
Madden NFL 10 Blog - Improvements to QB Position

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Old 02-24-2009, 08:44 AM   #129
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Re: New Madden NFL 10 blog post - QB improvements

Originally Posted by nxtbardi
Brett Favre
1. Deep Ball Accuracy: 0
2. Medium Passing Accuracy: 72
3. Short Passing Accuracy: 95
4. Throw on the Run: -25
5. Play Action: 45

Sincerely, po'd Jets fan
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Old 02-24-2009, 08:47 AM   #130
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Re: New Madden NFL 10 blog post - QB improvements

Just got one question, hopefully it hasn't been asked yet...

For the Playaction Abilityy, are myy defenders going to be biting on a playaction on 3rd and 20 just because the guy is good at it, or are they going to be smart enough to realize there is no way Peyton is handing the ball off.

I just hope it doesn't turn into a cheese where I'm going to have to control my safety just so a reallyy good PA passer doesn't get him out of position time and time again when IRL we would know better.
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Old 02-24-2009, 08:49 AM   #131
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Re: New Madden NFL 10 blog post - QB improvements

not to be a "debbie downer" but im still a little skeptical.

everything Ian has said or shown us has been a GREAT IMPROVEMENT on madden.
but im still not convinced.

the game is so far from being an nfl sim that much more work has to be done.

i hope qb's have different animations. runners run like they do in real life.....not all the same.
wrs look/play like they do
nose tackles in a 3-4 DO draw double team attention, not just a center block a 350lb NT every play.

wr/cb interaction

what about qbs who hike and dart out of the pocket? the new "throwing on the run rating" sounds good but when people hike & dart the qb to the sidelines they DO NOT throw on the run. they set up the qb outside of the pocket and plant their feet. this "new rating" wont stop those cheesers. maybe making the DE break off his block, like real life as the tackle only guards inside to a qb standing in the pocket, would help.

bring back the MAN COVERAGE option on zones where my man will follow the wr across the field and the rest of the zones adjust(madden 06 reg xbox)

i want fades to work. i want plax to be able to jump OVER a cb in the corber of the endzone using his 6'5" height

theres a lot of things that need to be improved.
ian & co are taking the proper steps towards making the game a SIM game and making the cheesers adjust to sim, but a lot more work has to be done.

that fat slob, david ortiz, messed up the entire madden game for quite sometime and its a daunting task and im SURE Ian & co can fix it.....but i dont know about fixing it in time for madden 2010.
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Old 02-24-2009, 09:26 AM   #132
cowboy_kmoney's Arena
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Re: New Madden NFL 10 blog post - QB improvements

Originally Posted by The Sim God
not to be a "debbie downer" but im still a little skeptical.

everything Ian has said or shown us has been a GREAT IMPROVEMENT on madden.
but im still not convinced.

the game is so far from being an nfl sim that much more work has to be done.

i hope qb's have different animations. runners run like they do in real life.....not all the same.
wrs look/play like they do
nose tackles in a 3-4 DO draw double team attention, not just a center block a 350lb NT every play.

wr/cb interaction

what about qbs who hike and dart out of the pocket? the new "throwing on the run rating" sounds good but when people hike & dart the qb to the sidelines they DO NOT throw on the run. they set up the qb outside of the pocket and plant their feet. this "new rating" wont stop those cheesers. maybe making the DE break off his block, like real life as the tackle only guards inside to a qb standing in the pocket, would help.

bring back the MAN COVERAGE option on zones where my man will follow the wr across the field and the rest of the zones adjust(madden 06 reg xbox)

i want fades to work. i want plax to be able to jump OVER a cb in the corber of the endzone using his 6'5" height

theres a lot of things that need to be improved.
ian & co are taking the proper steps towards making the game a SIM game and making the cheesers adjust to sim, but a lot more work has to be done.

that fat slob, david ortiz, messed up the entire madden game for quite sometime and its a daunting task and im SURE Ian & co can fix it.....but i dont know about fixing it in time for madden 2010.
From this news and the things we now know that will be in the game tells us Sim that Ian and CO.are like our new Pres.They will fix things that that our old Pres,mess up and and put us back on top.I feel good about the steps these guys are taking us in.Because in this short time Ian has been in charge he's came along way with this game and its features.So stay on the team and keep letting things take its form,And all will be fixed to form a great game.I sure that he knows the running still looks robotic and will try to get it right they are still tweaking the game right now and still putting it togather.
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Old 02-24-2009, 09:45 AM   #133
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Re: New Madden NFL 10 blog post - QB improvements

YEah this QB thing is huge
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Old 02-24-2009, 09:49 AM   #134
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Re: New Madden NFL 10 blog post - QB improvements

This seems like great news! Now QB's will be differentiated based ont heir strengths and weaknesses at all levels, not just arm power and total accuracy. It does spring up a few questions (some with ratings, some with the blending)

1) Will there be those plays where a QB gets hit as he is throwing and the ball just shoots out to no one, or straight in the air?

2) Will different QB's have a higher fumble rate when they get hit while their arm is moving? (Big Ben can take a beating and not fumble, but Warner ala 2001-2007 cant hold on to anything)

3) WIll this spring any "tuck rule" decisions? That could be an issue when challenging (dont know if the tuck rule or how to correctly call it is in the game, or the whole "arm moving forward" portion)

4) Will the WR adjust to badly thrown passes without seeing it? Seems accuracy didnt matter too much because the WR could always adjust, no matter if the pass was thrown on time but badly placed, or before the route was over (certain people call a deep out, but throw it before the break which makes it more of a curl or streak, no way the WR would know to cut off his route)

Other areas to use the blending = blocking, tackle animations obviously, WR/DB match up
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You too can be a 5* recruit at FSU.......

Originally Posted by TwelveozPlaya21
add worthless Xavier Lee to that list..
Originally Posted by MassNole
CFL here he comes. Pfft, wait that would require learning a playbook. McDonalds here he comes.
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Old 02-24-2009, 10:12 AM   #135
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Re: New Madden NFL 10 blog post - QB improvements

What about the different throws in football? Madden 09 got 2 throws the deep lob and the low bullet


This what madden and ncaa needs to go back for the new ob improvements to work

And i hope you guys work on the Wideout to cuz the qb improvements wont work if you dont i am sorry
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Old 02-24-2009, 10:39 AM   #136
RGiles36's Arena
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Re: New Madden NFL 10 blog post - QB improvements

Originally Posted by callmetaternuts
4) Will the WR adjust to badly thrown passes without seeing it? Seems accuracy didnt matter too much because the WR could always adjust, no matter if the pass was thrown on time but badly placed, or before the route was over (certain people call a deep out, but throw it before the break which makes it more of a curl or streak, no way the WR would know to cut off his route)
Boy I hope this is addressed. Maybe this is a place where procedural awareness steps in? If the DB can't make plays on a ball that they can't see, then WRs should not either.
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