
CHdaughter Human HOF Hitting Slider Set 2010

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Old 07-24-2010, 07:20 PM   #1
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CHdaughter Human HOF Hitting Slider Set 2010

All right everyone.

For those that are hitting too well with my All Star set, I've built the following one (although that set plays phenomenally, my BA's were much too high). After spending the last few weeks wrapping up the HOF set, I made a a startling development, the difficulty levels (ie. Pitching Difficulty/Hitting Difficulty) go for both the HUM and CPU.

After moving up to HOF hitting (and finalizing my set) I was dominating the CPU from the mound. Least to say, I was perplexed. I started to look at the CPU contact/timing (L3) and noticed that they weren't getting hits because their vision (PCI) was missing the ball. (basically the CPU was missing with their L stick) Startled, I started changing the Hitting Difficulty to All Star when the CPU was at bat, and moved back to HOF when I was at bat. Problem solved.

So, to recap. I am hitting on HOF, but when the CPU is at bat, I change the hitting difficulty to All Star for the CPU. Pitching stays on HOF throughout.

Here are my Human Hall of Fame hitting sliders. I need to point out that I am NOT using the L Stick, but using power swing and swing influence.

Note: I changed increased fielding errors to 7. A few other global changes as well.

Using KNIGHT's V2 Rosters
, and my Franchise File located here:


Hitting Difficulty: Hall of Fame (HOF)
Pitching Difficulty: Hall of Fame (HOF)


Contact: 3
Power: 7
Timing: 5
Fouls: 6
Solid Hits: 5
Starter Stamina: 5
Reliever Stamina: 2
Pitcher Control: 4
Pitcher Consistency: 4

CPU (needs to hit on All Star for these to work properly)

Contact: 5
Power: 7
Timing: 5
Fouls: 5
Solid Hits: 5
Starter Stamina: 5
Reliever Stamina: 2
Pitcher Control: 5
Pitcher Consistency: 5
Strike Frequency: 2
Manager Hook: 6
Pickoffs: 2


Pitch Speed: 4
Fielding Errors: 7
Throwing Errors: 7
Fielder Run Speed: 2
Fielder Reaction: 7
Fielder Arm Strength: 4
Baserunner Speed: 5
Baserunner Steal Ability: 5
Baserunner Steal Frequency: 6
Wind: 4
Injury Frequency: 5

Pitch Interface: Meter
Guess Pitch: Off
Baserunning Control: Classic
Auto Baserunning: Assist
Batting View: Catcher
Pitching View: Catcher
Swing Influence: ON
Pitch Confidence: ON
Fielding Assist: Assist
Auto Throwing: OFF
Auto Sliding: Assist
Pitch Callout: Full
Pitching Ball Marker: Fade
Plate Coverage Indicator: OFF
Swing/Pitch Indicator: ON
Runner Windows: ON
Strike Zone: OFF
Hot Zones: OFF
Tag Up Indicator: ON
Catch Region Indicator: ON
Catch Position Indicator: ON
Rob HR Indicator: ON
Vibration: ON
Warm Up Pitchers: OFF
API: Default
Umpire Appeals: OFF

Last edited by coreyhartsdaughter; 08-29-2010 at 04:36 PM.
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Old 07-24-2010, 07:48 PM   #2
Heroesandvillains's Arena
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Re: CHdaughter Human HOF Hitting Slider Set 2010


Okay, I thought I was becoming a stud lately on the mound (using CHD's pitching set while hitting on Legend), but if this is true about switching difficulty levels...

Well, let's just say this would be a MAJOR development.

I know this forum, or the All-Star one I mean, has always been pretty self sufficient, but under the circumstances, does anyone else agree that this theory should also go into the general discussion forum?

We can't be the only players to use a sliders set, or default set for that matter, decide things are getting too easy, and bump hitting up a level. Surely some other members on this forum would have noticed this.

That said, I just pitched my first back-to-back shutouts ever! So maybe this has some legs...

Can anyone else chime in here? I'd like to try to get some concensus on this. Not to judge any one, because I'm not doubting whatsoever what you've seen CHD, but I have a hard time believing this to be anything more than a coincedence. Otherwise, wouldn't this be all over OS? People complain about any and everything in MLB 10 they find to be unusual.
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Old 07-25-2010, 06:54 PM   #3
I can't feel it
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Re: CHdaughter Human HOF Hitting Slider Set 2010

Well, if this is true it would definitely explain why I've been dominating cpu hitters ever since I moved to legend hitting...

I actually tried a few games with both hitting and pitching on legend, and yikes. I was hoping that the increased pitching difficulty would help compensate, but it just felt all wrong. I actually won two of three games like this, but I was having serious issues getting strike outs. Plus the cpu was just getting a ton of hits.

I guess I'm going to stick with Legend Hitting/HOF Pitching. Hopefully I'll be able to beef up the cpu enough to make up for the Legend hitting difficulty, because I really don't want to have to resort to switching difficulties ever half inning.
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Old 07-26-2010, 11:22 AM   #4
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Re: CHdaughter Human HOF Hitting Slider Set 2010

When changing the cpu from HOF hitting to ALLstar; when the cpu is at the plate do the following:

Add Guess Pitch to the gameplay, then switch to become the cpu (switch sides) and test the guess pitch. If the cpu can only guess pitch 4 sides instead of 8 (HOF) the the cpu is indeed hitting on allstar.

The problem is I forgot to test it. I Also forgot to change the allstar back to HOF when I was up at the plate and walked 3X and scored 4 runs before I realized I was playing on AS! (lol)

This leads me to state why are walks scarce on HOF? CHD, I am not seeing ball 4 on 3-2 counts like i did on AS. Do we need to raise cpu control to 6? (uuuggg....let's make hitting even harder)
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Old 07-26-2010, 03:50 PM   #5
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Re: CHdaughter Human HOF Hitting Slider Set 2010

Originally Posted by pberardi
When changing the cpu from HOF hitting to ALLstar; when the cpu is at the plate do the following:

Add Guess Pitch to the gameplay, then switch to become the cpu (switch sides) and test the guess pitch. If the cpu can only guess pitch 4 sides instead of 8 (HOF) the the cpu is indeed hitting on allstar.

The problem is I forgot to test it. I Also forgot to change the allstar back to HOF when I was up at the plate and walked 3X and scored 4 runs before I realized I was playing on AS! (lol)

This leads me to state why are walks scarce on HOF? CHD, I am not seeing ball 4 on 3-2 counts like i did on AS. Do we need to raise cpu control to 6? (uuuggg....let's make hitting even harder)
Weird, because my OBP is insane (I rank 5th in the league in walks). I'm batting .270 through 12 games, (up 20 points against WAS series) but about 1/2 of my starting lineup has an OBP at or over .400. Maybe my patience is just on right now for whatever reason.
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Old 07-26-2010, 04:59 PM   #6
Heroesandvillains's Arena
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Re: CHdaughter Human HOF Hitting Slider Set 2010

Okay, I've read and re-read everything, but I just can't seem to wrap my head around it. Ugh, time for a coffee...fortunately I work at a coffee shop!

How exactly would changing "hitting difficulty" to HOF effect the CPU's batters eye? If toggling hitting difficulty did indeed apply to which ever side was at the plate, the user or the CPU, wouldn't HOF hitting make the CPU better?

I thought this was why SCEA introduced the new option. Isn't "pitching difficulty" the setting to influence the CPU?

Would anyone object to me bringing this into general discussion? Maybe the franchise file or some global setting is the culprit? Someone else has to have noticed this, like Knight. I don't know about you guys, but I've seen this too and it really bothers me.
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Old 07-26-2010, 05:54 PM   #7
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Re: CHdaughter Human HOF Hitting Slider Set 2010

So I have changed my sliders to match the ones here...but my question is what do I do for the "game options" area? What should the hitting and pitching difficulty be for these?
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Old 07-26-2010, 06:47 PM   #8
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Re: CHdaughter Human HOF Hitting Slider Set 2010

Originally Posted by heroesandvillians
Okay, I've read and re-read everything, but I just can't seem to wrap my head around it. Ugh, time for a coffee...fortunately I work at a coffee shop!

How exactly would changing "hitting difficulty" to HOF effect the CPU's batters eye? If toggling hitting difficulty did indeed apply to which ever side was at the plate, the user or the CPU, wouldn't HOF hitting make the CPU better?

I thought this was why SCEA introduced the new option. Isn't "pitching difficulty" the setting to influence the CPU?

Would anyone object to me bringing this into general discussion? Maybe the franchise file or some global setting is the culprit? Someone else has to have noticed this, like Knight. I don't know about you guys, but I've seen this too and it really bothers me.
No. Increasing the difficulties makes it harder.

It's not that it effects the batters eye, the PCI location is the same (the CPU knowing where to put the PCI would be the CPU contact slider) but the result of the CPU not putting the PCI on the ball is what changes. (just as it does for HUM playing HOF vs. All Star.)

Because the CPU moves the PCI every pitch, they can't hit well if the difficulty level demands that the ball needs to be within or closer to the PCI (L stick). I invite you to try it out.

Just as pitching on HOF is harder (more deviation, AI better at learning patterns, etc.), increasing the hitting makes hitting harder. In effect, they actually work together. So that if both difficulties were on HOF, the CPU needs better contact to hit, but it is also harder for the HUM to strike the CPU out (AI) and to a lesser degree locate pitches.

On the flip side, the CPU pitching on HOF vs. All Star is smarter in their pitching stratedgy. What's weird however, is that by turning hitting to HOF from All Star it almost seems like the CPU gets smarter as well? I could be totally wrong in this, but something ain't right.

I must have played over 200 innings testing this. I didn't want to post it without really leaving nothing to change Yet, there is no way I went from a 4.50 ERA team to a 1.50 ERA team.

The only reason I didn't 'go with it' and change the sliders to accommodate the CPU hitting on HOF, was that I felt so good with the All Star pitching sliders/relationship. So in effect, I change the difficulty ever half inning, and it seems to be working perfectly.
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