09-15-2011, 02:57 PM
OVR: 2
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Boston, MA
Personell and packages
Being the Patriot fan that I am, I've playing a lot of Madden with my team and abusing teams using my tight ends following all the tight end hype they've been getting since Monday's nights game.
When I'm in a shotgun formation that features 3WR/1TE/1RB and I use the package 'TE Slot' (flexing my TE), does the defense see my personnel as 2WR/2TE/1RB or does the AI just look at the formation rather then the personnel on the field?
The reason I ask is if I'm playing 2 player and I use a package putting my TE in the slot, I dont want him seeing that I have him as a receiver and adding an extra db to cover him (since we all know TEs arent as fast as DBs in the game and speed always wins in Madden)