
Madden NFL 13 Title Update #3 Arrives October 16th, Edit CCM Rosters and More

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Old 10-14-2012, 06:07 PM   #961
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Icon1 Re: Madden NFL 13 Title Update #3 Arrives October 16th, Edit CCM Rosters and More

I agree with Californ,

Head coach used 08 graphics and engine when it dropped at the same time as 09. What I am suggesting is co-development with three major departments.

..............................___ONLINE/MUT/SUPERSTAR = EA Control Tuning
..............................___FRANCHISE/SIM/FANTASY = USER control Tuning

Infinity Engine Group focuses solely on developing the engine, animations, presentation...

The other groups take what it's given and caters to it's consumer base and what is important to them. They both share the same advertising. We buy the game we want. And if we want both we buy both.

The fail of head coach was there was no user control of players. It was strictly Coach mode only and used previous years tech and animations. But as far as Simulation and Depth and Options, it was solid fare.

As large as the Online/MUT group may appear the Franchise group is just as large if not larger because of Offline Play. Couple that in with the Explosion of Fantasy Football in recent years. A Fantasy Franchise caters to that potential new market for MADDEN consumption.

Either Way they create the same number of disc, Same amount of marketing empowering the user to choose, Same number of Devs. The bonus is more money from those who want both.

Lets be honest here. ONLINE, MUT, and SUPERSTAR play have nothing in common with FRANCHISE mode besides roster and the sport of football. The Quarter lengths are different, You have no major effect on playcalling or team development in SUPERSTAR, in MUT players do no progress. They're 2 completely different games that can standalone and apart from each other.

I know this Because Football Games at one time sold successfully and consistently without ever having ONLINE, MUT, or SUPERSTAR modes.

While SUPER TECMO BOWL the most arcade of football games is still yet immortalized and beloved because it had 32 TEAM CONTROL and a working 3 yr multiplayer FRANCHISE mode... lets not forget BO JACKSON. So while Technology and developers insist on evolving our playstyle, Platform games and how we want to play our Sports Titles will always remain the same.
Real Stats Rosters Beta Files for M13 - M12 - HC09 on Xbox 360, Links located in Blog post at:

Last edited by STTV; 10-14-2012 at 06:13 PM.
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Old 10-14-2012, 06:22 PM   #962
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Title Update #3 Arrives October 16th, Edit CCM Rosters and More

Getting pretty pumped for Tuesday.
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Old 10-14-2012, 06:22 PM   #963
Gravit's Arena
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Re: Madden 13 Patch #3 details

Originally Posted by DLaren

You did good EA...you did good.
I rented the game upon release and I thought you already use coach mode. Unless they made it into a real coach akin to espn 2k5. If that's the case, then I'm picking this game up.
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Old 10-14-2012, 07:09 PM   #964
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Title Update #3 Arrives October 16th, Edit CCM Rosters and More

Originally Posted by therizing02
This is the type of thing thing that infuriates me with these developers. This issue can be resolved without touching the existing code. It would take a day at the most for a freaking INTERN to go into these playbooks and adjust the priorities and weight the plays properly. THIS is an example of LAZINESS and COMPLACENCY!

They have another option. Allow the user to assign playbooks to the CPU at the start screen. In Madden 11 prior to the patch you could do this. After the patch dropped you couldn't. It wasn't fixed in M12 and is still not fixed in M13. WHY!?!?!?!?!?

it is fixed in M12
thats the reason why im still playing M12.

If M13 allowed us to assign playbooks to the cpu team would be playing M13

If I cant fix the cpu's dump player management logic, at least me remedy the terrible playcalling.

why is Gameflow still even in the game if all the teams are gonna play the same
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Old 10-14-2012, 07:15 PM   #965
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Title Update #3 Arrives October 16th, Edit CCM Rosters and More

Originally Posted by californ14
IMO, Head Coach failed because of a lack of quality and dedication by EA/Tiburon....I do not believe that the creation of a separate or split from Madden was much of a factor to the consumer....Maybe to EA/Tiburon, because for some reason they appeared to not put much effort in putting in the time, personnel and work needed to make a quality coaching game; and the consumer will not tolerate the lack of polish and quality that was missing in Head Coach -

IMO, the concept, the idea behind Head Coach was awesome; loved so much about it, but it was like an alpha or beta version of what it should have been....

(on a side note, the camera angles in Head Coach rocked, from a coaching standpoint.)

From a disk capacity perspective, how big and diverse can one game be and still fit on a DVD? But then maybe by the time Madden needs to be bigger capacity wise the new next next GEN consoles will be out like the suggest durango (xbox720?) and the PS4, with greater DVD capacity developed in the next 2 years?
I am fairly certain the next generation Xbox will take Blu-ray discs. PS already supports Blu-ray.
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Old 10-14-2012, 07:41 PM   #966
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Title Update #3 Arrives October 16th, Edit CCM Rosters and More

Originally Posted by Cavicchi
I am fairly certain the next generation Xbox will take Blu-ray discs. PS already supports Blu-ray.
Microsoft would have to pay Sony. A lot.

Last edited by UC Bearcat; 10-14-2012 at 07:56 PM.
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Old 10-14-2012, 08:18 PM   #967
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Originally Posted by UC Bearcat
Microsoft would have to pay Sony. A lot.
Really? I wonder how much Panasonic, Sharp, Samsung, Toshiba, LG, etc pay Sony to use Blu-ray....


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Old 10-14-2012, 08:50 PM   #968
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Title Update #3 Arrives October 16th, Edit CCM Rosters and More

Originally Posted by authentic
Really? I wonder how much Panasonic, Sharp, Samsung, Toshiba, LG, etc pay Sony to use Blu-ray....


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All those company's are on board with Sony in the blu ray Association.. Smh
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