
Human vs CPU Slider Question

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Old 01-25-2014, 04:41 PM   #1
OVR: 2
Join Date: Mar 2009
Human vs CPU Slider Question

Sorry if stupid question, but does the CPU sliders control your team attributes when you aren't playing specific players? For example if I put the human interception slider to 100 but CPU interception slider to 0 when a ball gets near my team's cornerback who I'm not controlling which applies?

Curious as I have my sliders set as such but my players keep dropping east interceptions. Also, does having ball hawk on make it more difficult to intercept if you don't control the player? Really appreciate some help.
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Old 01-26-2014, 07:50 AM   #2
OVR: 3
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Weird, NJ
Re: Human vs CPU Slider Question

Originally Posted by miknhoj1983
Sorry if stupid question, but does the CPU sliders control your team attributes when you aren't playing specific players? For example if I put the human interception slider to 100 but CPU interception slider to 0 when a ball gets near my team's cornerback who I'm not controlling which applies?

Curious as I have my sliders set as such but my players keep dropping east interceptions. Also, does having ball hawk on make it more difficult to intercept if you don't control the player? Really appreciate some help.
I've always suspected that CPU sliders affect your team just the same as HUM sliders. I've noticed this with pass block and run block. You can test by setting them both to 0 on HUM, essentially giving yourself absolutely no boost in those areas as you can not actually control your o-line post-snap. However, say if CPU pass and run block are set at 50 or higher, it seems like your o-line is still able to guard against the pass rush and set up blocks in the run game.

I'm not sure what ball hawk really does as I've never had it on. I've always assumed it gives an unfair boost to your defense and I've never had a problem user picking with ball hawk off.

If EA Sports really wanted to help with sliders, I feel the following may be a better set up for future titles..

HUM Sliders
User QB Accuracy
User Run Ability (also affects ball carries fumbles and defensive pursuit angles)
User Tackle

CPU Sliders
CPU QB Accuracy
CPU Run Ability (also affects ball carrier fumbles and defensive pursuit angles)
CPU Tackle

Universal Sliders
Univ. Pass Block
Univ. Run Block
Univ. Special teams Block
Univ. WR Catch
Univ. Defensive Reaction (coverage, interceptions, noticing the balls been fumbled, etc.)
Etc, etc..

Something like that.. since really I personally think those three areas are the only ones consistently used by us during gameplay.. the rest should just be universal and play off actual ratings.

I'd also eliminate speed threshold entirely as I think the programming behind it can ruin sliders as it causes the CPU to react/perform quicker than it's supposed to.. like turning off FPS limits on an emulator or something.. I just think it screws up more than it helps.

Last edited by R.Moncrief; 01-26-2014 at 07:52 AM.
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