
Madden NFL 17 Features Focus on Franchise Mode & More - Bundle Info & 2 Screenshots

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Old 05-12-2016, 02:54 PM   #153
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Features Focus on Franchise Mode & More - Bundle Info & 2 Screensho

Originally Posted by SageInfinite
Totally hear guys upset about the lack of equipment accuracy in the screens, but I still think it's too early to judge. It's not like it's July. These screens could be from any build of the game, as well as the trailer/teaser released tonight.

I'm all for going with the history, but to be fair, we don't know when these screens were captured, and from what build they were captured.

Hope the new ball carrier cues come with new ball carrier juke moves and animations.The defensive animations need the most work, so I hope those were finally addressed.[/ quote]

Agreed, in 16 the juke moves were useless, which is why most people used the spin move as the primary juke move. Anytime you attempted a simple juke to the right or left near a defender you were sucked into a canned tackling animation most of the time. I hope these new mechanics eliminate that.
Not only that, they looked terrible and unrealistic. I feel like the precision jukes should've been the default moves, they looked better. Spin move needs to look more realistic as well.

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Old 05-12-2016, 02:56 PM   #154
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Features Focus on Franchise Mode & More - Bundle Info & 2 Screensho

Originally Posted by 4thQtrStre5S
I care about football fundamentals - not whether Antonio brown is wearing, Fruit of the Loom, or BVD underwear.
I think the reason why some of us get bored with Madden lately is because the gameplay gets stale....

I can understand the desire to have new equipment in the game but the bottom line for me is I usually don't play Madden much anymore after 2-3 months because the gameplay has become stale in Madden 15 and 16

EA needs to go all out one year on gameplay make these damn NFL players animate like real players and stop having all 32 teams play the same on the field......

There are a lot of long time posters on here who barely post anymore about Madden because it's usually just minimal upgrades to gameplay and a bunch of Fluff Fluff things added to tie you over til the next release....

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Old 05-12-2016, 03:00 PM   #155
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Features Focus on Franchise Mode & More - Bundle Info & 2 Screensho

Originally Posted by SportsGamer94
If they update player equipment I really hope they drastically improve player movement and animations to look way more realistic, gonna be such an immersion breaker to have player with accurate equipment but move like robots.
This is the Tiburon signature, they can't get rid of that, lol. Seriously though, there's something holding them back in the animation department. I don't see them solving this even this generation. Especially when they don't realize how bad some of the animations look.

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Old 05-12-2016, 03:01 PM   #156
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Features Focus on Franchise Mode & More - Bundle Info & 2 Screensho

Originally Posted by Playmakers
I think the reason why some of us get bored with Madden lately is because the gameplay gets stale....

I can understand the desire to have new equipment in the game but the bottom line for me is I usually don't play Madden much anymore after 2-3 months because the gameplay has become stale in Madden 15 and 16

EA needs to go all out one year on gameplay make these damn NFL players animate like real players and stop having all 32 teams play the same on the field......

There are a lot of long time posters on here who barely post anymore about Madden because it's usually just minimal upgrades to gameplay and a bunch of Fluff Fluff things added to tie you over til the next release....

I think that's where the need for signature animations comes in. Gameplay is stale because everyone looks the same in terms of movement. They haven't got to a place where we've seen more fluid realistic looking animations, so who knows when we'll see that happen
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Old 05-12-2016, 03:08 PM   #157
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Features Focus on Franchise Mode & More - Bundle Info & 2 Screensho

Originally Posted by adub88
I think that's where the need for signature animations comes in. Gameplay is stale because everyone looks the same in terms of movement. They haven't got to a place where we've seen more fluid realistic looking animations, so who knows when we'll see that happen
Agreed, I would like to add though that Madden has much more variety in how each player moves or performs an action. There are so many different players in the league with their own flare and style compared to the likes of NBA or MLB. It's not something that is going to happen over the course of one cycle. So the faster they get to work on making players unique in their animations the better. We need this for the future of Madden.
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Old 05-12-2016, 03:10 PM   #158
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Features Focus on Franchise Mode & More - Bundle Info & 2 Screensho

Originally Posted by brandon27
I think what he means is... they're spending time focusing on things are not that important in the overall grand scheme of things. Important to some, sure. Not important though when it compares to other things such as animations and gameplay and AI. The problem is they've spent time over the years working on little things that we could call cosmetic things, as opposed to the under the hood workings of gameplay, and game modes. Sure, those "small" cosmetic things create a sense of immersion in the game, but that's pretty quickly interrupted by some of the things going on with AI and animations etc. etc.

In a perfect world, they would have slightly updated equipment over the years, I get it, we all get it. You would have thought the same for the crowd and sidelines too, but that hadn't been the case previously.

Here's the only problem with your logic, the overall grand scheme of things should be a better game in every area, equipment, gameplay, presentation, game modes etc. now why does it seem that people think one takes away from the other, well maybe in Maddens case it does but other sports titles I have seen accomplish upgrades in every category in a single cycle.

All I am saying it all combines together to make a great game one isn't more important then the other. The only reason things like this always come up is because Madden isn't really exceeding in any of these categories to most of our liking, so if one thing such as equipment gets a little attention then people assume the gameplay mechanics will take a hit, but that's not necessarily true.
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Old 05-12-2016, 03:16 PM   #159
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Features Focus on Franchise Mode & More - Bundle Info & 2 Screensho

Originally Posted by adub88
I think that's where the need for signature animations comes in. Gameplay is stale because everyone looks the same in terms of movement. They haven't got to a place where we've seen more fluid realistic looking animations, so who knows when we'll see that happen
Also what makes the game get stale fast is the same old animations over and over again, especially tackling animations, though the gang tackling in Madden 16 looks great and my favorite part of Madden 16, the one-on-one tackling is horrible, you see the same five one-on-one tackling animations all the time!
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Old 05-12-2016, 03:16 PM   #160
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Features Focus on Franchise Mode & More - Bundle Info & 2 Screensho

Take your team all the way in Madden NFL 17 with a renewed focus on Franchise mode, putting you at the center of your team’s Championship run. Arm your team for gridiron glory on both sides of the ball with the most balanced gameplay to date, featuring all-new ball carrier feedback cues, defender fake out mechanics and an innovative, authentic defensive AI system. Madden NFL 17 is the most complete Madden … ever.
I can't get excited by franchise improvements when I haven't liked the base gameplay this entire generation.

EA's definition of balance to date has meant artificially inflating/deflating aspects of the game to balance it. Hopefully that changes.

I've been hoping for more manual juking for many years. Hopefully new fake out mechanics means just that.

Hopefully authentic defensive AI means run fits / gap assignments are finally in.

But none of this means much if the animations haven't been significantly upgraded. I'm leaning with a previous poster who said something about EA's animation system is holding them back. I'm expecting the same ole, hoping for the best.
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