
Madden 09 Demo Released, Impressions Here

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Old 07-31-2008, 06:48 AM   #9
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Re: **Official Madden 09 Demo Impressions Thread (360/PS3)**

The only things you're able to do in the demo is take the IQ test and play as the Giants with only 1:40 left in the game down by 4. But even if you score on the first play and there's 1:32 left in the game, you don't get to play defense. So basically the demo's over once you score.

The demo is more to showcase the IQ test and whatnot, wich has the potential to be one of the coolest features in sports video-games. You take four tests: rushing, passsing, run defense and pass defense. Then you're graded on each part with the 4 difficulty settings in the game. So you could be playing a game with rushing on All-Madden, passing on All-Pro, pass D on rookie and so on. This is has the potential to be a great feature.

Last edited by Old's Cool; 07-31-2008 at 06:55 AM.
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Old 07-31-2008, 06:54 AM   #10
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Re: **Official Madden 09 Demo Impressions Thread (360/PS3)**

We knew this about the demo already since they told us.

What are the impression of the little that is in the demo?
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Old 07-31-2008, 06:57 AM   #11
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Re: **Official Madden 09 Demo Impressions Thread (360/PS3)**

Originally Posted by Carolus Rex
We knew this about the demo already since they told us.
LOL, exactly. But it's WAY more fun to not actually READ what's posted about the upcoming demo then bitch about it once it's out. That's what the internetz are for, right?
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Old 07-31-2008, 07:03 AM   #12
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Re: **Official Madden 09 Demo Impressions Thread (360/PS3)**

Originally Posted by kardashian
isnt that the contents of the demo from the dvd demo? I could of sworn I heard them say this demo was different some how.
This demo is supposed to be from a later build, but that's the only difference. From what I remember you had some developer walking you through the IQ test in the DVD version, but in this one you have Madden. I didn't really pay too much attention to the earlier videos, so I couldn;t tell you what's different specifically other than that. Some quick things:

-Game looks fantastic.
-Running feels terrific and much more "weighted" and less wild than last year (I immediately got a taste of what DonF was talking about...fighting through tackles looks and feels amazing...very realistic)
-Deep passes feel much more realistic and receivers catch the ball in stride. There seems to be very little margin for error, but I think I like that to be honest.
-The OL does seem to play better than last year...there is actually a semblance of a pocket and they pull out appropriately and engage well on stretch plays.
-Passing game as a whole feels much better. You sling the ball around like a madman you'll be punished...but not by superhuman LB's, but by fairly solid play.
-Celebrations look excellent also (did the "soldja boy" and some other little dance)
-Overall play feel more controlled and not as herky jerky as 08. Animations seem much improved.


-Madden IQ test seemed aweful easy on offense. I got All-Madden right off the bat on both passing and running. Passing I might have earned (you basically get high IQ for making a completion each time...not hard to do with good reads, IMO). Running was a little too forgiving in the simulator, but did feel great in game, so we'll see.
-Still some quirky animations and "gliding" players (especially when lining up)
-Pocket is improved, but not a true pocket yet, IMO.
-QB seems to be on speed in the dropback and seems to move faster than the rest of the players on the field. This may be the big contributor to a weak pocket as its hard to build around a guy who dropped back 100mph behind you.
-Ball still seems to "warp" into hands at times...more of an animation quirk than an actual gameplay one though (I think)

That's my quick assessment for now. Overall, I'm fairly satisfied. It is hard to get a true feel without playing D or special teams, but I think some will be pleasantly surprised.

EDIT: A quick note on tackling. You can really tell this has been improved. Guys "clean up" and finish tackles better than 08 (though still not perfect). Also, there are still some bad animations like the cartoonish "fall flat on your back" results, but I only saw that oonce or twice, so it would appear they've at least been toned down.

Last edited by SoxFan01605; 07-31-2008 at 07:22 AM.
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Old 07-31-2008, 07:05 AM   #13
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Re: **Official Madden 09 Demo Impressions Thread (360/PS3)**

ok.. after playing the demo... please tell me the defense can do adjustments while that little walk up to the line animation is going. last time we had a "walk to the line" cut scene every play (madden 07 on 360) people would do that and snap it real quick so the defense couldnt set up... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let this not happen again..
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Old 07-31-2008, 07:08 AM   #14
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Re: **Official Madden 09 Demo Impressions Thread (360/PS3)**

Originally Posted by kardashian
ok.. after playing the demo... please tell me the defense can do adjustments while that little walk up to the line animation is going. last time we had a "walk to the line" cut scene every play (madden 07 on 360) people would do that and snap it real quick so the defense couldnt set up... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let this not happen again..
Well, you can't play defense so I couldn't say for sure. It does seem like you have to "settle in" a bit before you hike, but I wasn't paying close attention for this from the offensive end...sorry.
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Old 07-31-2008, 07:12 AM   #15
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Re: **Official Madden 09 Demo Impressions Thread (360/PS3)**

Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
This demo is supposed to be from a later build, but that's the only difference. From what I remember you had some developer walking you through the IQ test in the DVD version, but in this one you have Madden. I didn't really pay too much attention to the earlier videos, so I couldn;t tell you what's different specifically other than that. Some quick things:

-Game looks fantastic.
-Running feels terrific and much more "weighted" and less wild than last year (I immediately got a taste of what DonF was talking about...fighting through tackles looks and feels amazing...very realistic)
-Deep passes feel much more realistic and receivers catch the ball in stride. There seems to be very little margin for error, but I think I like that to be honest.
-The OL does seem to play better than last year...there is actually a semblance of a pocket and they pull out appropriately and engage well on stretch plays.
-Passing game as a whole feels much better. You sling the ball around like a madman you'll be punished...but not by superhuman LB's, but by fairly solid play.
-Celebrations look excellent also (did the "soldja boy" and some other little dance)
-Overall play feel more controlled and not as herky jerky as 08. Animations seem much improved.


-Madden IQ test seemed aweful easy on offense. I got All-Madden right off the bat on both passing and running. Passing I might have earned (you basically get high IQ for making a completion each time...not hard to do with good reads, IMO). Running was a little too forgiving in the simulator, but did feel great in game, so we'll see.
-Still some quirky animations and "gliding" players (especially when lining up)
-Pocket is improved, but not a true pocket yet, IMO.
-QB seems to be on speed in the dropback and seems to move faster than the rest of the players on the field. This may be the big contributor to a weak pocket as its hard to build around a guy who dropped back 100mph behind you.
-Ball still seems to "warp" into hands at times...more of an animation quirk than an actual gameplay one though (I think)

That's my quick assessment for now. Overall, I'm fairly satisfied. It is hard to get a true feel without playing D or special teams, but I think some will be pleasantly surprised.
Nice impressions. To be honest, if those are the negatives, I can live with that. BTW, LOL at the "35%!!!!" post.
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Old 07-31-2008, 07:15 AM   #16
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Re: **Official Madden 09 Demo Impressions Thread (360/PS3)**

something else i dont like... when i have a streak and a corner route on one side and i throw the corner route... the CB in the deep zone shouldnt have eyes in the back of his head and come down to contest it... that is one of the few ways to beat zone.

and lol @ the ball hitting jacobs in the facemask like every play for a drop

Last edited by kardashian; 07-31-2008 at 07:20 AM.
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