Definitely no time to make changes but the way you have to do it is still to clunky. I hate having to use the d pad! I even switched the setting to madden 10 but it still isn't the same. Why take my thumb off the left stick and go to dpad and then the CPU QB hikes it and my guy automatically runs forward and falls while I try to bring my thumb from the dpad to the left thumbstick?! Makes no sense! Plus the controls from NCAA and madden are not the same. The way NCAA has the pre snap adjustments are how madden should be. Same developer, same building, different controls? It's also frustrating to have to hit 2-3 different buttons to try and bump n run on 1 wr while having the other play off and then spotlight a WR. Its almost and actually is impossible to pull this off prior to the CPU hiking the ball...
Also, I like that in NCAA you can make adjustments and sell out for the run or pass left, middle, or right. Why not add the same to madden. I would like to see the NCAA and madden teams have a meeting and discuss together a few issues. Take what works so well in NCAA and add to madden. Defensive line interaction doesn't seem to work. I was J Peppers for a game and I tried right stick left, right, up, and down all game and got nothing unless I used the right stick pressed down prior to the snap and I would get by Packers Left tackle every time or on occassion just get knocked to the ground and pancaked. FRUSTRATING! I also find it frustrating with the CB and WR interactions. It's completely unrealistic.
I do love the graphics though and presentation! Great job!