07-23-2016, 12:13 PM
30 man league going to season 3 looking to fill 4 spots
**Edit - We're full **
The High and Tight league is looking for 4 owners to fill out our 30 man team league. We are an active league with competitive balance and a great player base. We are currently in the playoffs for season 2. Season 3 offseason will start sometime next week. Teams open are R̶e̶d̶s̶, P̶a̶d̶r̶e̶s̶, Phillies, and Brewers. I know...I know...those are tough teams to fill. BUT - there has been some roster movement on those teams and free agency is right around the corner!
Our league:
Pitch Difficulty: HOF
Fielding Difficulty: HOF
Strike Zone: ON
Hot Zones: OFF
Guess Pitch: OFF
Balks: OFF (but could change)
Trades: YES (Approved by Committee)
Schedule: 58 games (play each team twice), open scheduling
Groupme is required.
Interested? Send me your groupme info to my psn (schmerp) and we'll go from there.
Last edited by schmerp; 07-29-2016 at 08:49 AM.
Reason: Updated available teams