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Old 11-29-2016, 05:11 PM   #1
darkraiusa's Arena
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Hard Count

How come I can never do a hard count in Madden? Everytime I try to do one my own Offensive Line False Starts every single time. It seems like I can never cause an offsides or neutral zone infraction or encroachment when i try to fake hike.

Is there any way around this or any tips I can have to make my hard counts better or more successful?
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Old 11-29-2016, 05:20 PM   #2
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DeuceDouglas's Arena
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Re: Hard Count

Is your false start slider set above 50? If it is the "cap" of the penalty is removed and can make it happen much more frequently. Paired with a "low discipline" player it could cause a lot of false starts. Conversely if the offsides slider is only at 50 as well it will make those much less likely to be called and once it's called so many times in a game, not able to be called again. False Starts and encroachment/offsides are directly tied to the hard count mechanism so you're pretty much at the mercy of the dice roll and the higher the level you're playing on, the less likely you're going to get them to jump and the more likely your guys are to jump.
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Old 11-29-2016, 05:24 PM   #3
darkraiusa's Arena
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Re: Hard Count

Originally Posted by DeuceDouglas
Is your false start slider set above 50? If it is the "cap" of the penalty is removed and can make it happen much more frequently. Paired with a "low discipline" player it could cause a lot of false starts. Conversely if the offsides slider is only at 50 as well it will make those much less likely to be called and once it's called so many times in a game, not able to be called again. False Starts and encroachment/offsides are directly tied to the hard count mechanism so you're pretty much at the mercy of the dice roll and the higher the level you're playing on, the less likely you're going to get them to jump and the more likely your guys are to jump.

What sliders do you suggest playing with for these penalties?
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Old 11-29-2016, 05:25 PM   #4
howboutdat's Arena
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Re: Hard Count

Originally Posted by darkraiusa
How come I can never do a hard count in Madden? Everytime I try to do one my own Offensive Line False Starts every single time. It seems like I can never cause an offsides or neutral zone infraction or encroachment when i try to fake hike.

Is there any way around this or any tips I can have to make my hard counts better or more successful?
are you playing online or offline?

I only play online . Our league plays All-Madden. Now , in our league we actually turned down offsides to like 5 or 8 dont recall which, but its a setting where it will only call it on dlinemen being usered by a user and jumping too soon, the cpu controlled players dont jump offsides at that setting . We do this because some people have mastered how to blasts thru and jump your snap and get a ton of sack that way. So in order to give the offense a way to defend against it some to slow them down , we made this setting , so it wont draw offsides the cpu players, but def can the user controlled players.

I state all that to say this. When im playing a guy who i know users dline all game on d, I will fake snap the ball occasionally ,but NEVER twice in the same play. It seems to me, with false start set on 50 on all madden, if you try the fake snap twice on same play, it highly raises the chances of a false start.Not everytime you do it twice, but alot of times it happens. However, if i just do it one time in a play , i very rarely get false started called on my offensive line. It still will happen once in a while, but that just balances out the fake snap feature so offense cant abuse it.

Also , i dont know if it really plays that large a factor in it or not, but check your offensive linemens penalty traits and see if any are undisciplined. Maybe that is playing a role too, not sure.But def something to check out. Hope that helps some.
Yup, i said it !

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