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Old 05-22-2014, 02:05 PM   #1
VeranKai's Arena
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Wow, first of all thank you sooo much to everyone in the community who puts in so many hours each year to help make the games we love even better. I've been messing around with rosters more than ever this year, and the O.S.F.M. group gives such a great base for us to work with. Thanks again guys.

So I've lurked on these forums for many years but am just starting to give some input. The first place I wanted to start was with player ratings - and pitching specifically. Now there's a lot of great work already in this regard, Jimbo's Caluculators certainly come to mind as the most prevelant example. So I'm not here to say mine are better or worse. They're just different. Trying to quantify a human into a small set of calculated ratings is no easy task. There's certainly going to be a lot of subjective bias somewhere in the process (which is okay!)

Anyway, to keep making a short story long, I posted a set the other day in the vault called OSFM ST. The ST is kind of purposely vague, though Steamer and Spring Training are both very applicable in a lot of ways. The ratings in that set are based on Steamer(U) projections of the same date. There are a couple of lineup adjustments also to try and fit in accordance with the projected rosters before Spring Training started - but I openly admit I'm not the most knowledgeable in that regard and it's far from perfect right now.

Since downloading a roster and looking through all the ratings isn't an easy way to get a good overview, I'm posting a link to a pdf so you can see the ratings I've input:

My 2014 Steamer(U) Pitcher Ratings

I have done some batting calculations too, but between all of this and also offering my ratings for JSeward92's 2003 roster that's a lot of hours so far.

There are a ton of roster projects on the forums already. Even the split of historic vs current is large. Despite that though, I really wanted to give one more option to the community because options are great. If anyone is interested in my ratings for their team or season feel free to ask. If anyone is interested in collaborating with me to take these farther in accuracy (batting, fielding, transactions/lineups/rotations) I'm game for that too. I'm really looking forward to seeing the OSFM Hybrid rosters very soon. Since some like injury-free rosters, some like to replicate every day-to-day transaction manually, and everywhere inbetween, if I do keep working on my 2014 roster it will be for a little bit different of a crowd than the Hybrid set.

Oh, and I'll throw up a OSFM ST v2 set now that has a couple of seanjeezy's awesome pitch edits for 2013. I'm definitely really looking forward to his new data for this year.
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Old 05-26-2014, 06:52 PM   #2
VeranKai's Arena
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Join Date: Mar 2014

Well OSFM ST v4 is uploaded now. A lot of pitchers have been rerated per more recent Steamer(U) projections. Even more importantly, a lot more pitch edits have been implemented. As anyone working on The Show rosters will tell you, it's seldom a good idea to base your judgements strictly off of an overall rating. That said, as I keep putting in more pitch repertoire edits, I get more and more pleased with the overall ratings.

There have been a handful of small position player adjustments too. A lot more injuries have been removed and rotations and the like a little closer to an 'ideal present day'. Once again, the general idea with these rosters is to play from the start of spring training with the roster outlook each team had then, but with ratings that reflect how the players are performing this year. (Edit: kind of a blend between simulation (the ratings) and fantasy (injuries and lineups/rotations more variable per the game settings and human decisions)).

Last edited by VeranKai; 05-26-2014 at 07:03 PM. Reason: Better clarification.
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Old 05-29-2014, 02:26 PM   #3
VeranKai's Arena
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Okay, I put up a v5 with a lot more pitch edits in it. I must say I'm running out of steam though as I've spent countless hours on this project and haven't been able to get any feedback at all.

As a perfectionist, I hate having the roster so far from perfect, but I'm glad other projects are still going strong.
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Old 05-29-2014, 03:02 PM   #4
BegBy's Arena
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I'll grab these later and try them tomorrow. I'll let you know what I think since you're looking for feedback.

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Old 05-29-2014, 03:15 PM   #5
VeranKai's Arena
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Thanks! My H/9 ratings for pitchers are definitely about 10 points too high I think. These struggle to get enough guys over .300 for batting average and 100 for RBIs. Going to work on that much more at least.
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Old 05-29-2014, 04:39 PM   #6
rjackson's Arena
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Actually, this sounds like a darn good approach to a roster and is the first I've noticed it. How did you handle pre-existing injuries before the start of ST? Guys like Cory Leubke who still aren't back from TJ...

I haven't really looked at Jimbo's calculator. Was that the basis that you used? Curious on what you used for ratings such as vision, power, contact...and fielding ratings as well.
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Old 05-29-2014, 05:29 PM   #7
VeranKai's Arena
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I pretty much made up my own formulas for everything. And while I do have batting and fielding formulas, I haven't input many of those at all just due to the sheer amount of work it is. I went towards pitching first [so that's gotten the vast majority of my work]. For MLB players though I use custom reports from FanGraphs to compile data. For MiLB, which I've only done for the 2003 roster so far, it's been Baseball-Reference to get statistics. So for vision I use K%, for discipline BB%, et al. If you're curious as to the exact way I calculate something, I don't mind divulging, but they can seem crazy at first glance lol. For instance, on vision, my formula is 104-(1000*(K%^2)). Oddly enough, for pitcher clutch ratings I was going in-depth with a compilation of LOB% and RISP ERA and the like, but I found a formula with straight-up ERA numbers matched what SCEA seemed to be trying to do the most.

For the Spring Training rosters, I openly admit this part is really lacking in my roster. I've tried to put in some good effort there, but that's a lot of research and manpower swapping around rosters/lineups/rotations too. Mostly, if they didn't injured until after Spring Training started, or have return from a preseason injury already, I've moved them into the MLB rosters. Guys who aren't back are still as Class-A per the O.S.F.M. Opening Day roster; and at the least a guy suspended the full season was removed from the 40-man roster.

I should note that the lineups/rotations listed are in many cases more akin to how they are now. From watching the forums, it seems most casual players just want to use the best players on the team regardless of if John Doe missed 3 weeks for a pulled muscle. Hardcore simulators on the other hand, they'll put in a lot of work replicating day-to-day transactions no matter their base, so I suppose I've catered to them a tad less apart from the ratings adjustments. Then you throw on that with the CPU controlling teams in franchise they do all kinds of crazy roster/lineup moves, being too much of a stickler there can feel futile at times.
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Old 05-29-2014, 05:49 PM   #8
VeranKai's Arena
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Good news! Adjusting my H/9 formula did seem to alleviate my batting average issues. So I went through really fast and put up a OSFM ST v6 with the fix.
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