
Madden NFL 25 Fact Sheet and Screenshots

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Old 04-25-2013, 05:02 PM   #17
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Fact Sheet and Screenshots

You know, this just might be the year we get a solid football game from ea.
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Old 04-25-2013, 05:03 PM   #18
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The problem is that EA had "Run Free" in previous Madden's but it wasn't marketed as a main feature. I definitely remember doing juke spins and the step-back juke around the first next-gen games.
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Old 04-25-2013, 05:05 PM   #19
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Fact Sheet and Screenshots

Originally Posted by CM Hooe
You're referring to branch tackling, introduced in Madden NFL 09. That basically provided the ability to fight out of a tackle animation, rather than the interaction being "won" or "lost" at the point of contact. The window of opportunity to break out of a contested tackle animation (and success in attempting to do so) varies depending on a player's ratings.

The system being introduced here is an intuitive way to chain ballcarrier tackle-breaking / tackle-avoiding moves together, in addition with a more reactive stamina system to manage risk/reward of attempting such. The system also includes a plethora of new moves with which to break and avoid tacklers via the precision modifier key in combination with the legacy ball-carrier move inputs.

There's a clear distinction to be made there. It's not false marketing. You've misinterpreted the new feature set.
There was that "run to daylight" or whatever back in '07. The promo vids advertised chaining together moves back then too. I'm not going to label this as false advertising (that's a specific thing) but it is a familiar sounding feature. It's cool though - we should all know by now that this is the time of year for marketing Mad Libs!

"Get ready for the most [adjective] Madden to date! We analyzed exclusive game film and talked to real NFL [position]s and they told us [obvious football fact]! Now, for the very first time, look forward to [recycled feature] with [something from another genre] and [something actually somewhat innovative]!!!

This year, Madden NFL fans will really feel the [recycled feature] like never before. [Guy who won't work here next year] lead the development of [feature that won't be here in 2 years]. We've added [call it anything but 'just more animations'], removed [stuff we've removed a few times], and finally eliminated [stuff we can't eliminate] to give you the most authentic and [adjective] Madden NFL experience ever!"
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Old 04-25-2013, 05:47 PM   #20
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Fact Sheet and Screenshots

Originally Posted by rootofalleli
There was that "run to daylight" or whatever back in '07. The promo vids advertised chaining together moves back then too. I'm not going to label this as false advertising (that's a specific thing) but it is a familiar sounding feature. It's cool though - we should all know by now that this is the time of year for marketing Mad Libs!

"Get ready for the most [adjective] Madden to date! We analyzed exclusive game film and talked to real NFL [position]s and they told us [obvious football fact]! Now, for the very first time, look forward to [recycled feature] with [something from another genre] and [something actually somewhat innovative]!!!

This year, Madden NFL fans will really feel the [recycled feature] like never before. [Guy who won't work here next year] lead the development of [feature that won't be here in 2 years]. We've added [call it anything but 'just more animations'], removed [stuff we've removed a few times], and finally eliminated [stuff we can't eliminate] to give you the most authentic and [adjective] Madden NFL experience ever!"

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Old 04-25-2013, 06:28 PM   #21
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Fact Sheet and Screenshots

Originally Posted by rootofalleli
There was that "run to daylight" or whatever back in '07. The promo vids advertised chaining together moves back then too. I'm not going to label this as false advertising (that's a specific thing) but it is a familiar sounding feature.
You are misremembering, the features added for Madden NFL 07 under the Run To Daylight mantra were Lead Blocking Control, the Highlight Stick, and individual running style animations. There was nothing about chaining moves together.
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Old 04-25-2013, 07:42 PM   #22
hanzsomehanz's Arena
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Originally Posted by CM Hooe
There was nothing about chaining moves together.
The highlight stick did just that - it still does. Its the current animation system that does not offer those breaking transitions in animations, rather it suspends you with the defender. It is the IE engine 2.0 that is offering this portal, for lack of a better word.

*There are enough vids out there to see proof of chained, combo jukes for Madden and NCAA.

In the Madden 07 Age we had Shaun Alexander advertised as the coverboy and it was tauted then that elite backs had a range of moves that could not be accessed by other 'backs.

Our friend here is not misremembering. There may be a misunderstanding in terms but he is on the right course of thiniking with his aberrations but you are steering him off-course with your firm defense over what was said v what was performed (back then).

If I hold a book in front of white light and the same book infront of black light, the book remains the same. If they put the run features in a new light it is still the same school of thought.

At this point you are making a fuss of one word, daylight vs freedom; combos versus highlights.

*I am not vouching false advertising - that is too political a campain to discuss. #Madden Politics. I rather us avoid that all together but what is being promoted here in the "run-free" campaign did grow from the same tree of thought in Madden 07, that is indisputable.

Btw, this is an Anniverary iteration so it makes sense to celebrate with old nostalgia.

* Edit2Share

The following is available via the ESPN Madden 11 First Look - Archives

"These are really fluid animations," Strauser says, "and it feels like no 'Madden' that I've played before. You can chain together moves like a stutter to a spin to a juke, then lower your shoulder as you try to get that extra yard. Now you don't need to hit four different buttons with a turbo modifier to perform these moves. It's a lot easier to use, and at the same time, it looks a lot more like you see when you're watching the NFL for real."

Souce http://m.espn.go.com/general/story?s...18&src=desktop

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how could I lose? im playing by my own rules..

Last edited by hanzsomehanz; 04-25-2013 at 08:05 PM.
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Old 04-25-2013, 07:51 PM   #23
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Fact Sheet and Screenshots

Madden Share...

Madden Share...

Hmmm... This has me very curious. Keeping my fingers crossed for a player vault like MLB The Show, where you can export and import created players at will. Very cool feature in that game.

Last edited by RandyBass; 04-25-2013 at 07:52 PM. Reason: *created
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Old 04-25-2013, 08:21 PM   #24
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Fact Sheet and Screenshots

Originally Posted by hanzsomehanz
The highlight stick did just that - it still does. Its the current animation system that does not offer those breaking transitions in animations, rather it suspends you with the defender. It is the IE engine 2.0 that is offering this portal, for lack of a better word.

*There are enough vids out there to see proof of chained, combo jukes for Madden and NCAA.

In the Madden 07 Age we had Shaun Alexander advertised as the coverboy and it was tauted then that elite backs had a range of moves that could not be accessed by other 'backs.

Our friend here is not misremembering. There may be a misunderstanding in terms but he is on the right course of thiniking with his aberrations but you are steering him off-course with your firm defense over what was said v what was performed (back then).

If I hold a book in front of white light and the same book infront of black light, the book remains the same. If they put the run features in a new light it is still the same school of thought.

At this point you are making a fuss of one word, daylight vs freedom; combos versus highlights.

*I am not vouching false advertising - that is too political a campain to discuss. #Madden Politics. I rather us avoid that all together but what is being promoted here in the "run-free" campaign did grow from the same tree of thought in Madden 07, that is indisputable.

Btw, this is an Anniverary iteration so it makes sense to celebrate with old nostalgia.

* Edit2Share

The following is available via the ESPN Madden 11 First Look - Archives

"These are really fluid animations," Strauser says, "and it feels like no 'Madden' that I've played before. You can chain together moves like a stutter to a spin to a juke, then lower your shoulder as you try to get that extra yard. Now you don't need to hit four different buttons with a turbo modifier to perform these moves. It's a lot easier to use, and at the same time, it looks a lot more like you see when you're watching the NFL for real."

Souce http://m.espn.go.com/general/story?s...18&src=desktop

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Personnally, anyone can call it whatever they want, taking from the past, taking from another game, etc....

To me, it's the same as the Beattles took from Elvis, the Stones took from Muddy Waters, etc....

Who cares?(not remotely directed to you hanzsomehanz)

The product has been out for 25 years, there might be some dipping from the past.
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