03-27-2009, 05:52 AM
Put your "wishlist" things HERE (even though it's too late for The Show '10)
I know some may think this is premature, but it's never too early to look forward to improving next years title. We can get this started now, get the devs involved, and get ready for next years title.
First off, I'd like to say that MLB 09 The Show is a great game. It's one of, if not the best professional sports game I've ever played. I'm a sports fanatic, but I don't usually tend to be a die hard fan of baseball. I like and enjoy watching it, and I follow pretty closely, but I'm not the MLBs biggest fan. Even so, this game has me hooked, and I can't put put down. Although it's an excellent game, it's not yet perfect. So let's go Show fans, lets throw our ideas out here and help the SCEA devs to create an even better Baseball Sim.
1. Collision detection. It's hard to believe that with all the attention to details placed in this title that the the collision detection is sort of bad. Not a major flaw, but it def needs to be worked on.
2. Add WBBL teams. On some of the next gen basktball games you have the option to play with some of the olympic teams. It'd be nice if we could have the World Baseball Classic teams added.
3. I like the equipment options on this game, however I believe it can be pushed even more. Let's have the option to choose what color we want our arm bands and such to be. Also, if SCEA is capable of it, let's try and get a deal with Nike, Under Armor, and Reebok, to add their cleats in the game. It'd be nice to have the option to choose between multiple brands and variations of cleats, as well as an option to change the colors.
It'd also be nice to have the option to head gear such as Du Rags, and wave caps, and bandannas that players tend to wear. Kind of like Mannys.
Not really a big deal, but a lot of players wear chains and ear rings during games. I'd also like the option to add and remove those.
4. Let's further improve the commentary. The commentary's good, but it can be further improved.
5. The Presentation on this game is excellent imo, but let's further push it if possible. Maybe somehow, we can get some type of ESPN involvement in the game with top plays, and Baseball tonight shows during Franchise. I don't know, there's many things that can be done.
6. I'm not exactly familiar with it, but I believe there's a Uphoria Engine or something of the sort that further improves animations as far as fluidity is concerned. The animations in this game are great, but if this can push the game to the next limit, then why not add it?
7. Further improve upon player specific styles.
That's all I can think of at the moment.
I know some of my request seem nit picky and such but there's so much that can be done with these systems, and although this game is great, there's more things that can be done to make this game perfect. I don't want this to be a thread that bashes the game, I just want everyones opinion on what they think can make the game better.
So what do you guys want to see in next years title?