
Madden NFL 12 32-Team Control Tool

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Old 09-03-2011, 11:06 AM   #1
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Icon1 Madden NFL 12 32-Team Control Tool

Hi everyone!
After following all the discussions about UDFAs in franchise and the great ideas within the 32-Team control handbook, I created a little tool in order to make controlling all teams as unbiased and "random" as possible.

This tool allows you to randomize the decisions within the resigning and the cut days process as well as giving you an order to take actions for the CPU teams (e.g. change team needs which will lead to FA signings by the CPU).

How it works:
You first need to enter your "Basic resign %" for each team. This is basically the % for which a Team can resign an possible FA during the resigning process in pre-season.

E.g. if you enter a % of 85% for the chicago Bears, this means that every player "possible FA" will be evaluated with a chance of 85% to resign with the bears. However, as this tool uses random figures, the percentage you entered are just an indication!
Furthermore, you can change this basic resign % by the "EoY modify" (a dropdown box), which basically should emulate that players want to resign with better teams. Both % are summed and used for the calculation, so the "final resign %" is the one used under the hood.

You can edit these "EoY modifier" on the right side if you think the modifier values are to high or too low.

The same rules apply to the Cut %, except there is not yet any modifier.

After pressing the buttons on the right side, either for resign,cut calculation or the team order), the results are presented in sheet 2/3 (Resign result and Cut Results).

1.) Extract the excel sheed using Winzip,Winrar etc.
2.) Open up the excel file
3.) For each Team, enter an percentage in Column B (Basic Resign %).
This percentage equals the propability that a possible FA is resigning with the Team.
4.) Apply an EoY modifier, if you wish. You do this, by using the dropdown menu in Column C (EoY Modify). Here you can select several modifiers e.g. Top 5 Team, which will increase the chance that a possible FA resigns with the Team.
5.) After applying percentages to ALL Team. at least in Column B, you can press the grey button "Start resign calculation",located at the very right on the forst sheet.
6.) After the calculation is done, you can select the second sheet (Resign Result) and print it out.
7.) Start a 32-Team control franchise and have "resign" be handled by the USER for all Teams.
7.) During the resign phase in the game, you take the printout into your hand and go through each "CPU" Team.
You open up the resign screen in the game and apply any sorting you prefer.You now have the players, who are up to either resign with the team or test FA listed. Now you start with the first player which equals the Column "1" in your printout (a.k.a spot Nr 1).
If the Column called "1" for this team says "resign", you resign the player to this CPU controlled Team.
If it says "FA", the player wants to try FA market und you dont resign with this player for the CPU controlled Team.
8.) Repeat this, for as many FA spots as the Team have in the game.
9.) Repeat this for all CPU controlled Team.
10.) If you would like to have it more balanced, handle the resign phase after the same scheme with your own Team.

This is just meant to help, make handling all 32 Teams a bit more unbiased and somewhat "random".

You are free to set the percentages in Column B "Basic resign %" to whatever you want. I hoovered them around 75%, as I read somewhere thatsthe avg. resign rate in the NFL.
You can also change the modifier to any value between -100/+100 in the right side under Column P.

The Column E "True resign %" shows the actually calulated resign %, based on 20 players each team.

Chicago Bears
Basi Resign % = 74%
Top 5 Modifier = + 10 %
Final Resign % = 84%
True resign % = 80%
So for each of the 20 calculations for the Chicago Bears, the chance to resign vs. testing FA market for each player spot is (theoretically) 84%.

If true resign % shows 80%, that means that after the actual calculation, 80% of the Bears possible FAs resign with the Team (which YOU have to apply within the game).

Cutting players work in the same way.

I hope this helps and sorry for my first very poor explanation

To keep things more balanced, I will also use the results for my own Team! So it is not me who decides how many players are cut or resigned, its determined by the same logic applied to all teams.This will definatly need some discipline, but I will try.
My immersion for this is that the mighty owner have a say during the cut days, while the players have the power during resigning processn and I will resign anyone who is willing to.

Of course I will keep a bit of freedom for myself to make free decisions if I would see a bad result with the random method for either my, or the CPU team.

Know bugs:
In the action order, one figure is always missing. You will always see
the 0 at the top, so you have to go through the teams and see which one is missing. Thats the 0 spot then.

Please note that I will continue to improve this little helper but I will rarely have much time to post here.
I will read this thread regulary and will answer as much as I can.
So any feedback is welcome as well as any suggestions to further improve this.
And sorry for my bad english

All props to Manning2Harrison and all the other peole contributing
help and ideas to make this years franchise as enjoyable as we deserve!

am I allowed to use to OS logo for this tool?

The first version had a major bug in it...a noob fault actually

I upped a working version, you have to re-download it in order
to make the resign work.
Sorry for this
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File Type: rar M1232TC v2.rar (26.3 KB, 72 views)
Soccer: Werder Bremen, FC Barcelona,
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Last edited by shadox; 09-04-2011 at 09:53 AM.
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Old 09-03-2011, 02:44 PM   #2
JRT2006's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 12 32-Team Control Tool

interesting! will definitely implement this into my franchises
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Old 09-03-2011, 02:47 PM   #3
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Re: Madden NFL 12 32-Team Control Tool

this is giving me a headache....please tell me that the FA resign logic is better than in years past and not worse. I found M11 tolerable (not good but tolerable).....please tell me it's not a disaster this year that will require all sorts of go arounds to fix.
"I'd rather lose to the cpu with realistic stats than win with ridiculous stats."

If interested these are my Madden 12 sliders: http://www.operationsports.com/forum...dden-12-a.html
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Old 09-03-2011, 03:04 PM   #4
Manning2Harrison's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 12 32-Team Control Tool

Originally Posted by mjhyankees
this is giving me a headache....please tell me that the FA resign logic is better than in years past and not worse. I found M11 tolerable (not good but tolerable).....please tell me it's not a disaster this year that will require all sorts of go arounds to fix.
It's so bad that only 32 team control can save franchise mode.

M2H, a/k/a Mudcat
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Old 09-03-2011, 03:18 PM   #5
Fear The Spear
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Re: Madden NFL 12 32-Team Control Tool

Originally Posted by Manning2Harrison
It's so bad that only 32 team control can save franchise mode.

M2H, a/k/a Mudcat
That's such a shame...Now players will spend countless hours doing EA's dirty work instead of actually enjoying playing the game if they want a realistic experience
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Old 09-03-2011, 05:42 PM   #6
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Re: Madden NFL 12 32-Team Control Tool

Yeah, so I download your nifty little spreadsheet. One problem though, when I click on "Start Resign Calculations" it pops up with a fantastic error message that I can't seem to figure out. It says
Object Required
I've googled it, but found nothing that I've been able to figure out.

If you have an insight into the issue that would be super!
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Old 09-03-2011, 06:01 PM   #7
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Re: Madden NFL 12 32-Team Control Tool

i dont understand how to wrork this =l
Add me =)

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Old 09-04-2011, 05:22 AM   #8
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Re: Madden NFL 12 32-Team Control Tool

Originally Posted by speer49
Yeah, so I download your nifty little spreadsheet. One problem though, when I click on "Start Resign Calculations" it pops up with a fantastic error message that I can't seem to figure out. It says
Object Required
I've googled it, but found nothing that I've been able to figure out.

If you have an insight into the issue that would be super!
Um, do you accept macros while starting excel?
Do you have the basic resign % filled for every team?
Does it work if you run it right after startup without making any change to the %'s?

Uh,shame on me -_-
I uploaded an working version of this.
Sorry guys, I renamed a module but forgot to change it within the call

Now it should work.
Soccer: Werder Bremen, FC Barcelona,
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Last edited by shadox; 09-04-2011 at 05:25 AM.
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