
Should I relent and buy a PS3 for The Show?

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Old 02-16-2010, 01:49 AM   #1
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Should I relent and buy a PS3 for The Show?

Pretty simple question...

I know some of you might say, "Do what you want," and ultimately I will, but I've bought 2K for the past two years and have been completely disappointed. No surprise there.

I want a good playing video game pretty bad. I don't have a whole lot of time for video games (work, new house, and my first child on the way), but baseball games have always been my favorite. I look at screenshots and videos of The Show, and I am just blown away. I can't believe this is what I am missing out on.

2K10 does look improved, but it's one of those things where you think that a turd can be polished, but in the end, it's still a turd. That's what I fear with 2K10. I think they have made strides and 2K10 will be better than 2K9, but then again, how could it not? Many people felt 2K9 was one of the worst sports games ever made.

I really only play sports games.

Is this game as good as the hype? Probably a dumb question, I know... I just want a baseball game that is realistic and one that I can enjoy.
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Old 02-16-2010, 02:02 AM   #2
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Re: Should I relent and buy a PS3 for The Show?

This game is as good as the hype. I wouldn't ever pay $359.98 + tax for one game, but PS3 does so much more as well, and MLB '11: The Show will be out next year as well.

Basically, you can guarantee yourself a great game of baseball if you're on the PS3 every year, even if that means 2K catching up in a couple of years as well. But The Show will continue its promise as long as it has the same people heading it, because it only improves upon what it has built, which is fantastic.

I think the greatest thing about the PS3 though is that there are some great games out there that will convert you beyond sports games, plus Blu-ray obviously. I think that for about $500, you'll find your niche with the system for the next year.
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Old 02-16-2010, 02:07 AM   #3
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Re: Should I relent and buy a PS3 for The Show?

You've said multiple times in the 2K forum that you were pretty optimistic about that game...now you're in this forum basically calling it a polished turd. You don't need to talk the other game up or down to make your point or get your question answered.

I'll just say that if you do a search there will be plenty of other threads created asking just this very question that you can probably find answers in. If you can afford it, then it's basically a question of the value you place on video game baseball. If you can't afford it, the answer should be obvious!
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Old 02-16-2010, 02:10 AM   #4
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Re: Should I relent and buy a PS3 for The Show?

I was in the same boat a couple of years ago, man. I was more of a PC gamer but my itch for a great baseball game was too much. I also wanted to make the switch for Blu Ray as well, and never looked back once I made the jump.

I have also been fortunate to check out other great games too, which wasn't just MLB The Show. Both Uncharted games, Metal Gear Solid 4, Demon's Souls, the NHL and FIFA series, and several others.

So all in all, you're not just paying for one game...it's a pretty solid media center.
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Old 02-16-2010, 02:10 AM   #5
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Re: Should I relent and buy a PS3 for The Show?

I had bought a PS3 a couple of years ago, and rarely played it, so I sold it to my friend. I didn't think I would want to play MLB The Show that badly when I sold it. But playing it at a friends house the other night made me realize what a stupid decision I made. Woke up this morning and went to Best Buy and bought me a new PS3. Can't wait for the game, it's going to be unbelievable. I would definitely recommend a PS3 purchase if you think you have the extra cash and the time to play it. Hope you can get one, and you enjoy it.
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Old 02-16-2010, 02:11 AM   #6
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Re: Should I relent and buy a PS3 for The Show?

If you're a busy person, with a child on the way, and don't really play games a whole lot, then I'd say no. I can think of a hundred better ways you can spend $400 dollars.

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Old 02-16-2010, 02:12 AM   #7
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Re: Should I relent and buy a PS3 for The Show?

yes you should buy it. and for me, so far it has been ps3 price + 2 games. (08 the show and 09 the show) in less than a month it will be ps3 price plus 3 games.
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Old 02-16-2010, 02:13 AM   #8
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Re: Should I relent and buy a PS3 for The Show?

Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
You've said multiple times in the 2K forum that you were pretty optimistic about that game...now you're in this forum basically calling it a polished turd. You don't need to talk the other game up or down to make your point or get your question answered.

I'll just say that if you do a search there will be plenty of other threads created asking just this very question that you can probably find answers in. If you can afford it, then it's basically a question of the value you place on video game baseball. If you can't afford it, the answer should be obvious!
I didn't say it was a polished turd... I said that what's I fear it will be. I hope that I am wrong. I am optimistic after reading some previews and seeing some screenshots, but I recall feeling the same way last year as well and was let down.

2K has once again been pretty quiet with details. No gameplay videos yet... Nothing of real substance released by them. I've always called it a cautious optimism, not an optimism that I am exactly confident about.
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