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Old 01-24-2020, 08:14 AM   #1
ChubbyD's Arena
OVR: 1
Join Date: Aug 2008
Madden Editor issues

I have an issue that suddenly popped up using the madden editor. The first time I used it, I was in the editor and updating player abilities, when it suddenly stopped. I have enough experience with the ncaa14 editors to know that these things are finicky, so I thought nothing of it. But i cant get the program to read any file any more.

What happens:
I open up Madden editor, it checks for updates, everything is fine.
If I click on ability editor, it goes to that screen, but the screen stays blank. No spinner, no headers, no nothing, and nothing else is clickable.
If I click on schedule editor, the field headers come up, the spinner comes up, and hangs. Nothing else is clickable, It's stuck.

What I've tried:
Uninstalling and reinstalling. However, I know I;m not getting everything when I uninstall, because the 'recent files' still show up after reinstallation.
Disabling antivirus, both the windows10 and malware bytes antivirus.
My franchise files have been using Sabo's mod, so I created a vanilla franchise and tried that too.

Uninstalling, restarting win10, then reinstalling.

I know it will work because it started to work. In the meantime, I have a workaround sending the franchise files to my laptop and using the editor over there, but I'd rather just use my main desktop to do it. Any help would be appreciated!
Al Czervik: [mocking] You demand satisfaction? Well I'll tell you what's satisfying: *cash*. I'll shoot you 18 holes for ten thousand bucks!

TWITCH FEED: ShotgunFarmer

Last edited by ChubbyD; 01-24-2020 at 08:30 AM.
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Old 01-29-2020, 05:49 PM   #2
ChubbyD's Arena
OVR: 1
Join Date: Aug 2008
Re: Madden Editor issues

This is seriously the weirdest thing ever. I have tried everything short of uninstalling Windows completely. I even downloaded Revo uninstaller to try and completely erase every crumb of the program, and even that didnt work. When I down again, and start it up, there are my recent files. So something isnt completely being removed when I uninstall.

Anyway, I tried something. I downloaded and used 3.7. And everything works. So I updated to 4.0.1 using the app, and right back to square one. The tables dont load. So I have 4.0.1 working great on my laptop, and 3.7 working on my desktop. No clue why 4.0.1 just wont load any tables on my desktop.

In the meantime, google drive is my friend, although it is a pita. Any suggestions would be most welcome.
Al Czervik: [mocking] You demand satisfaction? Well I'll tell you what's satisfying: *cash*. I'll shoot you 18 holes for ten thousand bucks!

TWITCH FEED: ShotgunFarmer
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