
Madden NFL 13 Review (PS3/360)

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Old 08-27-2012, 07:11 PM   #17
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You praised the game more than I did for my review and you only gave an 8.5? What's up with that? Should be a 9.
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Old 08-27-2012, 07:11 PM   #18
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Review (PS3/360)

Well I haven't disagreed more with a review from OS since Ian Cummings paraded around his 9 he got for Madden 11

No mention of

Offline Franchise Mode Features Lost
Unrealistic Player Movement
Broken/absence of Penalties/Challenges

Completely disagree about the improvement of the Ol/DL....its the same old thing....Watching Harrison and Woodley playing patty cake just hits me in the gut every time I try to play the game

Im still playing too much of the weird Madden Version of football...where people audible Qrts Packages around to stop the run
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Old 08-27-2012, 07:16 PM   #19
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Review (PS3/360)

Originally Posted by wheelman990
Come on man, don't even try to bring up that 3 year plan stuff again. That line has ran it's course. Just either bring it or don't EA. Don't even mention 3 year plans anymore EA, just show us you got what it takes every year.
You gotta start somewhere man I don't care who comes in or where they come from, even if the guys from 2k or The Show came in, it would take a while to fix EVERYTHING. Madden 13 brought it on a foundational level. Now we have to see if 14 & 15 take it to the next level(fix player movement, o/d line interactions, improve presentation with true halftime and weekly wrapup show in CCM, improve crowd and sideline models, improve commentary to make it more player specific during play by play and color commentary. Or will they go back to the trends of EA's past? I'm betting on the former and not the latter, I'm VERY confident that this is only the beginning.

Last edited by jpdavis82; 08-27-2012 at 07:20 PM.
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Old 08-27-2012, 07:17 PM   #20
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Agreed... Good review. I'm about the same score wise and that will change as we get further from launch (down or up)

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Old 08-27-2012, 07:20 PM   #21
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http://www.examiner.com/review/madden-13-review?cid=db_articles check this one out
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Old 08-27-2012, 07:36 PM   #22
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Review (PS3/360)

Originally Posted by wheelman990
I like the game. I'm not trying to bash it. It isn't junk. IMO a 7.5 is a good thing for Madden. It is the best madden this generation. Since when is 7.5 bad? Many 7.5 games have been some of my favorites. A 8.5 is insane if you look at this game for what it is and isn't, and not on how much you enjoy it. Forza 4, NBA 2k, MLB the show, and other legendary games like that are lucky to get better then that score on OS
I know what you mean, but I'm not sure any of those scores are posted in the context of the score of any other game, even previous Maddens:

It appears as though each game is scored on a scale of 10 based on the reviewer's discernment of how close that game came to perfection within the context of itself, thus the recently proclaimed battle cry of "You can't judge a game based on what's not there, but was IS there." (Haven't we heard that alot lately?)

If am correct in my analysis, it is then possible for Madden to score higher than either MLB The Show or NBA 2k, which would not be AT ALL to say that the reviewer believes Madden is better than either of those games, but that, within a different dimension or paradigm of computer gaming, AI logic, fun factor and sporting rules (among other intangibles), Madden 13 is within itself inherently frozen in time (by time) short of perfection at an 8.5, never to be moved higher or lower by the failures or successes of any of its predecessors or successors, much less by another game by another publisher in another sport in another point in time. And time is critical in how we perceive technological advancements, failures or innovations...whether it be concerning hardware or software.
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Old 08-27-2012, 07:47 PM   #23
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The challenge and replay system in Madden is still bad, the OL/DL is ok and still have that past Madden feel at times. Penalties are still missing from Madden that are in the NFL and Pass interference for offense and defense are almost non-exist again. What are u basing Madden football off of, simulation football or Madden football? It's not simulation for sure, and it lacks alot of what other football titles gave us. Yes it's better, but really, a 8.5???
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Old 08-27-2012, 07:47 PM   #24
blklightning's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Review (PS3/360)

Originally Posted by WhiteMan22
Best Madden ever made?

While I can't disagree or agree at the moment, that is a big statement.
Eh, not really. All the current gen Maddens have been sub par at best. And the PS2 versions and earlier are simply outclassed by the tech of today's, albeit aging, consoles. So all they really had to do to make the best Madden ever was to make a game that looks good, plays well most of the time, and is fun overall. And from what I've seen and played, they've done just that.
My score for Madden 13: 4.5/10

3 points for graphics, 1 point for the passable commentary, and a half point for the boxart. I can give no further points since the all over the place gameplay would ruin it anyway.
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