05-10-2011, 06:49 AM
Lol, folks need some optic surgery thinking thats a game pic. You all are nuts man lol, and there are still people posting thinking its a game pic. wowsers.
Speaking on the mask, I'm one of those equipment junkies that cant get enough facemasks in the game, and this is actually one of my least favorite cages ever. I avoid it like the plague in NCAA11. I haven't noticed if its in Madden 11 or not. I know for a fact its in NCAA11 though.
Yea its in Madden11. They have a "Titan Bulldog" and a "Schutt Bulldog", there might be other versions on different helmets but I didn't check that extensively.
Last edited by kingsofthevalley; 05-10-2011 at 06:56 AM.
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