I think you guys should check what this guy came up with in regards to ratings in regards to Overall Ratings. Very interesting indeed in what effects Overall Ratings with particular positions.
Madden will always be about head to head football and not simulating real Football. Watch guys play the game head to head (Madden Nation comes to mind) they want stick-skills to matter not ratings, strategy and this goes to the lack of realistic penalties that's never been in Madden, why? Because head-to-head players want stick-skills to matter not true simulation of the sport. Why not add a penalty rating for each player?
Perhaps, if EA would give us every rating in the game that's used with each player. To a custom sliders adjustment we could tweak it enough to come up with something resembling true simulation.
Get rid of Overall-Ratings then a player would have to base this on physical attributes and production just like in real-life.