
Madden NFL 13 Video - Gameplay With Jim Nantz and Phil Simms In-Game Commentary

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Old 05-15-2012, 09:33 AM   #137
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Video - Gameplay With Jim Nantz and Phil Simms In-Game Commentary

Now I will comment on the commentary. It has been said countless tims in here. It is very bland and extremely robotic sounding.

A few have said it perfectlyt here. Its not who they use. It is how they are implented.

They had Gus Johnson and in real life he is very exciting to listen to , but in madden he was not good. Lets be honest EA has to put a better effort into this department.

There is not enough creativity or depth with the commentators. I don't feel like they are alive. They tend to flow their words at a slow pace. maybe if they speed it up some it can improve. I dont know but from the video I saw the commentary was weak at best.
Simply *Magic* Just click the link and Watch :)
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Old 05-15-2012, 09:38 AM   #138
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Video - Gameplay With Jim Nantz and Phil Simms In-Game Commentary

Originally Posted by Tyrant8RDFL
I dont know but from the video I saw the commentary was weak at best.
I would think it would be smart to not judge approximately 82 hours of commentary on a two minute segmented and cut-off video.
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Old 05-15-2012, 09:41 AM   #139
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Video - Gameplay With Jim Nantz and Phil Simms In-Game Commentary

Originally Posted by Tyrant8RDFL
I do realize that , but what else I saw could not be ignored. It distrubed me bigtime sorry but I could not hold back.

Also what your stating is a guess and is just speculation. I have ever yet to see a video show casing one thing , and we receive or see another.

Have you?
The EA PR people are morons if they think throwing crappy/old GamePlay elements out for a promo video for Madden 13 is a good idea. Thats just what the game looks IMO.

Sorry to say Kids, but the game is going to look pretty close to that.
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Old 05-15-2012, 09:42 AM   #140
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Video - Gameplay With Jim Nantz and Phil Simms In-Game Commentary

Originally Posted by Moegames
Alright..i get this impression that some of you believe this is what the final product will sound like. Obviously there are parts in the video where there is absolutely no crowd audio going on while you only hear on-the-field sfx sounds and commentary which REALLY makes it sound more bland than what it really is. There are other portions of the video where you hear it all including the crowd noise and it sounds pretty good when the clip of the video is not abruptly cut off and changed to a new clip. Some of you guys are overreacting here a bit.. not that i blame you but its WIP..clearly.

Its definitely much better than last year..clearly but at the same time you cant judge a alpha product..no way, that's not fair at all guys.

Where i stand..i am happier with what i heard in this short video than i listened to all last year with Madden 12. Will the commentary be on par with say.. NBA2k12 or MLB The Show 12? Well to be fair..they are completely different sports and those other games have had a foundation to build upon in the audio dept.

Honestly i couldn't stand Gus last year..he was the sole reason why Madden's audio last year was the worst i've heard in many years..seriously Gus was totally not good for the game. These two new guys they got in the commentary are two that i can see really get the job done in Madden..
I guess where I'd disagree with you is... they shouldn't show the audio if it's not ready or in a state that's not going to be seen in a positive light. These are other genres, but using this as an example: recently Ubisoft released pre-alpha gameplay video of Assassin's Creed III that's extremely impressive. Battlefield 3 did the same thing last year, setting forums on fire with what they were showing in the game's pre-alpha phase. I think recently the new Devil May Cry pre-alpha video gameplay video releases has managed to calm some gamers' concerns.

I've never developed a game in my life so I don't know what goes into developing a game. But from what I've seen from other companies it seems it doesn't make sense to show your game if it's in a state where it can be looked at negatively. There wasn't much demand for Tiburon to hype the game in the manner they're hyping it. I get the view that they feel the commentary is demonstrably better than what they've done in the past so they're wanting to display it. And it is better. But what's being shown doesn't seem to make the commentary out to be noticeably better than what's in other sports games, let alone what's being done by the top sports games. Perhaps when the game releases that level of commentary will be there. But doesn't seem to make sense hyping it now and expecting people to speculate that there's going to be some monumental improvement in a few months.

I'd agree with you re Gus last year. I don't like him much in real life. But Tiburon's gone through I don't know how many sets of announcers over the years, it can't be that they're all bad or that it's consistently a technology issue. We've been talking about this issue with Madden for the better part of a decade now, if not longer. I would disagree with you re comparing Madden's audio to other games. When you mention NBA2K12 people forget they just added the 3-man team this past year - the commentary was already very well done and they made it better. But it wasn't but 3-4yrs ago commentary in NBA2K was being chastised. Same with MLB2K, which were the first to overhaul/implement a 3-man booth. It's taken for granted because it's expected from them. But it's not like they started from some base that Madden hasn't had the same opportunity to start from.

Again I don't think people are trying to be overly harsh towards Tiburon. But they seem to fall into the pattern they fall into every year, where they're patting themselves on the back for accomplishing something they're supposed to do. As Chris Rock famously said in a comedy routine...
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Old 05-15-2012, 09:47 AM   #141
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Video - Gameplay With Jim Nantz and Phil Simms In-Game Commentary

I'll wait to hear from Chase on this before I say the commentary was bland and that is what will be in the final product.

If Chase says we can fine tune the rough edges till the game goes gold, fine. If not, oh, oh.

Heck, everyone that has been here awhile knows they can tweak after June 4th.
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Old 05-15-2012, 09:50 AM   #142
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Video - Gameplay With Jim Nantz and Phil Simms In-Game Commentary

Originally Posted by roadman
I'll wait to hear from Chase on this before I say the commentary was bland and that is what will be in the final product.

If Chase says we can fine tune the rough edges till the game goes gold, fine. If not, oh, oh.

Heck, everyone that has been here awhile knows they can tweak after June 4th.
Yepp. NBA and MLB both made great strides in their first year. Clark Kellogg really is excited in the NBA 2K video shown. I think maybe the technology at 2K far exceeds EA's. I will say though that NBA, at least 2K11 sounded awesome the first game but got very bland after even 3 games. It sounds great and flows well with emotion but they are throwing stats at you, that they tend to repeat a lot.
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Old 05-15-2012, 09:54 AM   #143
reddogmaddogbul's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Video - Gameplay With Jim Nantz and Phil Simms In-Game Commentary

I guess where I'd disagree with you is... they shouldn't show the audio if it's not ready or in a state that's not going to be seen in a positive light. These are other genres, but using this as an example: recently Ubisoft released pre-alpha gameplay video of Assassin's Creed III that's extremely impressive. Battlefield 3 did the same thing last year, setting forums on fire with what they were showing in the game's pre-alpha phase. I think recently the new Devil May Cry pre-alpha video gameplay video releases has managed to calm some gamers' concerns.

I've never developed a game in my life so I don't know what goes into developing a game. But from what I've seen from other companies it seems it doesn't make sense to show your game if it's in a state where it can be looked at negatively. There wasn't much demand for Tiburon to hype the game in the manner they're hyping it. I get the view that they feel the commentary is demonstrably better than what they've done in the past so they're wanting to display it. And it is better. But what's being shown doesn't seem to make the commentary out to be noticeably better than what's in other sports games, let alone what's being done by the top sports games. Perhaps when the game releases that level of commentary will be there. But doesn't seem to make sense hyping it now and expecting people to speculate that there's going to be some monumental improvement in a few months.

I'd agree with you re Gus last year. I don't like him much in real life. But Tiburon's gone through I don't know how many sets of announcers over the years, it can't be that they're all bad or that it's consistently a technology issue. We've been talking about this issue with Madden for the better part of a decade now, if not longer. I would disagree with you re comparing Madden's audio to other games. When you mention NBA2K12 people forget they just added the 3-man team this past year - the commentary was already very well done and they made it better. But it wasn't but 3-4yrs ago commentary in NBA2K was being chastised. Same with MLB2K, which were the first to overhaul/implement a 3-man booth. It's taken for granted because it's expected from them. But it's not like they started from some base that Madden hasn't had the same opportunity to start from.

Again I don't think people are trying to be overly harsh towards Tiburon. But they seem to fall into the pattern they fall into every year, where they're patting themselves on the back for accomplishing something they're supposed to do. As Chris Rock famously said in a comedy routine...

Well said and nicely put my man.
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Last edited by reddogmaddogbul; 05-15-2012 at 04:45 PM.
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Old 05-15-2012, 10:00 AM   #144
Tyrant8RDFL's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Video - Gameplay With Jim Nantz and Phil Simms In-Game Commentary

Originally Posted by DeuceDouglas
I would think it would be smart to not judge approximately 82 hours of commentary on a two minute segmented and cut-off video.
I would also think it would be smart not to think it would be better than the video EA decided to use to showcase some of their commentary, and even ask for us to voice our opinion.

Now is EA asked for our opinion on this video. Why do you feel the need to quote me and make such a statement?

Why not just make the statement to all the other members who feel the same?

One other thing to point out. They implemented video with big play moments. Which you would think is the right scenario to showcase some exciting commentary. Guess what it FAILED.

Now you may need 82 hours of commentary to see the failer, but I don't. They showed me big plays with commentary and it was bad. Why would I need 82 hours for?

Anyway history has proven what we see in MAY JUNE or JULY is what we will get come AUGUST.

have you ever see any video of Madden this gen that looked or sounded one way in May , and then change come August?

I will kindly answer that for you "No"
Simply *Magic* Just click the link and Watch :)

Last edited by Tyrant8RDFL; 05-15-2012 at 10:09 AM.
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