
Things you Appreciate about Madden 22..

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Old 08-27-2021, 08:26 PM   #1
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Things you Appreciate about Madden 22..

Now, now..before I get started here, let me say I am INTIMATELY aware of every last one of Madden 22's deficiencies, from Offline Franchise having a mode-breaking, score changing bug, to the ever annoying holy light that blinds us all during the draft, and the few gameplay bugs that exist.

With that said, even if I didn't know a single one, everyone here does a great job of keeping us abreast of all of Madden's shortcomings, and so I've decided to start something positive and talk about what I do enjoy. It is my opinion that Madden 22 has made VERY impressive improvements, even if we just go from '21 to '22 (next-gen), that just can't be summarily ignored. Let's share our favorites. Now instead of naming every last one in a post that will go on way too long, I'll name 3..from Presentation, Gameplay, and my favorite mode, Franchise.

Presentation: Has taken a very nice, and welcome step forward from year-to-year, and I can't let it go unpraised. I just loaded into a Week 6 game in Year 2 of my franchise, and the lead-in not only mentions that I won a blowout victory in my last game of this particular matchup, but also that I'm the reigning Super Bowl champs, all the while watching the teams actually warm-up broadcast style, INSTEAD of a false highlight mashup video, with players doing things that can't actually be done in-game as was the case in Madden '21..it's the LITTLE THINGS that matter most, and I'm happy EA is on the right track here.

Gameplay: There's nothing more satisfying to me, then running a Full House Base Slam, right through the B gap behind one of my FB's and watching him crash headlong into a LB either clearing him completely, or atleast blowing him off balance and out of reach as I lean forward or cut off of that into whatever green grass I can get. Running the ball has never felt better to me and I love every second of it, on both sides. Whether trying to hold the point of attack, or blow through it, O-line-D-line interaction, and the running game off of it just FEELS better with the improvements of movement and momentum. Thank you.

Franchise: Yes, yes, the scouting update ain't here yet. But how about the most obvious addition? SCENARIOS. They add a whole new layer to franchise and it's much appreciated. It seems that people like to "Yeah, but" these kinds of things, I think people should embrace them, after all, craziness happens off the field that affects on the field, ALL the time right? I thought y'all wanted sim? But anyway, tip of the cap.

Anywho, I could mention any number of other great small gameplay additions like, like the animation of touching a player down that fell, just to make sure it's a tackle, c'mon that's golden. Or the simple pushing out of bounds of a player too close to the boundary instead of a full tackle like before, but I'll leave it here. I'm just saying, let's give props where they're due instead of piling on the shortcomings we all know about as we patiently wait for more improvements.
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Old 08-27-2021, 08:34 PM   #2
pmurray20's Arena
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Re: Things you Appreciate about Madden 22..

Madden once again has Tim Tebow so that's a plus
Go Bucks!!
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Old 08-27-2021, 08:37 PM   #3
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Re: Things you Appreciate about Madden 22..

Originally Posted by pmurray20
Madden once again has Tim Tebow so that's a plus
The question is, are you going to move him back to QB and try to relive some of that ultra ridiculous Tebow Magic??
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Old 08-27-2021, 09:09 PM   #4
The Lama
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Things you Appreciate about Madden 22..

Great thread!!

A small but meaningful update is the new UI which I love.

Everything is there to manage your team on your home page. Also standings are accessed from that home page now which I like.

The news feed is soooooooo much better. A nice easy to read scroll down column where you can read all the blogs about that weeks action! And the twitter feed/reactions has it’s own neat and organized column to scroll down and easily read reactions from your favorite personality’s instead of spread out all over the place on a disorganized page full of stuff.

I am truly digging the new weekly Strategy/practice as with 32 team control it works great. Yes I have devised a cool dice rolling system. Hopefully they will fix it for solo franchise players who want nothing to do with 32 team control.

Gameplay? Where do I start. Ok I start with the best upgrade on next gen Madden 22…..CPU QB AI!!!! Never ever been better!!!!

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Last edited by Armor and Sword; 08-27-2021 at 10:51 PM.
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Old 08-27-2021, 09:36 PM   #5
PhillyPhanatic14's Arena
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Re: Things you Appreciate about Madden 22..

  1. Love seeing young players regress due to multiple injuries. That's a huge addition.
  2. Also seeing a lot more varied injuries at more positions this year. Depth is finally important.
  3. AI QBs attack your weaknesses on all madden. If you are usering a dude and go off script they'll destroy you.
  4. The rate of xp gain is slower this year and it's a great design choice
  5. The new franchise UI is also awesome. Finally feels like i'm in a 32 team league and not just out there playing 16 single games.
  6. Playbooks are pretty sick. The Ravens playbook is amazing.
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Old 08-27-2021, 09:52 PM   #6
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Re: Things you Appreciate about Madden 22..

Originally Posted by Armor and Sword
Great thread!!

A small but meaningful update is the new UI which I love.

Everything is there to manage your team on your home page. Also standings are accessed from that home page now which I like.

The news feed is soooooooo much better. A nice easy to read scroll down column where you can read all the blogs about that weeks action! And the twitter feed/reactions has it’s own neat and organized column to scroll down and easily read reactions from your favorite personality’s instead of spread out all over the place on a disorganized page full of stuff.

I am truly digging the new weekly Strategy/practice as with 32 team control it works great. Yes I have devised a cool dice rolling system. Hopefully they will fox it for solo franchise players who want nothing to do with 32 team control.

Gameplay? Where do I start. Ok I start with best upgrade on next gen Madden 22…..CPU QB AI!!!! Never ever been better!!!!

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First off, thank you Armor!! Just like seeing the positives sometimes you know??

Right on with the UI layout, I definitely much prefer the new look myself. Everything is so well laid out now. So fun fact by the way, and I wonder if you've noticed.. twice now on load back to the main screen of franchise after a game, for just a split of a second, I've seen the last year/ last gen animation of my head coach, at the desk as he's been the last few years, before the new layout gets into place, have you seen that? Just thought that was interesting.

I also definitely agree about the A.I. QB's! They are SO much better, and not in a ROBO QB sort of way which is what I've always been concerned about.

Originally Posted by PhillyPhanatic14
  1. Love seeing young players regress due to multiple injuries. That's a huge addition.
  2. Also seeing a lot more varied injuries at more positions this year. Depth is finally important.
  3. AI QBs attack your weaknesses on all madden. If you are usering a dude and go off script they'll destroy you.
  4. The rate of xp gain is slower this year and it's a great design choice
  5. The new franchise UI is also awesome. Finally feels like i'm in a 32 team league and not just out there playing 16 single games.
  6. Playbooks are pretty sick. The Ravens playbook is amazing.
Funny you should mention those Ravens, they're my franchise team

I would say it's never been more fun, but I gotta say..using the Ravens defense from about 2005, through the late 00's to shutdown a lot of overhyped offenses? Never found more joy than that.
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Old 08-27-2021, 10:24 PM   #7
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Re: Things you Appreciate about Madden 22..

I must say there is no better feeling than finally getting logical second level and open field blocks from my teammates where I don't have to Barry Sanders my way to get more than 4 yards on a carry. A well executed run play is a thing of beauty and the cherry on top is if I can get that pesky safety to miss.
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Old 08-27-2021, 10:44 PM   #8
damion2721's Arena
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Re: Things you Appreciate about Madden 22..

+1. The positive thread is VERY welcomed.
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