Quote: |
Originally Posted by TheThurmas |
What will sell me....
1. Better presentation, TV commentators a must.
2. Better AI: I basically only play vs. computer, and at Pro I win 90% of the
time and at All-Pro I lose 90% of the time regardless of what I seem to do
with sliders. Doesn't matter who I play as, what I set sliders to, I am going
to lead league in INTs thrown, be last in penalties, best in rush defense, near
the bottom in pass defense, etc. I wish that either the AI were more
responsive to my strengths & weaknesses, or sliders were more effective. I
just want a realistic experience.
3. And this for me is key: Customization. I like to play with created teams
(often a full league of 32 created teams) but the create-a-team feature of
the next-gen (360) game is a joke. The uniform designs and logos are weak
at best, and pathetic when compared with APF2k8. They were much better
on PS2 in 2007, so why not upgrade them? Seems an easy fix.
I'd like to comment on the AI.... turnovers killed me! It never seemed to matter how open the recevier was... he could have 5 yards or more on the DB when I threw ball but the super DB's on the field would close in on the WR or jump and pickoff about every 4th throw (while batting down the 2 of the remaining 3 and completing one of every 4 for 5 yard loss). Of course when you have no passing game your running game gets demolished.
I didn't tweak sliders very much since I was trying to play on a default setting to match on line play. That alone caused me to put the game down and consequently trade it in.