. But I mostly want to recreate players from the past. No way I should have a guy who's batting like Tony Gwynn but he shouldn't be running like Tim Raines. How would prefer a Skill Set but having the choice to put points where the recreating the guy is more to my liking. Better contact, discipline, etc. while not beeing that fast.

Thats about it I think! :-)
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