
What if I told you... that Roster Tools is BACK!

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Old 04-28-2015, 09:20 AM   #1
PatsCards87's Arena
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Join Date: Apr 2015
Exclamation What if I told you... that Roster Tools is BACK!


Click here to get your copy now!

I also highly recommend using this in conjunction with WTNY's pitch edits spreadsheet. It's quality work and combined will give you ultimate editing functionality. You can find that in his thread here:


Things you need to know about the RosterTools program:

This is run on Microsoft Excel, guaranteed to work on 2010 and new versions.

You HAVE to enable Macros and Enable Data Connections (Excel might call it "Active Content"). Excel will prompt you to activate/allow these things under the formula bar.

There are buttons for sorting batter and pitcher names. You only need to click that 1 time after you have selected a new year.

Ratings are weighted by sabermetrics to the game. A full season sim should yield very realistic results.

Arm Strength, Arm Accuracy, and Reaction (as well as Catcher Blocking) are loosely based on FRAA. However, that stuff is incredibly hard to turn into a rating based off any stats, so they are ONLY an estimate. I would recommend adjusting accordingly for player you know have a good arm, or if the player is in the game, just stick with SCEA default ratings for those attributes.

In order to get Blocking ratings, be sure to click the "Catcher?" checkbox. It will populate numbers for you. BE SURE TO UNCHECK IT AFTER YOU SELECT A NEW PLAYER THAT ISN'T A CATCHER!

Do NOT edit or change ANYTHING that isn't on the Home tab. You don't need to click around and edit things, you WILL break it. Just stay on the Home tab.

Scroll down to the bottom and you will see PITCHf/x information. It will tell you what pitches the pitcher you have selected really throws. How often they throw it. What speed they throw it at on average (so you can duplicate that speed in the game by adjusting velocity accordingly) and it gives movement.

There is no formula I could really come up with to portray pitch movement. I recommend just sticking to SCEA default. If it is a created player, then use your judgement.

PITCHf/x data reads in a plus shape +

0 is in the middle, -15 is to the far left, 15 is on the far right, and same for the top and bottom.

So a pitch that has a -9 VMov and a 3 Hmov means that the pitch drops 9 inches, and cuts inside 3 inches. That's an example of how much movement is involved. Use your judgement is all I can say.

If anyone has a formula, I can update the file and reupload.


I plan to keep this thing taken care of. Hope you all enjoy! A lot of work went into this.

Last edited by PatsCards87; 06-01-2015 at 11:55 AM.
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Old 04-28-2015, 01:24 PM   #2
OVR: 3
Join Date: Oct 2010
Re: What if I told you... that Roster Tools is BACK!

Great to hear a LOT of HARD WORK I am SURE. With that said the gaming of stats have changed. You should contact Knights,Riding,Nomo, third degree, carew and some of these great Minds in operation sports, to see how it will correlate
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Old 04-28-2015, 01:49 PM   #3
PatsCards87's Arena
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Join Date: Apr 2015
Re: What if I told you... that Roster Tools is BACK!

Good idea, is there a way to ping these guys in this thread? We can compare formulas and put our heads together to come up with the best set.

Beyond that, this tool is still very useful as it can instantly generate what ratings should be for a player by just selecting them from the list. Stats are pulled in real time.
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Old 04-28-2015, 02:11 PM   #4
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Re: What if I told you... that Roster Tools is BACK!

This is a great tool, once the word get around it is going to be a STAR. These guys are always posting in here. Ridings is doing the osfm rosters he is on the second post also knight. Willard is doing the revisited hybrid rosters.
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Old 04-28-2015, 03:44 PM   #5
PatsCards87's Arena
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Re: What if I told you... that Roster Tools is BACK!

Well hopefully they'll see it and reach out to me. I don't want to bug them about it, they may already have something they like using and don't want to mess with it.

I know it's come in handy for me when paired with Dr Sublimes phenomenal CAPs. His faces are spot on, but not so much his ratings. But hey, small price to pay when he makes such great CAP faces.
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Old 04-28-2015, 04:12 PM   #6
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Re: What if I told you... that Roster Tools is BACK!

You got a point there. But for the REST of US This is going to be HUGE. THANK YOU MORE Then I Can SAY.
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Old 04-28-2015, 04:34 PM   #7
PatsCards87's Arena
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Re: What if I told you... that Roster Tools is BACK!

Thank you, that's why I took on this project. To help the community at large. The thing was a tremendous tool that has lay broken for 5 years, seemed high time to fix it and give it a facelift. Can't wait to release it for everyone.

I'm going to also release my own roster.

It is going to be a fantasy roster of current and historic players for all teams.

The base roster is the OSFM Roster 40-Man that Millenium came out with.

I then have imported the legendary players that are in-game.

Then I have downloaded over 200 players from Dr Sublime.

I'm awaiting some more players, and going to re-rate all Dr Sublimes creations with the new and improved Roster Tools.

Once completed, you'll be able to load the bases up with Ryne Sandberg, Ernie Banks, and Andre Dawson, then hit the grand slam with Kris Bryant. Man that hurt to say as a Cardinal fan, but it is the best example of all the eras of players you will be able to find on one team.

It's going to be a great fantasy roster set.
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Old 04-28-2015, 05:46 PM   #8
BrianU's Arena
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Re: What if I told you... that Roster Tools is BACK!

Very interesting. I'd love to take a look at it. Are the ratings it spits out on scale with the OSFM roster? Like if I put in Daniel Murphy would it give me more accurate ratings for him that would play well with everyone else in the roster or would it make him overpowered/underpowered?
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