
Coaching Changes in CCM

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Old 01-06-2018, 04:46 PM   #1
strife1013's Arena
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Coaching Changes in CCM

I was wonder what is the best method to take one (real) NFL coach from one team and move him to another team in CCM (cloud or offline).

I was testing around different methods and the only way I figured out how to do it was to play as the owner of both teams and release both coaches and than sign them to each others teams. Since I don't want to play in owner mode I than retired both owners and changed to play as a coach on the team I want to play on.

Is there another method that is better and easier? The down side I have found is I am than now permanently locked out of owner mode if I chose to play as the owner in the future.
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Old 01-06-2018, 11:25 PM   #2
NFCastle's Arena
OVR: 17
Join Date: Sep 2011
Re: Coaching Changes in CCM

You can start cfm. Create a new character (custom coach) to replace the coach you want to move (coach A) . Then create another custom coach for replace the coach for the team where you want coach A to be. Retire the created coach for the team where you want coach A to be. The team will auto hire a new coach from the coaching pool. Continue to create custom coach and retire him until the team hires the coach you want them to. If he is a veteran coach with a higher "lvl" he should be hired fairly early.

You can look to see who they hire by going to the coach scheme screen and going to the team. It will show who the coach is there.
*AKA NFC3PO on the Madden Modding Discord*
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