
MLB 2K11 Perfect Game Challenge Winner Announced, Brian Kingrey Wins $1 Million

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Old 05-27-2011, 10:27 AM   #9
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Re: MLB 2K11 Perfect Game Challenge Winner Announced, Brian Kingrey Wins $1 Million

Originally Posted by Chef Matt
We're too busy tweaking sliders, changing rosters, and editing players for us to get this before some yahoo, who doesn't even care about sports, wins it.
This is more than likely the answer. We're more concerned about realism.

I did take a few stabs at the contest but didn't come anywhere close to registering a perfect game. I don't know how he did it with default sliders pre-patch.
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Old 06-15-2018, 02:31 PM   #10
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Hi, I am new here and wanted to say hi and ask a question.

I'm relatively new to Xbox 360 and I am 62, I have bought in the past years PS3, Xbox 360 ( 2 times ) PS4 all new with all new games costing $59.99 and up I think each time I had 10 to 15 games. I never really could get into anything except the sports games like hockey and golf and tried the maddens games. Well each time I took a huge loss ( yes I must be a bit slow......lol )

I got the itch again for hockey and golf so this time I was going to be the one who got the deal instead of losing my shorts each time.

I got an Xbox 360 with about 20 games for 2 wireless controllers and other extras for about $110

One game I am really enjoying is MLB 2K11, I even looked for a newer one and was going to buy it but all reviews of the last 2K and it was 2K13, it was reviewed as a very poor game and the 2K11 rated almost double the score than 2K13 so I just said I will stick with the 2K11.

I heard that there are people who do roster updates on here, I was wondering if there is an update for MLB 2K11 and if so how far (As in what year ) does it update the rosters too.

If anyone replies remember I don't know anything about how these updates are done so as many details as you can provide me the better.

Thank you very much!
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Old 06-15-2018, 07:09 PM   #11
GreenLightning's Arena
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Re: MLB 2K11 Perfect Game Challenge Winner Announced, Brian Kingrey Wins $1 Million

If you can find 13 for the 360 cheap buy it. I still play 11 12 and 13 prefer 13 even with the new pitching wrinkle they added which I can live without. The guys did an outstanding job keeping 13 alive with the roster and attribute updates.
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Old 06-21-2018, 11:32 PM   #12
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Re: MLB 2K11 Perfect Game Challenge Winner Announced, Brian Kingrey Wins $1 Million

Any review I read about 2k13 says it sucks. can you explain the wrinkle you mentioned?
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Old 06-24-2018, 06:25 PM   #13
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Re: MLB 2K11 Perfect Game Challenge Winner Announced, Brian Kingrey Wins $1 Million

Originally Posted by e_a_g_l_e_p_i
Hi, I am new here and wanted to say hi and ask a question.

I'm relatively new to Xbox 360 and I am 62, I have bought in the past years PS3, Xbox 360 ( 2 times ) PS4 all new with all new games costing $59.99 and up I think each time I had 10 to 15 games. I never really could get into anything except the sports games like hockey and golf and tried the maddens games. Well each time I took a huge loss ( yes I must be a bit slow......lol )

I got the itch again for hockey and golf so this time I was going to be the one who got the deal instead of losing my shorts each time.

I got an Xbox 360 with about 20 games for 2 wireless controllers and other extras for about $110

One game I am really enjoying is MLB 2K11, I even looked for a newer one and was going to buy it but all reviews of the last 2K and it was 2K13, it was reviewed as a very poor game and the 2K11 rated almost double the score than 2K13 so I just said I will stick with the 2K11.

I heard that there are people who do roster updates on here, I was wondering if there is an update for MLB 2K11 and if so how far (As in what year ) does it update the rosters too.

If anyone replies remember I don't know anything about how these updates are done so as many details as you can provide me the better.

Thank you very much!
get the pc version if you can. mvpmods has updated rosters. mlb2k12
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Old 06-25-2018, 06:02 AM   #14
GreenLightning's Arena
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Re: MLB 2K11 Perfect Game Challenge Winner Announced, Brian Kingrey Wins $1 Million

Originally Posted by e_a_g_l_e_p_i
Any review I read about 2k13 says it sucks. can you explain the wrinkle you mentioned?
You throw the same pitch too often it becomes very ineffective. Pitcher's pitch frequency is not taken into account at all. You got a guy who throws 75% fast balls it doesn't matter. You can edit a pitcher's repertoire somewhat but it isn't accurate. This is in 12 as well.
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