
PS3 Price Cut in August Timed with Madden Launch?

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Old 06-10-2009, 10:29 AM   #17
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Re: PS3 Price Cut in August Timed with Madden Launch?

Both are great systems get what you can afford
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Old 06-10-2009, 10:40 AM   #18
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Kinda late, sony. everyone already bought wii's and 360's.
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Old 06-10-2009, 10:56 AM   #19
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Re: PS3 Price Cut in August Timed with Madden Launch?

Originally Posted by Yo-Yo
Kinda late, sony. everyone already bought wii's and 360's.

anyway, for some who are waiting to make the plunge...I usually don't say this...but I'd wait until August just to see if there is a price drop...if $100 means alot to you..
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Old 06-10-2009, 11:34 AM   #20
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A blu-ray player for 299 with the ability to play one or two games I might like.

I'm in since I don't have a blu-ray player.
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Old 06-10-2009, 11:38 AM   #21
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Re: PS3 Price Cut in August Timed with Madden Launch?

As a owner of all three systems, I would say that 299 is definitly worth it. All you have to say is GOW3 and it is instantly worth a measly 300 bones.

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Old 06-10-2009, 11:40 AM   #22
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Re: PS3 Price Cut in August Timed with Madden Launch?

If I owned a Xbox 360, a PS3 and a Wii, I'd only buy the Xbox 360 version.


Because it's the version EA uses the most to display the game at shows and on the internet.

Which leads me to conclude that it's the most polished version available.

I'm sure the other consoles are fine and have great games too, but for Madden, the Xbox 360 seems to be the system of choice.
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Old 06-10-2009, 11:46 AM   #23
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Re: PS3 Price Cut in August Timed with Madden Launch?

I would pay $299 for a PS3. $400 is too much for me for a PS3 when I already have a 360, but I want a PS3 so I hope they do drop the price.
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Old 06-10-2009, 11:49 AM   #24
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Umm The PS3 is losing and sinking.

The NPD sales data for January has been released, and video game sales in the US remain strong. Overall, sales saw a thirteen percent jump from last year, proving that the gaming industry is one of the rare strong points in the US economy... even if individual developers are struggling. While both Nintendo and Microsoft have solid angles to play up this month, Sony is struggling with a significant drop in year-over-year sales as well as a lack of software titles in the top ten list.


The 360 sold a decent amount in January with 309,000 units moved. Microsoft's system also moved a ton of software with Left 4 Dead, Call of Duty: World at War, and Skate 2 taking the fourth, fifth, and sixth places on the software sales list. Lord of the Rings: Conquest is one of the rare new releases on the list, coming in at tenth place.

This continues the trend we see month after month: Microsoft falls way behind Nintendo in hardware sales, but the blockbuster console releases—aimed mostly at the so-called "core gamer"—find a home on the 360.

The PlayStation sold 203,200 units, more than 100,000 less than the 360, and the PSP and PS2 sold 172,300 and 101,200 respectively. Those are solid numbers, and all told Sony sold a good amount of each of its hardware in the family, but none of the systems took any kind of leadership role on the boards. PlayStation 3 sales are also down year over year—not a good sign for the continued growth of the system, especially when the Xbox 360 saw solid year-over-year growth from 230,000 to 309,000.

What does this mean. Developers are not making money producing Sony's games. Unless they get more units in homes you can expect the PS3 to be a great Blu Ray player.

If you paid 399 to 599 for a PS3 do you really feel as though the games are 100-200 dollars better on your system than a 360.

It's actually embarrassing that most of the games have been better on the 360. So if your a developer and you can make more money if your game is on the 360 why would you put so much time in getting a great PS3 game which will cause more to produce for less profit.

Like some have said. This price cut comes to late.

Didn't Microsoft do the same thing before Madden hit last year. What happened to the originality Sony. When did they ever expect to hit the sweet spot for selling systems 199.

Sony killed itself. But I would purchase that great Blu Ray machine for 299.
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