
MLB 11 The Show Hands-On Impressions, CES 2011 (dmbfan1970)

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Old 01-09-2011, 09:57 PM   #177
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Re: MLB 11 The Show Hands-On Impressions, CES 2011 (dmbfan1970)

Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Red means error..........most of the time..............well that depends on the player you are using if he is a good enough fielder your throw may just be offline (yellow throw) this works vice versa as well. You can pre-load a green throw with a terrible fielder and his ratings might be low enough to move it into the offline range.

Onto your second comment playing baseball with a controller and buttons isn't realistic either but this is a video game.

Analog fielding takes into account many factors its not just the player ratings and your input. We dynamically look at the route you are taking to the ball how fast you are running etc.............................. from there the game will que up one of the 30,000 animations in the game for a throw.

I'll explain this more when the guys get here because we could talk about the changes and additions to fielding all day. I'll get Brian to stop by since he can explain it way better than I can.

But I will leave you all with this nugget of info along with all the fielding ratings being re-written. We have cataloged all the fielding animations in the game and broken them up into tiers. For instance there is a gold glove tier if you will. Meaning only players with extremely high fielding ratings have access to these animations. If he doesn't have the ratings the player can't que up these special animations web gem type animations.
Fantastic stuff here!
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Old 01-09-2011, 11:22 PM   #178
kt-od's Arena
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Re: MLB 11 The Show Hands-On Impressions, CES 2011 (dmbfan1970)

Been reading through this thread, and I'm liking what I have been reading. One question though. So, as I understand it, and correct me if I'm wrong, but retractable roofs are out this year?

Last edited by kt-od; 01-09-2011 at 11:33 PM.
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Old 01-09-2011, 11:23 PM   #179
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Re: MLB 11 The Show Hands-On Impressions, CES 2011 (dmbfan1970)

I sure do like the sound of higher tiers having more defensive animations than slower tiers. Sounds like they really reworked the defensive-side of the game, can't wait!
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Old 01-09-2011, 11:27 PM   #180
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Re: MLB 11 The Show Hands-On Impressions, CES 2011 (dmbfan1970)

Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Red means error..........most of the time..............well that depends on the player you are using if he is a good enough fielder your throw may just be offline (yellow throw) this works vice versa as well. You can pre-load a green throw with a terrible fielder and his ratings might be low enough to move it into the offline range.

Onto your second comment playing baseball with a controller and buttons isn't realistic either but this is a video game.

Analog fielding takes into account many factors its not just the player ratings and your input. We dynamically look at the route you are taking to the ball how fast you are running etc.............................. from there the game will que up one of the 30,000 animations in the game for a throw.

I'll explain this more when the guys get here because we could talk about the changes and additions to fielding all day. I'll get Brian to stop by since he can explain it way better than I can.

But I will leave you all with this nugget of info along with all the fielding ratings being re-written. We have cataloged all the fielding animations in the game and broken them up into tiers. For instance there is a gold glove tier if you will. Meaning only players with extremely high fielding ratings have access to these animations. If he doesn't have the ratings the player can't que up these special animations web gem type animations.
That sounds great. Thanks for the info.
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Old 01-09-2011, 11:57 PM   #181
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Re: MLB 11 The Show Hands-On Impressions, CES 2011 (dmbfan1970)

Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
But I will leave you all with this nugget of info along with all the fielding ratings being re-written. We have cataloged all the fielding animations in the game and broken them up into tiers. For instance there is a gold glove tier if you will. Meaning only players with extremely high fielding ratings have access to these animations. If he doesn't have the ratings the player can't que up these special animations web gem type animations.
It's stuff like this that keeps me coming back several times a day to see if there is anything new!
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Old 01-10-2011, 12:50 AM   #182
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Re: DMB day @ CES '11. Hands on.

Originally Posted by Blzer
Oh also, how do you pitch in accordance to height? I noticed you mentioned locating inside and outside, but is there a way to try and aim high or low?

Underthrow and overthrow is determined when you press up on the right analog stick. If you hit the yellow line dead on your pitch is going to to be pretty much where you placed it. (Of course ratings, fatigue and pitch control all play a factor in this. Now if you miss the line low your pitch will dip down into the strike zone if you miss high your pitch will rise in the strike zone.
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Old 01-10-2011, 12:53 AM   #183
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Re: MLB 11 The Show Hands-On Impressions, CES 2011 (dmbfan1970)

Originally Posted by hitstreak13

Do you know if balks will occur if the pitcher does not come to a complete stop? I know some players simply like to choose their pitch and rush their delivery without comming to a complete stop.

Or, are balks simply going to happen when you are attempting to pick someone off?

Thank you for your review by the way. Excellent work.

We only have the balk where you don't let your pitcher set it prevents you from quick pitching.
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Old 01-10-2011, 01:01 AM   #184
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Re: MLB 11 The Show Hands-On Impressions, CES 2011 (dmbfan1970)

Originally Posted by AtlBraves09
- No, it will be done primarily the same way it was last year, while you did move the pci, you were still able to hit the ball outside the pci solidly. With analog hitting, there is no pci to speak of, there are hitter tendencies and timing. if you are late on a high fastball, its either a swing and miss or a pop up. If you time a low pitch well it will result in a line drive or ground ball with occasional fly balls or homeruns depending on the hitters ability to handle low pitches. It isnt random at all, it is based mostly on the user's ability to correctly time the pitch and swing in the quadrant the pitch is being thrown in. For righties: Inside, move the swing stick up and to the left. Middle move it straight up. Outside, move it up and to the right. Its all about timing...

PCI is there for all options you can even turn it on for analog. You are correct " high fastball and your late most likely a pop up". High and low is not random at all. B Ma looks at the attributes for the batter, your stride timing, your timing for contact, and how close you are to swinging at the pitch. It isn't three zones either (left, center, right) its just much easier to digest if we explain it this way. Its actually about 100 of them we know where you swing the bat within a degree. Just because you swing to the right and the ball is thrown to the right doesn't mean you will make contact with the ball you can still swing over a ball even if your swinging in the correct direction.
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