
MLB 12 The Show Video - Developer Walkthrough (PS Vita)

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Old 01-16-2012, 05:53 PM   #25
Strings74's Arena
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Video - Developer Walkthrough (PS Vita)

I had The Show 08 (I think it was 08) for the PSP and what I found was that RTS translates really well to the mobile platform.

I would usually play it during my subway commute or in dribs and drabs here and there and because of this, RTS was just perfect.

The long loading times involved with RTS kind of kill it for me on the PS3 because I feel like 30% of your gaming time is spent waiting around, but when you are playing only a couple of games at a time while mobile it seems to be less of an issue.

Anyway, the idea of being able to share thegamesaves is certainly compelling and I will consider getting a Vita because of this game alone.

Question: I assume this will require the PSN+ subscription to share saves? Or can saves be synched manually via USB or bluetooth or wifi or some other method?
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Old 01-16-2012, 06:01 PM   #26
khronikos's Arena
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Video - Developer Walkthrough (PS Vita)

Seriously, how many people NEED to play The Show on a 5 inch screen where the ball is a centimeter and your batter is 3 inches tall? I guess a few it will help out.

I really don't understand the priority on it tbh but I understand the need to sell Vita I guess just not with wasted priorities from the main PS3 team as there is already too much that needs to change in the Big version.
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Old 01-16-2012, 06:06 PM   #27
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Video - Developer Walkthrough (PS Vita)

Originally Posted by khronikos
Seriously, how many people NEED to play The Show on a 5 inch screen where the ball is a centimeter and your batter is 3 inches tall? I guess a few it will help out.
A lot of us travel, dude. I'm out of my county in the summer more than I'm in it. Yeah, I take our Slim PS3 around, but even when on breaks at work and stuff, or when downstairs instead of upstairs, I'd like to be able to take my franchise around with me.

As for the ball, I've actually found it a bit of a bummer that they increased it to softball size when it's in play so that you can see it. I understand it as an aid (much like the "OUT" and "FOUL" icons that will be popping up with the Vita version), but it would make more sense as an option.

Last but not least, I wouldn't doubt that Vita, Move, and 3D support are something that are enforced by SCEA San Diego's superiors. This isn't the only game out there getting that kind of treatment. Look at Killzone, Gran Turismo (no Move, but that wouldn't make sense lol), LittleBigPlanet, and probably/hopefully even Ratchet & Clank down the road. Sony games all work together in this regard, and they will continue to down the road.

Either way, as people are sold with a PS3 because of The Show, I'm sold with a Vita for the same reason.
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Old 01-16-2012, 06:13 PM   #28
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Video - Developer Walkthrough (PS Vita)

Originally Posted by khronikos
Seriously, how many people NEED to play The Show on a 5 inch screen where the ball is a centimeter and your batter is 3 inches tall? I guess a few it will help out.

I really don't understand the priority on it tbh but I understand the need to sell Vita I guess just not with wasted priorities from the main PS3 team as there is already too much that needs to change in the Big version.
The number of people interested in the PS Vita and the potential customers it brings for Sony far outweighs anything else especially when it is just launching.

Such a narrow-minded approach to "why have this when they could do this" doesn't fly well in reality. What would you rather have? A couple of touched up stadiums to your liking, or a larger fan-base, more revenue, and the guarantee of having the game out next year due to sales and response? While it's not necessarily one or the other, it's easier to see which one has the higher priority.
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Old 01-16-2012, 06:14 PM   #29
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Video - Developer Walkthrough (PS Vita)

Originally Posted by khronikos
I really don't understand the priority on it tbh but I understand the need to sell Vita I guess just not with wasted priorities from the main PS3 team as there is already too much that needs to change in the Big version.
It's just that you don't *want* to understand why SCEA made Vita a priority, because you think you got the short end of stick (i.e., not working on grass color....).

It only makes sense that Vita was their priority. New platform, nearly as powerful as PS3, people can enjoy one of the most highly touted sport games exclusive to Sony, etc., etc...

I for one would rather see them work on Vita than grass colors.
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Old 01-16-2012, 06:19 PM   #30
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Video - Developer Walkthrough (PS Vita)

I'm glad they got rid of the player photos on the stat overlay. Now maybe people wont complain as much about the player photos as before.
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Old 01-16-2012, 07:19 PM   #31
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Video - Developer Walkthrough (PS Vita)

I've never been much of a mobile gamer, but I did own a Gameboy when I was a kid. That being said, I'm really looking forward to a Vita. I used to ask myself, when do these 20+ year olds have time to play a mobile system...or at least the ones like myself who drives everywhere. But lately I've been using my Epic 4g for gaming more often. Little situations where I know ahead of time where I'm about to be at a place where I have to wait for something..or a girl's place who doesn't own a system and she is cooking or taking a shower.

either way yeah I'm getting a Vita to keep in the trunk of my car at all times....I mean sure I'm going to bring it in the house as well, but I'll always have access to my type of entertainment when ever I want to.

I really want games like The Show, Madden, Fifa, etc on the go...but ONLY if it is similar to the console versions, which is why I believe the Vita has sparked my interest.
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Old 01-16-2012, 07:28 PM   #32
khronikos's Arena
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Video - Developer Walkthrough (PS Vita)

I understand the economic standpoint of the Vita. I own a full Move setup as well but I don't expect these guys to put in tons of time on it. I can understand that people want their games as I am finally excited that some decent sports games are coming to Move with great controls.

Coding another system is 5x more work, though.

I fully well know many people will use a Vita. I totally hope it is a success on a great level. But I also want The Show to continue to be dominant. Last year it was showing some signs of ageing and I have no idea about this year yet but it looks to be okay just not quite going to blow me away.

As far as increasing revenue and all that.... highly subjective. We don't even know how much Vita is going to sell right now. People have to have some major dollars hanging around. Great tech, etc..... and I will support it someday. I guess I am a little greedy in this situation because I know devs like the HD port guys do wonderful jobs themselves and The Show PS3 means a lot to me.

I guess it is a little like Pixar during Toy Story 2 when they took over their own project and wanted it done the right way.

To me grass should not have really been something that Vita would have killed anyway but that is another discussion....
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