
Madden NFL 13 Online Fantasy Drafts Are on the Way

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Old 09-14-2012, 12:27 AM   #137
SFNiners816's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Announces Fantasy Draft!

Originally Posted by SloeyEZ
Madden was never a hardcore sim based football game. It has always been an arcade game that people love to button mash and cheese as I just learned from reading these posts So you can't say this is the 7-8th version.

We've had two versions, Head Coach 06 and Head Coach 09 which really floors me the most about everything going on now. If I didn't know better, I'd say there was a hardcore sim market decrying Madden13 yet, where were they in 06 and 09? I still play HC. I bought M13 last week, and I'm going back to it now. Well, I might try a single player locked league for CCM since it may be more adaptable and fixable by the devs.

I am just an offline franchise guy. I know madden is not a hardcore sim game. However, you can at least make it play as close to one as possible with the proper sliders adjustments and play selection.

I am of the opinion that this game should be further along on the next gen than it currently is. Like I stated above, we should have a game that is the sumation of the best of Head Coach and the best of Madden. Perhaps if there was some competion we would have that game.

Now having said all that, I think a fully customizable offline CCM would be a great sports gaming experience.
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Old 09-14-2012, 12:34 AM   #138
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Announces Fantasy Draft!

Originally Posted by Dogslax41
The announcement from ea says nothing "official" about offline, but stay tuned. They can't put fantasy draft offline without a patch. They can't announce what's in a patch until its certified. This doesn't seem like a reason for everyone to go on the EA hates offline gamers tirades. Take a breath and consider how much work they have done since release on this game.
First off, no they can announce whats in the patch before its certified. Secondly, I don't doubt EA took the past month off and are just NOW starting on a new patch. Don't expect it until late October, even though it should of already been being worked on from community feedback. They probably just got back into the office a week ago, and are just not looking at the forums.

I'll pick this game up when the next patch comes out, so hopefully in a months time its at least fixed.
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Old 09-14-2012, 12:34 AM   #139
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Announces Fantasy Draft!

Originally Posted by SFNiners816
I am just an offline franchise guy. I know madden is not a hardcore sim game. However, you can at least make it play as close to one as possible with the proper sliders adjustments and play selection.

I am of the opinion that this game should be further along on the next gen than it currently is. Like I stated above, we should have a game that is the sumation of the best of Head Coach and the best of Madden. Perhaps if there was some competion we would have that game.

Now having said all that, I think a fully customizable offline CCM would be a great sports gaming experience.
I think you hit on something there! I think the majority of what is going on here with the Madden community is that they did try and combine Head Coach with Madden and just upset both types of gamers. They took away what Maddenites (yeah I just made that up, yup) liked, their arcade control in a long franchise mode and replaced it with the Head Coach style of philosophies and drafting but left in the arcade controls.

But like I've said in other posts, I bought M13 for the first time since 05 (when the first HC came out) because of the potential Is it right, now? no, it is a horrible mash up of two different games for two different types of players. But, hey, even the Brady Bunch had problems when they first joined
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Old 09-14-2012, 12:35 AM   #140
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Announces Fantasy Draft!

I would have been 100x happier with a transactions log, or.... a WORKING CPU RUN GAME IN CCM, w/ WORKING SLIDERS

but yeah, now I can fantasy draft and the cpu can take players based on overall and not on a bunch of factors like in 2k. I thought that is why they held off on fantasy draft, they wanted the cpu to draft like 2k where you see young talent go earlier than an old guy with a high rating

not complaining, just confused about priorities, when I cant play my ccm because the cpu cant run the darn ball
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Old 09-14-2012, 12:37 AM   #141
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Announces Fantasy Draft!

Originally Posted by RedZoneD25
Bold #1- While in many facets, this has been reflected by new announce teams, new presentation packages, etc.- the modes affected by Connected Careers (Franchise, Superstar) have never been held susceptible to these "three-year blow ups", as you called it. Outside of some UI changes and add-on features, they have remained the same concept, the same thing every year. This is the first year any of the career-based game modes have had substantial change in quite some time.

Bold #2- You're looking at the next-gen of career modes in Madden with Connected Careers. This is just my thought process on it, but I'd rather be in v2.0 or v3.0 of Connected Careers when the new consoles hit than v1.0 in two or three years from now. That would be delaying the inevitable and I think EA made a bold, but good decision to get ahead of the curve so that they didn't have to put gamers through the hell period we went through in early Madden games this-gen. I don't think anyone wants to go through that again.
If that is what they are gonna do then I am all for it. However, there is no guarantee that whatever the pinnacle point of CCM is on this gen will be the starting point of the next gen game. If the past is an idicator it will take a couple of versions just to get on par with the previous gen version. As an example. we never did get back a fully functioning Owner mode that first made its apperance on Madden 04. Hell I would still argue that nothing has touched the offline owner/franchise mode of the PS2/Xbox days. Again, just my opinion doesn't make it right just the way I feel.
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Old 09-14-2012, 12:40 AM   #142
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Announces Fantasy Draft!

Originally Posted by berad88
I get what aholbert32 is saying and for the most part I think he is right in the point that he is getting at. I think he often words what he says poorly and it often comes out sounding off. Not bashing him or anything. Just my point of view.
Like when he said Looman hates offline.... without explanation. That initially sounds like something the typical madden ***** would say but then later after explaining himself it sounds more correct.
No I said what I wanted to say. I've given the full explanation hundreds of times and didnt feel like giving it again. When a guy states on twitter that he doesnt believe that a number of features are important that actually are important to offline franchise fans ...it leads me to believe that he doesnt value offline players. Its that simple.

Last edited by aholbert32; 09-14-2012 at 12:48 AM.
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Old 09-14-2012, 12:41 AM   #143
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Announces Fantasy Draft!

Originally Posted by Elite49
First off, no they can announce whats in the patch before its certified. Secondly, I don't doubt EA took the past month off and are just NOW starting on a new patch. Don't expect it until late October, even though it should of already been being worked on from community feedback. They probably just got back into the office a week ago, and are just not looking at the forums.

I'll pick this game up when the next patch comes out, so hopefully in a months time its at least fixed.
Maybe if you had the game you would know how much has already been fixed since release for online that is more than likely included for offline in the patch that they apparently just NOW started working on. Maybe then you might sound like you knew what you were talking about.
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Old 09-14-2012, 12:50 AM   #144
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Announces Fantasy Draft!

I personally like fantasy drafts n yes im more of a offline user but everything offline seems to be broke so ill try online whatever if thats my only option ill take it, im just glad they trying listening, this isnt the best news but atleast they doing something to show u that they hear u, its just i want to play with certain players i know its not real but it was basically impossible to trade for certain players i know the patch fixed it but still let people do what they want with the game its only fair n mos def makes online leagues with fantasy draft a lil more even rather than colts vs patriots or something along those lines, im not a big complainer but this game has bn pssn me off, with certain things this makes my day a lil better their headed in the right direction figured therd b alot of bugs with new engine n ccm
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