
Sound Off: Has the 'Closed' Nature of Connected Careers Turned You Away?

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Old 06-17-2012, 12:08 AM   #569
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Re: Sound Off: Has the 'Closed' Nature of Connected Careers Turned You Away?

Originally Posted by LaW97
Now we get to this year's game and we dont have franchise mode.....at all?
Wait, what?

I thought Connected Careers was the Madden equivalent to NCAA's "Road to the Heisman" and there would be a separate all-purpose Franchise mode?
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Old 06-17-2012, 12:21 AM   #570
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Originally Posted by Nab_Impervious_XII
Wait, what?

I thought Connected Careers was the Madden equivalent to NCAA's "Road to the Heisman" and there would be a separate all-purpose Franchise mode?
Cc is a new limited version of franchise. There is no separate mode.

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Old 06-17-2012, 02:19 AM   #571
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Re: Sound Off: Has the 'Closed' Nature of Connected Careers Turned You Away?

My thoughs:

And let me be clear, ive been more or less a 2k5 fanboy and a madden *****, not on principle, I just havent like what they have put out since I played 2k4, and I believe their decisions have been ridiculous and lazy at some/most points over the past 6-7 years.

On this connected careers thing though...i dont know what the winning answer is.

Ill explain....they are sitting in the meeting room and its basically do you want an uproar or ... do you want an uproar?

Say they implement this CC mode with total editing ability, IMO, this adds a level to the system they are designing that alters the way the game is supposed to be played, which in turn, they need to program/implement things that counteract this. IE--you start a franchise and edit everything and make some people better or worse,etc

When I hear of an online franchise with edited rosters with some people playing as players, and some people playing as rookie created people, I just get the sens that there has to be some general "vanilla" principals to operate off of. You start editing rosters, changing ratings and whatnot and immediately i think of the people that will exploit this. Theres like 5 online franchises that will play sim and close out multiple years with a group of guys. The rest end after 1 year on after a partial season where everyone hates each other and is fighting or with half the league quitting after they lose a few games.

I am sympathetic to those guys, and to the dudes that want to just play offline, but the way the world/gaming/everything is going is online, and twitter and being "connected". Some of us are old school, but ,e personally I have to respect/understand that they arent making the game for me/my generation. I dont even log into facebook regularly. The people they are selling this game to do. So they put all their modes online, and with that comes a bit of a lose-lose situation. I understand their stance as well.

My overall feelings is that the mode feels new and something that was built as opposed to just added for the sake of adding it, and there hasnt been alot of that in the madden franchise in the last 10 years. With the presentation upgrades, and the addition of a full online franchise capability with salary cap, etc, Im willing to subside on some of the other elements. Just as with 2k5, it wasn't perfect, but it did good on what it set out to do, and the issues I was willing to overlook. I havent played madden in over 2 years, I will give this game a shot, and while I would love to edit rosters and all that...I want to play football more than anything, and for the first time in a while it doesnt feel like a half effort.
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Old 06-17-2012, 03:44 AM   #572
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Re: Sound Off: Has the 'Closed' Nature of Connected Careers Turned You Away?

The truth of the matter is that EA has control over the rosters and editing. When your connected (online) in you CC you will receive EA's edited roster (what ever tools they're using, they're still making edits).

The offline (e.g.people without high speed internet) player will not get the roster file. why not give them the "tools" to make their own edits. This is all the customization protesters really want.
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Last edited by TreFacTor; 06-17-2012 at 03:48 AM.
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Old 06-17-2012, 04:00 AM   #573
Bigmac612's Arena
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Originally Posted by RiderGH
My thoughs:

And let me be clear, ive been more or less a 2k5 fanboy and a madden *****, not on principle, I just havent like what they have put out since I played 2k4, and I believe their decisions have been ridiculous and lazy at some/most points over the past 6-7 years.

On this connected careers thing though...i dont know what the winning answer is.

Ill explain....they are sitting in the meeting room and its basically do you want an uproar or ... do you want an uproar?

Say they implement this CC mode with total editing ability, IMO, this adds a level to the system they are designing that alters the way the game is supposed to be played, which in turn, they need to program/implement things that counteract this. IE--you start a franchise and edit everything and make some people better or worse,etc

When I hear of an online franchise with edited rosters with some people playing as players, and some people playing as rookie created people, I just get the sens that there has to be some general "vanilla" principals to operate off of. You start editing rosters, changing ratings and whatnot and immediately i think of the people that will exploit this. Theres like 5 online franchises that will play sim and close out multiple years with a group of guys. The rest end after 1 year on after a partial season where everyone hates each other and is fighting or with half the league quitting after they lose a few games.

I am sympathetic to those guys, and to the dudes that want to just play offline, but the way the world/gaming/everything is going is online, and twitter and being "connected". Some of us are old school, but ,e personally I have to respect/understand that they arent making the game for me/my generation. I dont even log into facebook regularly. The people they are selling this game to do. So they put all their modes online, and with that comes a bit of a lose-lose situation. I understand their stance as well.

My overall feelings is that the mode feels new and something that was built as opposed to just added for the sake of adding it, and there hasnt been alot of that in the madden franchise in the last 10 years. With the presentation upgrades, and the addition of a full online franchise capability with salary cap, etc, Im willing to subside on some of the other elements. Just as with 2k5, it wasn't perfect, but it did good on what it set out to do, and the issues I was willing to overlook. I havent played madden in over 2 years, I will give this game a shot, and while I would love to edit rosters and all that...I want to play football more than anything, and for the first time in a while it doesnt feel like a half effort.
Thing is to me...everyone can play offline....not everyone can play online...the argument that ppl like to use is that online was had the short straw and etc for awhile while offline hasnt but...while its somewhat true..its not entirely true also...

Everybody who plays online also had the benefit of playing in online leagues across the nation and with different ppl around the world...while their features were somewhat limited they still had this pretty cool abiliy...ppl who do not have "xbox live" or Internet connection..do not..so offline is their thing, online users still had the benefit of playing offline too...sooo to be honest Online ppl always had the best of both worlds...

I do not believe in targeting one audience..no matter the reasoning...i think when Looman stated that "Online was the future, and thats where the franchise was heading" he lost the faith of alot of people...It turned alot of ppl off...

ppl have seem to forget that there are alot ppl who dont have online capabilities or internet for that matter..simply because of the economy and how expensive things have gotten with video games in general...

Regardless, like ive said before... what they did was simple...they simply could not figure out a way to make online like offline...sooo they basically took out everything that made offline "different"....

I mean when you think about it logically...if you take out everything,as they did with offline...it was basically everything you couldnt do online for various reasons...soo basically it was a no brainer to just combined the modes..there were nothin holding nothing back then.

Me personally..think it was a bad idea..you didnt really make online better..you just made one mode worser and dumbed down to equal the playing field with the other...some think its a good idea...i dont...if you want to combine modes..fine but atleast give offlne users the option to use same features that they had before...

I believe in trying to make everybody happy...but you dont do it buy TAKING away somebody elses happiness...there is always a better solution...

s***, i think offline ppl would have been happy if "Franchise" Mode could have stayed intact...with a few new features here n there like the news feed and you could have made this CC mode online only, atleast until you figure out how to make everything work...i think alot of ppl would have been satisfied with that..atleast for this year...everybody would have been happy that way, i guess....

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Last edited by Bigmac612; 06-17-2012 at 04:05 AM.
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Old 06-17-2012, 04:32 AM   #574
briz1744's Arena
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Re: Sound Off: Has the 'Closed' Nature of Connected Careers Turned You Away?

Originally Posted by TreFacTor
The truth of the matter is that EA has control over the rosters and editing. When your connected (online) in you CC you will receive EA's edited roster (what ever tools they're using, they're still making edits).

The offline (e.g.people without high speed internet) player will not get the roster file. why not give them the "tools" to make their own edits. This is all the customization protesters really want.
I believe when you begin CC you start with the latest update after which no editng by you or EA is possible, not sure if you were thinking that the CC roster is updated when Donny releases weekly online updates ?
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Old 06-17-2012, 06:16 AM   #575
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Re: Sound Off: Has the 'Closed' Nature of Connected Careers Turned You Away?

Yes. Every Madden I do a fantasy draft for an all-rookie team. I can't do it this year. I have to stick to NFL rosters.
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Old 06-17-2012, 07:01 AM   #576
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Re: Sound Off: Has the 'Closed' Nature of Connected Careers Turned You Away?

Never done a fantasy draft since Madden 05 with friends that didnt know NFL

Never moved a player position (except from FS to SS if loaded) , edited ratings/equipment/ Number

Seriously people WAKE UP!

So many people being over dramatic, i enjoy this place before features are announced and people are creative.

This years FRANCHISE UPGRADE is massive!!
Im still reading the blog and looking at cool new features i didnt expect to see till next-gen. This is Looman and his team at their BEST!!

Franchises finally play uniquely, you have full control over progression, you can play against all your friends in one easy and fufilled league.

Can we please move on from this 'closed off' idea its ridiculous you have more depth AND Control then before its just not in the PC Mod way you would like the control is in actual Control of a 'Franchise/Superstar'.

Not only do i love every feature this year, i cant believe we got so much! as does and will the majority outside of OS!

Franchise hit a crossroad 'Josh hit the reset button steve jobs style and reinvented the wheel of sports gaming!'
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