
Multiplayer post-patch is awesome.

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Old 05-21-2011, 04:55 PM   #1
jeffy777's Arena
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Multiplayer post-patch is awesome.

For the first time in history, we now have an online baseball video game with virtually no lag (thank you 2K!), yet hardly anyone is talkng about it, and I think it's funny that some people are complaining that it's too easy to hit. Well, of course it's going to be easier since now you can actually read balls and strikes because now you don't have to start your swing as soon as the pitcher releases the ball......I'm shocked that some people would prefer the lag, but I guess some folks like being able to rack up 20 K's every game by just throwing junk over and over. Now they actually have to pitch realistically to avoid walking batters, so they whine and want the lag back. Unbelievable!

2K did an amazing job with this patch. I'm surprised the lag-free multiplayer isn't getting more press.....but certain bloggers would rather focus on anything at all that might be remotely negative.

Last edited by jeffy777; 05-21-2011 at 05:03 PM.
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Old 05-21-2011, 05:44 PM   #2
bulls23's Arena
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Re: Multiplayer post-patch is awesome.

I might try online play now after avoiding it for a couple of years. I couldn't stand swinging when the pitcher releases the ball. That isn't baseball. Real baseball you have time (not long mind you) to judge the pitch before you swing.

Question: Did they restore the presentation elements (display of stats before batter comes up, etc)
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Old 05-21-2011, 07:18 PM   #3
jeffy777's Arena
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Re: Multiplayer post-patch is awesome.

Originally Posted by bulls23
Question: Did they restore the presentation elements (display of stats before batter comes up, etc)
I don't think so. Personally I like that they took out batter walkups online because it shortens the overall length of the game. I read before that some people complained that they didn't know who was batting, but it shows the batter's name on the top right-hand corner (where it shows their ratings vs. RHP for example), plus there's still the commentary.
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Old 05-21-2011, 09:18 PM   #4
bulls23's Arena
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Re: Multiplayer post-patch is awesome.

It would be nice to see stats though especially if I was playing in a league.
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Old 05-22-2011, 01:36 AM   #5
foofighter2455's Arena
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Re: Multiplayer post-patch is awesome.

The 2K forums have plenty of guys that think the patch is great for online as well. With proper adjustment of the offensive sliders, this game plays sooo much better online. There just aren't enough online guys on OS to mention it here.

I'm excited for my league starting the new season this week with zero lag and so many more types of hits showing up now on different pitches and pitch locations.
PSN : TALLERthanyou24
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Old 05-22-2011, 02:35 AM   #6
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Re: Multiplayer post-patch is awesome.

I've been playing random people in ranked games since the patch hit and I'm having more fun doing that than any other mode right now. I've never been a big ranked game player when it comes to other sports games but I love how well this plays online.
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Old 05-23-2011, 12:49 PM   #7
HK-47's Arena
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Re: Multiplayer post-patch is awesome.

I played my first online game of 2k11 yesterday and the lag was worse than any 2k baseball game I've ever played. I got sick of it and just threw at the other guys batters the rest of the game lol... The game was ridiculously plauged by lag anyways. At one point, the guys starting pitcher was disappearing then reappearing while pitching.

It was nothing like playing offline.

Last edited by HK-47; 05-23-2011 at 12:56 PM.
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Old 06-01-2011, 07:31 PM   #8
Hal Fowler's Arena
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Re: Multiplayer post-patch is awesome.

I have an ethernet cable going directly into my 360. I didn't find there to be much lag at all. I'm sure there are some folks playing on some sketchy wireless connections. I used to have my router upstairs, and the wireless downstairs in our front room was iffy at best.

I find the game to be really great online now. The only downside is running into the cheesers that don't understand that throwing nothing but balls is just a quick way to get killed.

There are also a number of decent guys that don't understand that throwing balls is now a legitimate strategy. I'm not going to let you stand there and tee off. You have force hitters to think about balls and strikes. Then, when you change speeds and locations, you can force more ground balls and playable balls in the OF.

But if you go into the game with the kind of strategy you would want to use in real life, you can have some great games. Or, you can just obliterate guys that don't get it.

Thanks, Jeffy for pointing out this thread.
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