
MLB '09: The Show Review

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Old 03-09-2009, 01:14 PM   #121
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If The Show is only about simulation offline then why attempt to make the game playable online. From your answers it seems as though i'm expecting to much.

I guess It's my fault for expecting a great baseball game that I can play against a human being online. It's only 2009. I guess I'll have to wait for the next next generation of sports games to fulfill that need.

The reason the game is broke online has nothing to do with it being a simulation or not. That argument is pointless.

The great simulation is there. It's just being destroyed by lag. When you look on the box of The Show it says it has online play. I guess spending 60 bucks on a game and expecting online play is just to much to ask. I'm glad I didn't.

A simulation is great. Your excuses for online being broken are silly.
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Old 03-09-2009, 02:16 PM   #122
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This game is great. However, I feel like the hitting is a tad bit to touchy. It seems like pitches that should be drives to gaps are not always happening. I was playing with Boston v. Twins last night, Bottom 9 man on 1st and 3rd, 1 out 3-2 score (I'm losing) Varitek at bat. They threw a 90 mph fastball down the middle of the plate and I pop out to the pitcher. After looking at the swing analysis it said I was perfect timing and wheelhouse swing and right in middle of the egg. Safe to say I was a little pissed. But this seems to be happening more often than not. I just feel like they tried to make this part a little to touchy.
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Old 03-09-2009, 02:32 PM   #123
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I can't understand how someone can give this game a 9.5 and call it the best sports game ever, while acknowledging so many flaws.
The online is a mess. How about a bat sticking to the players forearm like a syringe. How about the twitchy mess that a check swing provides. How about the players walking and running right through each other many many times per game. What about the fact that if a batter guesses the correct pitch type, the pitcher DOESN'T HAVE TO MAKE THE PITCH. The meter disappears. Why are the developers removing the pitch meter at that point? Why can I see the opponents pitch meter when I am batting. Why are you giving the player 5 minutes to pause the game as many times as he wants? Why can't I make a change on my own when he is paused? Why do the announcers sound like they are talking to kindergarten kids. Why can't we pitch from the mound? Why are you showing me a close up of the hitter when some home runs are hit. Why is there a bullseye target at the wall on some home runs that are not even possible to jump catch? Why can someone dive around the field over and over like a ****** and not get injured or drop the ball? Can you also explain why there is a depth of field option in replay mode that does nothing when it's clicked. Has anyone gotten that to actually create the depth of field effect??
Want to pinch hit for your pitcher in an online game? Forget that and guessing pitches if you're playing someone who fires pitches so fast you're not even able to bring up the pinch hitter menu. It took less than a week for people to figure out how to exploit this and keep you from doing those essential things.
9.5??? Are you serious?

Last edited by allgames; 03-09-2009 at 02:40 PM.
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Old 03-09-2009, 03:03 PM   #124
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Yes he is serious, and he's right......
I never had a sports game where I had to strategize at every pitch and sit and wait for the right pitch to come or a will be hitting a dribbler to the pitcher. When you actually can feel the tension of the ball coming to the plate….that my friend is impressive. I have never experienced a baseball video game that is so life-like in the pitcher/batter dual. I recently went 4 games in a row without me or the computer hitting a homerun and having to manufacturer every run that I did get….that is exciting and very realistic compared to the homerun arcade fests of just about every other baseball game ever made. I think a true baseball fan would be willing to acknowledge that and the people here who have played the game of baseball for real can appreciate how they nailed it.

On pure gameplay alone this game deserves a 10, I have played just about every baseball game out there since good ol’ Earl and nothing has ever come close to capturing the authenticity of the sport. I haven’t played online nor do I intend to, that’s not what I purchased it for. You can get lost in the Franchise and RTTS to keep you busy for the next couple of years. That aside the gameplay is what keeps most people coming back for more and nobody has ever done it better then this game has. It absolutely deserves every bit of that 9.5.

By the way Chris, great review….and thanks for the batting tip! You were right, by pushing the slider for pitch speed to it’s max I am already hitting better, the timing feels a lot like it did last year after making the change. Thanks!
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Old 03-09-2009, 03:19 PM   #125
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Another apologist who thinks the review should be for a single player only experience where you have to adjust sliders to get it to behave properly.
The game isn't sold for single player and then they add in online as some kind of freebie that doesn't deserve critique.
That's like buying a car and finding out it won't go over 60 and the trunk only opens some of the time. Just because you drive 55 and don't use the trunk doesn't mean the car deserves a perfect review score from a real critic.
Sorry but you seem to dismiss some things that are part of the software package these developers sold to customers.
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Old 03-09-2009, 03:29 PM   #126
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Re: MLB '09: The Show Review

Wow...you might as well just return the game then....if you can't appreciate this game for what it is and how well it captures the sport then you should go grab a copy of the arcade game created by 2K...I hear their online home run fest plays very smoothly.
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Old 03-09-2009, 03:35 PM   #127
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Originally Posted by Jamin23
the commentary is not better than mlb 2k9 I'm not trying to start a war. I haven't played either game but from watching the videos of both games I think 2k9 has the better commentary, but the commentary is still great in this game from what I have heard and from playing 08 on psp
I agree completely, and I'm a Show fan. MLB 2k9 announcers are much better in real life, and in the game.
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Old 03-09-2009, 03:47 PM   #128
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Re: MLB '09: The Show Review

Originally Posted by allgames
Another apologist who thinks the review should be for a single player only experience where you have to adjust sliders to get it to behave properly.
The game isn't sold for single player and then they add in online as some kind of freebie that doesn't deserve critique.
That's like buying a car and finding out it won't go over 60 and the trunk only opens some of the time. Just because you drive 55 and don't use the trunk doesn't mean the car deserves a perfect review score from a real critic.
Sorry but you seem to dismiss some things that are part of the software package these developers sold to customers.
Apologist, for a video game review? Lighten up. He explained his review quite well and the reason for it. You disagree. Made your point. People disagree with you. And please stop the $20,000.00 car analogies that fall apart after warranty, lol.
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