
Madden NFL 17 Defensive Gaps, Alignment, Assignment, Technique, Blocking & Much More

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Old 05-19-2016, 11:19 AM   #73
Datninja619's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Defensive Gaps, Alignment, Assignment, Technique, Blocking & Much M

"The AI will automatically flip your defense when the offense flips so that your defense aligns to the proper strength in relation to the offensive formation they are seeing after the huddle break. "

Extremely excited about this!

I'd get so frustrated coming out in nickle D and having to flip the D, which sometimes put the defense out of position.

Maybe now we will have a Sam LB(Strong side) and a Will LB (Weak side) as opposed to left and right. This would allow me to but my best coverage LB on the TE. Or at least let us assign them.
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Old 05-19-2016, 11:22 AM   #74
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Defensive Gaps, Alignment, Assignment, Technique, Blocking & Much M

Originally Posted by Datninja619
"The AI will automatically flip your defense when the offense flips so that your defense aligns to the proper strength in relation to the offensive formation they are seeing after the huddle break. "

Extremely excited about this!

I'd get so frustrated coming out in nickle D and having to flip the D, which sometimes put the defense out of position.

Maybe now we will have a Sam LB(Strong side) and a Will LB (Weak side) as opposed to left and right. This would allow me to but my best coverage LB on the TE. Or at least let us assign them.
Unfortunately the flip only flips responsibilities, not positions. So it's getting closer, but not quite there.
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Old 05-19-2016, 11:25 AM   #75
SolidSquid's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Defensive Gaps, Alignment, Assignment, Technique, Blocking & Much M

Originally Posted by Datninja619
"The AI will automatically flip your defense when the offense flips so that your defense aligns to the proper strength in relation to the offensive formation they are seeing after the huddle break. "

Extremely excited about this!

I'd get so frustrated coming out in nickle D and having to flip the D, which sometimes put the defense out of position.

Maybe now we will have a Sam LB(Strong side) and a Will LB (Weak side) as opposed to left and right. This would allow me to but my best coverage LB on the TE. Or at least let us assign them.
SAMs and WILLs didn't make it in, Rex said it would be too much to program, but I know a certain game that had it 12 years ago. Hopefully they plan on adding it next year bc it's a big deal to me (I run a 4-3 defense) since SAMs and wills have different responsibilities that require different skill sets.
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Old 05-19-2016, 11:35 AM   #76
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Defensive Gaps, Alignment, Assignment, Technique, Blocking & Much M

This is going to be awesome I think. Especially if it's executed properly. Run fits, gap assignments, playcalls that matter, this is going to be just great to see in action.

The only thing I fear by this... if it does work as designed, I can just imagine all the "The run game is broken!", "There's no gaping holes for me to hit", "It's broken because I can't get more than 3 yards per carry" complaints that are going to follow. Hopefully they don't end up adjusting to cater to that crowd. The ease of use, and big gains for outside run plays in Madden 16 shows the glaring need for this type of system to be implemented.

It's so great to see this Madden team implementing things into the game from a real life NFL standpoint. Good stuff going on with this team.
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Old 05-19-2016, 11:38 AM   #77
Datninja619's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Defensive Gaps, Alignment, Assignment, Technique, Blocking & Much M

Originally Posted by kbomb1upc
This is amazing. As some one that has played D1 college football, this is legit. All of the terms they used we used as well. It will be awesome seeing this in action. I wished they would have given us a video to coincide with the blogs. I really hope I will be able to use real football knowledge to beat cheesers online.

Madden really got this right. I played safety in college and the first thing we did was identify the strength of the offense as indicated by the blog. The auto flip feature is HUGE!!!!!! I would manually do this on ever play. Next I would have to know what kind of run fit player I was. Usually it was a force or cutback in Cover 3 or a pass first fill player in cover 2. I am blown away that got all of this in the game. I salute you madden.
Same with me playing MLB in college. In our college defense, the strength of the defense would change based on the package we were in and the play call it's self. Quick example, If we were in Nickle strong, I'd call the strength based on 2+ WR side, Wide field side, OR even QB throwing hand (left or right)

If I come out in a Nickle Strong Blitz in Madden, I'd want the blitz on the STRONG side haha. If I say 4-3 Will blitz, I'd want the weak side backer to blitz.

I guarantee this will be the most satisfying Madden defensively for me. People may not think about it now, but this makes drafting for DEPTH more important. Example, on 3rd and short your going to want to sub in your best run stuffers (Blockshed, strength, tackle, etc) and have them align to the strength of the offense.

I'm going to try not to get tooooo excited and raise my expectations though. Just having this strength flip is an improvement.

Hopefully this means we are closer to DB assignments.
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Old 05-19-2016, 11:40 AM   #78
SolidSquid's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Defensive Gaps, Alignment, Assignment, Technique, Blocking & Much M

Originally Posted by brandon27
This is going to be awesome I think. Especially if it's executed properly. Run fits, gap assignments, playcalls that matter, this is going to be just great to see in action.

The only thing I fear by this... if it does work as designed, I can just imagine all the "The run game is broken!", "There's no gaping holes for me to hit", "It's broken because I can't get more than 3 yards per carry" complaints that are going to follow. Hopefully they don't end up adjusting to cater to that crowd. The ease of use, and big gains for outside run plays in Madden 16 shows the glaring need for this type of system to be implemented.

It's so great to see this Madden team implementing things into the game from a real life NFL standpoint. Good stuff going on with this team.
That's what scares me too. They are always so quick to nerf things instead of giving people tips on how to be better. I get it, for a casual all this stuff must have their head spinning but if skills trainer has been improved running though it a couple of times should be enough to help casuals learn. Hell even I'm gonna run through the trainer a couple times to get acquainted to things.
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Old 05-19-2016, 11:42 AM   #79
SolidSquid's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Defensive Gaps, Alignment, Assignment, Technique, Blocking & Much M

Originally Posted by Datninja619
Same with me playing MLB in college. In our college defense, the strength of the defense would change based on the package we were in and the play call it's self. Quick example, If we were in Nickle strong, I'd call the strength based on 2+ WR side, Wide field side, OR even QB throwing hand (left or right)

If I come out in a Nickle Strong Blitz in Madden, I'd want the blitz on the STRONG side haha. If I say 4-3 Will blitz, I'd want the weak side backer to blitz.

I guarantee this will be the most satisfying Madden defensively for me. People may not think about it now, but this makes drafting for DEPTH more important. Example, on 3rd and short your going to want to sub in your best run stuffers (Blockshed, strength, tackle, etc) and have them align to the strength of the offense.

I'm going to try not to get tooooo excited and raise my expectations though. Just having this strength flip is an improvement.

Hopefully this means we are closer to DB assignments.
As a Linebacker my whole life I can't agree more. Defense is actually going to involve strategy now, the only thing missing is tiered play calling. I hope that's where they are heading. I wanna call the package, front, stunts, coverage and blitzes, if I make a bad combination and leave a gaping whole somewhere then that's on me.
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Old 05-19-2016, 11:43 AM   #80
Datninja619's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Defensive Gaps, Alignment, Assignment, Technique, Blocking & Much M

Originally Posted by brandon27

The only thing I fear by this... if it does work as designed, I can just imagine all the "The run game is broken!", "There's no gaping holes for me to hit", "It's broken because I can't get more than 3 yards per carry" complaints that are going to follow. Hopefully they don't end up adjusting to cater to that crowd. The ease of use, and big gains for outside run plays in Madden 16 shows the glaring need for this type of system to be implemented.
I think to counter that early on, the Dev team built those running assist, such as the lane assist. Those assist plus lowering the sliders, should give the Devs plenty of ammo to fire back at the "I barely average 100 yards per game folks".

We shall see though!
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