
Madden 10: Did EA Press Reset? (Joystiq)

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Old 05-28-2009, 10:55 PM   #57
Bgamer90's Arena
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Re: Madden 10: Did EA press reset? (Joystiq)

Originally Posted by Moegames
im sorta just baffled by some of the replies here... last fall 75% of the posters in here were bashing madden 09 for its bugs and flaws and lack of advancement each year..and rightfully so, i was pretty pissed myself after noticing that bug filled piece of *&$^&*

But as someone else replied in here and said..some of you guys suddenly seem to have short patients for any negativity towards the series.. why? ..thats silly and dont be hypocrites

Personally... Madden needs this kind of criticism because if there weren't any...things would keep going the way there were. I have a good feeling Madden 2010 will be THAT GAME we been waiting for and i feel part of this is because of us in here nagging and harping to the dev's in here that post and read our input...

You know, in college.. my professor once told me that the weakest link in any business or company are the people that get all pissy when a customer complains about their lackluster product..i just hope that there arent any of this BS attitude in the developers at Tiburon....because that **** spreads like cancer and before you know it..the entire team will be affected by such crap attitudes...

Im VERY happy that Ian is lead developer now..i just feel he has that vision we been needing in Madden and from the looks of it..Madden is making its biggest leap forward in positive ways in a VERY long time...

Constructive Criticism is healthy for a product, unhappy customers "can" be healthy for a product..just as long as the people behind the product dont let their feathers get all ruffled up because people are unhappy with their lackluster product...its what you do from that point on that counts...

I look at Madden 2010 as a "new" beginning and i have high hopes for it this year regardless of the last 4 crap maddens...

By the way..the article on madden was spot on

Okay here's the thing. I'm expecting an article about madden 10. You know I'm all good with constructive feedback, but honestly, nothing in the article (or the previous one) talked about madden 10. It talked about the madden series as it has been this gen. That in itself, IMO, is a waste. We all know the features that have been added, etc. Like really, I don't get how anyone could say that those were good articles and that Joystiq did a good job when they had to correct the things that they said about the game.

I'm all for constructive feedback and there has been that in just about each and every preview of the game. It's just that what I don't like is how are you going to supposedly give a preview of Madden 10 but just completley disregard the game, get facts about the features wrong, and then talk about why you aren't interested in madden and why the EA/NFL monopoly is bad.

Like that isn't a preview of the game in any way really.

I know I'm being defensive but I just don't like it when people call others "negativity haters" for not liking an article when the article doesn't really talk anything about the game and even gets some things wrong about the game. How in the world does that make for a good article?

Originally Posted by ewto16
and if you played 07 and then played 09, you wouldn't really notice anything that different.
Even if they weren't that great, there was still a difference between them (at least imo).


Most of you just seem angry that it isn't another jock riding preview piece on how great EA and Ian are. Ian has been great for the Madden community and his level of interaction with the community is unmatched, but he has yet to make a decent game of Madden. Only 8 people on here have played Madden 10, yet you all already appoint him the chosen one and this the best Madden ever.

I've been fooled by marketing, glowing previews, and reviews time and time again. I'm glad Joystiq took a different approach to previewing the game.
lol and here's another thing...

for the ones saying how "great" the article is, why do you guys feel that all the other previews of the game "brown nosed" EA/Ian?
Like are you guys looking for that one article to back your ideas that madden 10 will truly be no different from the past ones or are you being really serious because really, each and every preview has said something wrong with the game in some way(s).

So a preview that has false information about the game, talks about none of the writer's impressions of the game, and focuses more on how madden has been in the past instead of how the game will be is a different approach to previewing a game?

So not doing something you were sent out to do is a different approach to what you were suppose to do?
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Old 05-28-2009, 10:59 PM   #58
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Re: Madden 10: Did EA press reset? (Joystiq)

Great, objective, realistic review. Anyone saying otherwise is exactly what they're accusing the author of this article of being. Biased. All he's done is put into an article what we've been saying for years and you're offended?
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Old 05-28-2009, 11:37 PM   #59
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Re: Madden 10: Did EA press reset? (Joystiq)

isn't Madden 10 the first time Ian has been Lead Designer?
Ca$hville 4 Life...
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Old 05-29-2009, 12:25 PM   #60
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Re: Madden 10: Did EA Press Reset? (Joystiq)

Originally Posted by MattIntellect
This is Ian Cumming's first time being lead designer for Madden NFL and Phil Frazier's first full year as senior producer for Madden NFL. Give these guys a chance. Last year Madden made a big leap from Madden 08 to Madden 09 and this year looks even more promising.
Both have worked on Madden in the past. I'm pretty sure Phil was the lead guy last year, but they have both been on the team before. I don't put a lot of stock in titles and look at the work as a whole team accomplishment. Maybe a lot of what they wanted to do and their ideas got shot down in the past....who knows.

Originally Posted by Bgamer90
for the ones saying how "great" the article is, why do you guys feel that all the other previews of the game "brown nosed" EA/Ian?
Like are you guys looking for that one article to back your ideas that madden 10 will truly be no different from the past ones or are you being really serious because really, each and every preview has said something wrong with the game in some way(s).

So a preview that has false information about the game, talks about none of the writer's impressions of the game, and focuses more on how madden has been in the past instead of how the game will be is a different approach to previewing a game?

So not doing something you were sent out to do is a different approach to what you were suppose to do?
All the other preview articles bacislly read the same and could be written by an EA PR person. They talk about how awesome Pro-tak is, what it brings to the game, and how it will forever change Madden.

This article took a different stance and indicated how they were disappointed with what they saw from Madden so far and how they haven't seen any innovation in Madden in the last 3-4 years. I liked the refreshing viewpoint.
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Old 05-29-2009, 12:45 PM   #61
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Why are so many OSers angry at Joystiq? Did they lie about anything? Did they not state the facts? Why should EA be mad? They weren't mad when they lost me as a fan. They were not mad when there game gets hate mail from fans. How do I know that, easy, they keep releasing the same product each year.

My take is Madden built up a loyal following by eliminating there competition through illegal means(Look it up people) and now they are technically the only game in town.Not because they were better. Like fans of sports teams, it's either support the team or support nothing. Isn't democracy wonderful.

It's common for people to defend something they love, but if you OSers stop and think, Madden has not improved there game since NFL2k series went down and even slightly before that. Come on QB vision? Playmaker?

So Joystiq criticized what everyone knows and the Madden fans just can't accept it. EA takes advantage of people who are addicts of the game. They know it and bank on it. I am very disappointed in OSers who seem to hate people for pointing out the many faults of EA and Madden. If no one criticizes how can Madden improve? I highly doubt EA care anyhow, just look at the past 5 Madden games, but heck Madden keeps selling like hotcakes what do people like me and Joystiq possibly know. "What the economy isn't improving, lets give the banks more money, that will solve everything(people who are knowledgeable will get that joke as it apply s' to EA/Madden)"
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Old 05-29-2009, 12:47 PM   #62
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Re: Wow, Joystiq rights a "wrong"...

Originally Posted by coogrfan
If people are ticked off, it's because the joystiq preview (and today's feeble attempt to correct the record) are examples of extremely poor journalism.
Poor Journalism implies they are professional writers to begin with, not some pissed off jackass who got beat up by football players in highschool with an online videogame blog.
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Old 05-29-2009, 01:01 PM   #63
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Re: Madden 10: Did EA Press Reset? (Joystiq)

Originally Posted by MarkAdrianPI
Why are so many OSers angry at Joystiq? Did they lie about anything? Did they not state the facts? Why should EA be mad?
In their previous article they said that "The emotion of the NFL" was a new game mode which it isn't....

They weren't mad when they lost me as a fan. They were not mad when there game gets hate mail from fans. How do I know that, easy, they keep releasing the same product each year.

My take is Madden built up a loyal following by eliminating there competition through illegal means(Look it up people) and now they are technically the only game in town.Not because they were better. Like fans of sports teams, it's either support the team or support nothing. Isn't democracy wonderful.

It's common for people to defend something they love, but if you OSers stop and think, Madden has not improved there game since NFL2k series went down and even slightly before that. Come on QB vision? Playmaker?
Even if you don't like Madden, to say that it hasn't improved AT ALL is just wrong especially if you are saying it didn't during the PS2/Xbox days...

So Joystiq criticized what everyone knows and the Madden fans just can't accept it. EA takes advantage of people who are addicts of the game. They know it and bank on it. I am very disappointed in OSers who seem to hate people for pointing out the many faults of EA and Madden. If no one criticizes how can Madden improve? I highly doubt EA care anyhow, just look at the past 5 Madden games, but heck Madden keeps selling like hotcakes what do people like me and Joystiq possibly know. "What the economy isn't improving, lets give the banks more money, that will solve everything(people who are knowledgeable will get that joke as it apply s' to EA/Madden)"
Here's the thing that's funny... just about everyone that didn't like the preview hasn't like the way madden has been this gen (me included) and has talked about the things we didn't like about it here on OS so I don't get why so many people are saying that the "madden lovers" are the ones that didn't like the article.

The reason why people don't like it is mainly because it was obvious that the guy had no interest in sports games. He basically said it in the article. And he also talked about previous madden games instead of talking about his personal experience with Madden 10. Like that isn't really a preview or a hands-on in any way. All the previews stated something that was wrong with the game in it's build, so again, there has been no preview that was 100% positive.

It seems like the joystiq articles are becoming nothing but a back up for the people who had nothing but doubts about Madden 10 which I find kind of funny since it would seem like the same ones would have gotten the negative stuff from other articles (and maybe make them seem bigger than what they really are).
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Old 05-29-2009, 01:57 PM   #64
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Re: Wow, Joystiq rights a "wrong"...

Originally Posted by tmulk
Poor Journalism implies they are professional writers to begin with, not some pissed off jackass who got beat up by football players in highschool with an online videogame blog.
How on earth could you possibly know anything about these writers?

This is one of the most ridiculous statements I've heard about Joystiq. These guys are good at what they do (and usually quite comical), but they have one poorly written article about Madden and you freak out.

The article didn't sound like it came from a "pissed off jackass", rather a gamer who simply doesn't care about sports game for many of the same reasons us Madden players have begun to lose interest.

Chill out a bit and reread your post before you hit "submit reply" next time.
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