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Old 03-09-2011, 01:24 AM   #1
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I miss you Guess Pitch -Russell, you there?-

I've played 10 games so far, gave up on analog hitting when back to classic vet but I can't get more than 5 hits per game. Guess pitch doesn't work like last year so in the 10 games I've taken 3 balls total. Omg I miss the old guess pitch lol.*
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Last edited by Se7enth_Sinn; 03-10-2011 at 10:57 AM.
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Old 03-09-2011, 01:42 AM   #2
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Re: I miss you Guess Pitch :(

Learn to read the ball.

I used to use guess pitch all the time. However, I found that if I didn't use it, I would get a lot more walks and hits. It takes a bit but eventually I was able to tell if it's a slider vs. a cb vs. a 4SFB, etc. and once you can tell that you can determine if it's going in or out of the strike zone. For example the 12-curve arcs a ton so if you can learn to recognize it's distinctive arcing from the pitcher's hand you can know whether to take it or swing. For example, if the pitch starts very high and has a curve to it, it's likely for a strike. If it seems to be heading towards the strike zone it's likely heading right below it.

Of course, good pitchers mix stuff up or set you up and you'll be all tied up at times but hey, that's baseball.
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Old 03-09-2011, 01:44 AM   #3
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Re: I miss you Guess Pitch :(

I always turned off guess pitch. Makes it like real hitting. I mean if you're going to guess fastball, guess fastball. You don't need to press a button to guess. It's just something you see and react to.

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Old 03-09-2011, 02:16 AM   #4
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Re: I miss you Guess Pitch :(

How is guess pitch different? Seems the same to me as last year.
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Old 03-09-2011, 02:21 AM   #5
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Re: I miss you Guess Pitch :(

I was always opposed to the sticks for batting but it seem sto work well for me this year. With our without guess pitch (actually do better without it most of the time). Only problem is its hard to tell the depth of the ball sometimes, so you don't know if its going to drop or not. Wish I had a 3D tv for that :P
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Old 03-09-2011, 02:34 AM   #6
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Re: I miss you Guess Pitch :(

Originally Posted by BwanaKuu
Learn to read the ball.

I used to use guess pitch all the time. However, I found that if I didn't use it, I would get a lot more walks and hits. It takes a bit but eventually I was able to tell if it's a slider vs. a cb vs. a 4SFB, etc. and once you can tell that you can determine if it's going in or out of the strike zone. For example the 12-curve arcs a ton so if you can learn to recognize it's distinctive arcing from the pitcher's hand you can know whether to take it or swing. For example, if the pitch starts very high and has a curve to it, it's likely for a strike. If it seems to be heading towards the strike zone it's likely heading right below it.

Of course, good pitchers mix stuff up or set you up and you'll be all tied up at times but hey, that's baseball.
I've finally abandoned guess pitch after using it every other year, and I actually feel like I am better at the game without it. Makes you actually pay attention to the pitch and not just sit on whatever you guessed.

That 12-6 curve can be the hardest pitch to wait back on, but if you do...it usually has 10th Row written all over it.
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Old 03-09-2011, 02:34 AM   #7
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Re: I miss you Guess Pitch :(

gp is the same unless i was doing something wrong all these years....
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Old 03-09-2011, 02:43 AM   #8
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Re: I miss you Guess Pitch :(

Originally Posted by FreAk47
I've finally abandoned guess pitch after using it every other year, and I actually feel like I am better at the game without it. Makes you actually pay attention to the pitch and not just sit on whatever you guessed.

That 12-6 curve can be the hardest pitch to wait back on, but if you do...it usually has 10th Row written all over it.

yeah but what if you use gp to force the pitch you want ? to make this simple, lets say we are in the situation where the obvious pitch location is down and inside. you guess down and inside knowing that the cpu is expecting you to guess this location. however you are expecting this.

the pitch is coming and you are now aiming your pci away since you know the location is not inside.

ive played alot of games with gp on and off, i prefer it on because i think the game is better when its on with no feedback. it really feels like you can get inside the pitchers head and make him throw bad pitches.
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