
Speed in RttS

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Old 04-24-2009, 10:38 AM   #1
OVR: 1
Join Date: Apr 2009
Speed in RttS

I love the Road to the Show mode. My favorite aspect is the feeling that anything could happen that nothing is at all scripted. Like the other day I used power swing on a ball in the dirt and the bat flies out of my hands. Just awesome.

One complaint though is that speed is an upgradable ability just like any other. Does this make any sense? Can you imagine David Ortiz using the training points he gets from hitting homers to become as fast as Jose Reyes?

With speed you either have it or you don't. The only way speed really changes over time is you progressively lose a little bit of your speed as you get older.

I would have made speed a static ability that is unchanging over time and is set when you create your character. You can set you speed at 99 if you want, but you would have to make up that 99 from some combination of either your fielding, power, etc. That way you can create a fast player who is weaker in other areas or a slower player who has more of a head start in other attributes. This would have been a more realistic and interesting design choice.

Other attributes work this way too. Durability is one. My RttS player is about as brittle as an 80-year-old woman at the beginning. I had a broken leg and a broken shin early in my career. This is simply because the durability rating starts very low and must be upgraded over time. This is simply not how real life works. Cal Ripken was durable from day one, some players like Nomar just aren't durable, etc.

Just some suggestions/improvements... Anyone else share/disagree with these thoughts?
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Old 04-24-2009, 11:18 AM   #2
OVR: 7
Join Date: Apr 2008
Re: Speed in RttS

Originally Posted by major_applewhite
I love the Road to the Show mode. My favorite aspect is the feeling that anything could happen that nothing is at all scripted. Like the other day I used power swing on a ball in the dirt and the bat flies out of my hands. Just awesome.

One complaint though is that speed is an upgradable ability just like any other. Does this make any sense? Can you imagine David Ortiz using the training points he gets from hitting homers to become as fast as Jose Reyes?

With speed you either have it or you don't. The only way speed really changes over time is you progressively lose a little bit of your speed as you get older.

I would have made speed a static ability that is unchanging over time and is set when you create your character. You can set you speed at 99 if you want, but you would have to make up that 99 from some combination of either your fielding, power, etc. That way you can create a fast player who is weaker in other areas or a slower player who has more of a head start in other attributes. This would have been a more realistic and interesting design choice.

Other attributes work this way too. Durability is one. My RttS player is about as brittle as an 80-year-old woman at the beginning. I had a broken leg and a broken shin early in my career. This is simply because the durability rating starts very low and must be upgraded over time. This is simply not how real life works. Cal Ripken was durable from day one, some players like Nomar just aren't durable, etc.

Just some suggestions/improvements... Anyone else share/disagree with these thoughts?
Well I don't agree with static attributes, but I would like they to have a limit if how much they improve, for example to have 99 Speed you should begin with at least 80 Speed, and even with that it should be hard to reach 99. If you begin with 25 Power your max limit should be 50, there are others that could increase more like P. Vision, Discipline, BR Ability. Durability is a tricky one, because sometimes players are very healthy athletes, then they suffer some big injury and they never recover their durability again or sometimes they do.
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