
Fake Coaches? C'mon Man!

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Old 09-21-2013, 12:37 AM   #1
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Fake Coaches? C'mon Man!

Is anyone else ticked off at fact that there are only fake coaches and old legends in the coaching pool at the end of the season? It ruins the later years in the Connected Franchise mode in my opinion.

Is there a possible workaround to this? I've thought about possibly having a pool of o. coordinators, d. coordinators, some college and former head coaches that I could pick from. Would the CPU still make all the decisions if you created a coach and put it on auto mode?

I'd like to hear some of the community's thoughts on this, hopefully we can come up with a workaround for this.
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Old 09-21-2013, 08:25 AM   #2
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Re: Fake Coaches? C'mon Man!

Originally Posted by pelletgun527
Is anyone else ticked off at fact that there are only fake coaches and old legends in the coaching pool at the end of the season? It ruins the later years in the Connected Franchise mode in my opinion.

Is there a possible workaround to this? I've thought about possibly having a pool of o. coordinators, d. coordinators, some college and former head coaches that I could pick from. Would the CPU still make all the decisions if you created a coach and put it on auto mode?

I'd like to hear some of the community's thoughts on this, hopefully we can come up with a workaround for this.
It would be cool, but you would have to pay for the rights to use their likeness. EA has said that they might put in OC and DC next year so we might see a slight change in this.

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Old 09-21-2013, 11:43 AM   #3
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Re: Fake Coaches? C'mon Man!

What annoys me is Madden 10 had OC, DC and ST, and Head Coach 09 had all the position coaches.

Why take that out??? Every year at least 4 coordinators become a HC somewhere- its not always a fired coach being the new HC on a different team.
Madden 11' Franchise should be

Madden '10 "foundation" + depth of Head Coach 09 = my dream franchise mode.
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Old 09-21-2013, 12:05 PM   #4
ajk49er's Arena
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Re: Fake Coaches? C'mon Man!

I just don't accept the money excuse. they spend a lot of cash locking in players for ULTIMATE TEAM, a mode that somehow works every year, witout some silly EA SPORTS MADDEN type bug that gives everyone free decks and way too many coins. isn't it kind of...interesting, that CFM is glitch filled, while UT is problem solved?

regardless, they need to put them in the game, and if that is so darn hard to do, they need to do what they did in HC 09. look, returning players isn't all that realistic in how its done(or coaches, like jimmy Johnson yay he returns, then retires after 1 year...woo hoo) but in HC 09, you had a bunch of players retire and BECOME COACHES. if they had offensive players become OC's, defensive players become DC's....it would really help this game out a lot

and really, why stop at OC/DC, make sure to have a ST coach, don't go all cheap on that too
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Old 09-21-2013, 08:12 PM   #5
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Re: Fake Coaches? C'mon Man!

I'd used to play madden 10 on psp for plane rides for work and what not, and I would see actual players become coach, Ray Lewis Ed Reed just to name a couple. They really should implement this again, great feature.
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Old 09-21-2013, 11:30 PM   #6
nwfdwill's Arena
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Re: Fake Coaches? C'mon Man!

I certainly agree with all of the above posts. Possibly the worst part of the fake coaches is that they have the eye glitch that GameFace has.

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