
Back to the cage!!!!

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Old 03-24-2011, 11:58 AM   #1
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Back to the cage!!!!

ok so i haven't played any game in this series on a super regular basis since 08'. my plate discipline is gone completely. i should be much further in spring than i am however i have gotten completely frustrated with myself. i cant seem to lay off any pitch no matter where it is going. even when i can CLEARLY see that is is coming in on me or over my head, or even way outside... i just instictively swing at whatever is there.

just now in my first three swings in discipline hitting first one took for a ball. then the next two balls completely out of the zone on the outside and high just hacked like i was trying to kill it... i dont get it what is wrong with me...
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Old 03-24-2011, 12:26 PM   #2
DiddyGotGrillz's Arena
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Re: Back to the cage!!!!

I am right there with ya. Like in baseball, it usually starts when I try to hit a HR. When I first started playing RTTS I was batting like .380 until the all-star break with 18 HR's. Now, ever time I get up to bat I think I'm going to hit everything out of the park and finished the season batting like .320 (which is still good, but I couldn't hit CRAP after the all-star break.)
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Old 03-24-2011, 12:35 PM   #3
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Re: Back to the cage!!!!

I have the same problem, and it's so unbelievably frustrating. I can't ever recall being this frustrated with a video game period, let alone sports games which I'm usually pretty good at. I can't find a camera angle that works, the pitches all seem to come in at close to, if not the same speed, and I just don't feel like I have any time between when the pitch is released and when it reaches the catchers glove to read it and either swing or not swing. I know they're trying to emulate major leage baseball.......but we're not major league baseball players. And I really despise the thought of turning the difficulty all the way down, making it as easy as can be, etc, because I have absolutely NEVER had to do that with any game in my life. But I am really, really frustrated with the hitting in this game. I also bought MLB2K11 on the PC, and I absolutely do not have the same issue in that game. I mean sure I strike out sometimes, but I can actually read the pitches, lay off balls and take walks every once in a while, etc.
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Old 03-24-2011, 01:03 PM   #4
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Re: Back to the cage!!!!

THANK YOU for not blaming the game! Im with you. i swing at everything... though some games i see the ball better than others.
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Old 03-24-2011, 01:07 PM   #5
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Re: Back to the cage!!!!

I am right there with you too, I think I had a total of 2 walks in my entire first season.

I am getting a little bit better at it now, I guess fastball all the time on the first pitch and if it is not a fastball I try to take every time, because the majority of the time it is out of the strike zone.
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Old 03-24-2011, 01:08 PM   #6
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Re: Back to the cage!!!!

The cage for me too.
I struck out 21 times in my last game.
Couldn't hit a bull in the butt with a 2x4 right now.
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Old 03-24-2011, 01:16 PM   #7
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Re: Back to the cage!!!!

Well i believe i just found PART of my problem... i think it is time for a eye exam. how do i know this? well i haven't gotten new glasses in over 4 years. i noticed my left eye is my worst eye, yet i seem to be looking out if it more than my right (better eye with glasses on) so i did a small test. went into batting practice put up time out menu and tried to read the paragragh of words that describes what it does.

well with hand over good eye (right) with glasses on, i could see but not clearly read what it said. reversed the test and let good eye see it and could easily read it with glasses on. so for whatever reason my weaker eye (left) has become my dominate eye. this is not good at all as it is causing me major problems.

so i then did a self test, by covering my left eye with glasses on and just seeing out of my right eye and was able to hit better than with seeing with both eyes. so i think it is time for an eye exam and to def take my time when picking out a lens for my left eye no matter what it takes time wise.

that is the one reason that i hate going to the eye doctor is that they always seem to rush you when it comes to checking lens for your eyes.

"which one is better... one or two... one ... two.... one... two... "

"uh doc can you just let me see one for a min and let me compare it too the right one for a minute please so i can see if i can see out of each one eqaually please?"

that is what im going say to the next eye doctor is that exactly ... they are my freaking eyes and im no longer going to be rushed out of their office like a cattle herd being branded... i will stand for it no more... NO MORE!!!

well until i get my vision straightened out i guess i will have to suffer with this for a few hrs or whatever... days weeks whatever... lol... hey at least i figured out the problem.. some what... still cant tell a fastball from a off speed pitch that way but at least i can hit lol...
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Old 03-24-2011, 01:53 PM   #8
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Re: Back to the cage!!!!

as im again struggling in my latest round of batting practice recognition mode I'm thinking "hey wouldn't it be better if they had a better break down of all this.. ?'

like for the fact that we could have a mode in batting practice where several things happen.

1. have a mode for each pitch- during which if we chose to practice hitting 12-6 cb we could do so. not only that but make it possible to focus each pitch where we want to have it put. say upper middle, upper in, out or where ever. we get to decide where the ball will go for 20 pitches.

so if i wanted to say practice on off speed pitches down and in i could and have them all be strikes.

then have modes where you can gradually mix in other pitches from one more to all of them depending on how your feeling, and still be able to break down the zone YOU want to concentrate on hitting in.

once you feel you have mastered every pitch in every location being a strike, then there is the ultimate mode, have you bat in a simulated game type thing where all the pitches are thrown for balls and strikes in all locations.

i even feel that this would be better if it was controlled by the computer. like to get pass each mode or pitch or whatever you would have to have a 90-100% success rate with putting each pitch into play. (kinda like it is now but better)

so for example I'm practicing hitting 4-seam fastballs on the inner middle half of the plate but i cant reach my number of balls put into play that i need to have to progress to the next location or pitch or whatever i have to keep at it until it happens.

this is the batting practice we have to have in this game to make it as successful as possible. I myself would benefit from this stye of batting practice a great deal.

heck even thrown in a mode where you have one pitch type practice but they are all thrown for balls in one location. cause dumb asses like me aint going to let them all go and until we do just that (again must have a 90-100% passing rate) you have to keep doing that round of practice to prove you are ready and can take strikes from that pitch in that location.

SCEA are you LISTENING??? but of course you are because you are all the most dedicated, team of developers in the biz today. thank you for your time..
"Baseball is life, without Baseball life itself ceases to exist." - Ken Sprague
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