
Madden 2016 team specific playbooks / everything playbooks

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Old 08-27-2015, 07:14 PM   #1
vannwolfhawk's Arena
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Madden 2016 team specific playbooks / everything playbooks

Hey guys,

So some of you know me from nba2k playbooks I've done every year for the last 3 years. I'm big on having CPU AI playing true to life. It really is frustrating to me in this madden and past maddens to see the CPU AI run the same plays over and over. You know the ones, verticals, curls, screens, or slants, then repeat. This year I've noticed some of the same except now they added shot plays which are great to see the CPU attack down the field but if man coverage (I use Seahawks and run a lot of man) it means qbs get sacked more often than not. I had a game last night with sliders adjusted heavily in CPU favor and had 11 sacks with maybe 8-9 of them coverage sacks as when I replayed the play it was great coverage and CPU made right call not passing.

Anyways, it's no reason to wonder why when you dig into the playbooks and see the situational star ratings for each teams playbooks. Some teams have 450-500 plays in their playbooks but over half have no ratings and I'm assuming the CPU because of this will never use or call these plays. In each situational category (1st down, 2nd and long, etc) you might see 15-20 plays rated. Hence why you see the same plays being called.

I have started the Seahawks playbook and am almost done. I have put 500 plays for them, subtracted a few, added a few, and added a couple formations they use. I also set each set or formation with multiples of 3 to make sure if playing versus a human head to head in the same house you won't have a page with only 1 play on it. I also set each audible for every formation. When setting the audibles I gave universal audibles per button so you will see a run play for Y, play action is set to X, then depending on formations whether it be a run set or a pass formation I either have 2 passing plays assigned to RB and LB, 2 run plays to them, or 1 each. In some cases Lb is set to have routes or runs going to the left, and RB has routes or runs going to the right.

The only thing I have to finish (already started) is star ratings for situational downs. For example instead of 15 plays the CPU can use on 1st down I have 80 all in 1st down that the CPU can use with all the stars rated the same for variety in play calling. So for example I gave every 1st down play a 4 star rating. I will upload when finished.

All that being said is like this thread to be used for anyone who creates a team specific playbook or finds a great one in madden share that could be used for certain teams. I highly doubt I'll do this for every team as it's a huge undertaking but if we all came together to create our favorite team using the above method we could see a huge difference in CPU play. Some of you might not be aware that there is a workaround for you to be able to play in a cfm versus the CPU and they can use a custom playbook. I'll link the thread when I find it. Again, this could be huge to see the CPU AI tom Brady, Peyton manning, etc play true to life and keep us on our toes.


Update: for madden 16 workaround:

Originally Posted by SwaggerCoach

Little update for you all....

GOT IT WORKING!!!!!!!!!!

You ready to have a blast with CFM this year???

Figured out the problem. Ok...

In your main coach/owner profile, go to league settings. Make sure YOUR instant starter setting is OFF.

Create the player profile for the team you are playing. Balanced QB. Undrafted. Go to settings. You should see Instant Starter: OFF (and you shouldn't be able to change it).

Boot up the game as normal. This time your QB will NOT be starting for your opponent!!! (You'll know it's working on the matchup screen - you'll see the QB that should be starting show up here if they are highlighting the QB's.

After that, it's smooth sailing. Your backup QB for the opponent will not check in unless the other 2 QBs get hurt or there's only 2 QBs on the roster and he needs to hold for kicks.

Now the question is....who wants to buy me a beer???

Actually - the question is - who wants to handle which playbook?? I'll take over the Panthers!!! And Vann, hopefully sharing works so I can check out your SEA playbook!!!!!

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For madden 15 workaround:

Originally Posted by mooch49
Yes. You read correctly. I have figured out a way that allows you to assign a custom playbook to the computer in a CFM. Up until now, we could only do it in play now games. Now you can in franchise and makes a world of difference. It solves the computer dinking and dunking. They actually call the plays you created in the playbook. I know M15 has this problem. Hopefully, M16 the CPU will call a better game. But even if they do, it's nice to have a workaround that lets you assign a custom playbook to the computer. Definitely works on the PS4. I'm almost sure it will work on Xbox.

The workaround requires the following

1) 2 controllers
2) Two accounts, both have to be legitimate PSN or Xbox live accounts. A guess account or an offline account will not work.

Once you have both accounts setup, it's time to login into each one. Not sure how that works for the Xbox, but for the PS4 it's fairly easy. Login into your main account. That'll be for controller 1. Next login into the second account by pressing the PS button. That'll be for the second controller. Now boot up Madden. To go between profiles at the main menu screen just use the directional pad. Now that you have 2 controllers and 2 accounts active, you want to create, edit, or download the playbook (s) you want the computer to use. I personally download them. There are many to choose from in the vault for every team.

For example, I'm a 49ers fan. So I do a search for niners or 49ers. It'll come up with rosters and playbooks that have those keywords. Download the one (s) you want. Once you decided which one to use during the game, you assign them in the settings of the main menu. NOT in the CFM.

So now that you chose which playbook(s) you want to use, you'll do the same process for the second account and second controller. But instead of choosing your playbooks, you are going to download the playbooks of your opponent in CFM. Once you have picked the ones you want to use, assign them for that profile in the settings screen of the main menu.

Start or continue your CFM. Create your character first. But it has to be a created coach. Now create your second character. This one MUST be a created player. It should be one that will not see the field. I usually pick a undrafted QB because most of them will be a third stringer. If not, just reorder the depth chart to make sure he is the 3rd or 4th qb.

Now switch back to your character (the coach). When you get to the match up screen, move controller 1 to the side you'll be playing as. Move the second controller to the opponent (the backup qb). Both you and computer will now use the playbooks you assigned to them in the main menu. Play the game and enjoy the computer using a custom playbook in a CFM.

I know it sounds very confusing and involving, but if you want the computer to play a certain way it's the only method that allows you to do it. It'll become second nature once you do 1 or 2 times. This fix is really for M15 because of how conservative the computer plays. It'll work for 16 as well, it just may not be as necessary to get the computer to open up more as it is for 15.

Good luck and feel free to ask any questions should you have problems getting this to work.

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I do have a few questions for the community...

1- does anyone know if we can just go set CPU team to a team specific playbook in play now without a 2nd controller?

2- follow up on above maybe just going to change playbooks in rosters might do this?

3- is the same workaround that was in 15 cfm to use these playbooks and assign them to CPU team still doable?

I look forward to seeing some cool playbooks and having a good playbook thread to bounce around ideas from the community. Let me know if you want to take on a team....

Teams in progress or completed
Seattle Seahawks- xbox1 - vannwolfhawk206 - Done but can't upload on ea share yet?
Seattle Seahawks Defense - xbox1 - vannwolfhawk206 - Done but can't upload on ea share still!
Green Bay Packers - xbox1 - vannwolfhawk206 - Done but again STILL can't upload!
Denver Broncos - xbox1 - vannwolfhawk206 - work in progress
Carolina Panthers- ps4 - thecouchguy9 - Up
Dallas Cowboys - ps4 - thecouchguy9 - Up
Dallas Cowboys - xbox1 - aholbert32 - Up
NY Giants - xbox1 - aholbert32 - Up
Washington Redskings - xbox1 - aholbert32 - Up
Jacksonville Jaguars - xbox1 - aholbert - Up
Indianapolis Colts - Xbox1 - aholbert- work in progress
New Orleans Saints - ps4 - thecouchguy9 - Up
Tampa Bay Buccaneers - ps4 - thecouchguy9 - Up
Philadelphia Eagles - ps4 - thecouchguy9 - Up
Atlanta Falcons - ps4 - thecouchguy9 - Up
New York Giants - ps4 - thecouchguy9 - Up
Green Bay Packers - PSN - Chief_fallsdown - Up
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Last edited by vannwolfhawk; 09-21-2015 at 10:24 PM.
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Old 08-27-2015, 07:25 PM   #2
My Momma's Son
bigeastbumrush's Arena
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Re: Madden 2016 team specific playbooks / everything playbooks

Great insight as always vann. Can't wait for these.

And I had no idea you could assign play books for the CPU.
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Old 08-27-2015, 07:40 PM   #3
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Re: Madden 2016 team specific playbooks / everything playbooks

Originally Posted by vannwolfhawk
Hey guys,

So some of you know me from nba2k playbooks I've done every year for the last 3 years. I'm big on having CPU AI playing true to life. It really is frustrating to me in this madden and past maddens to see the CPU AI run the same plays over and over. You know the ones, verticals, curls, screens, or slants, then repeat. This year I've noticed some of the same except now they added shot plays which are great to see the CPU attack down the field but if man coverage (I use Seahawks and run a lot of man) it means qbs get sacked more often than not. I had a game last night with sliders adjusted heavily in CPU favor and had 11 sacks with maybe 8-9 of them coverage sacks as when I replayed the play it was great coverage and CPU made right call not passing.

Anyways, it's no reason to wonder why when you dig into the playbooks and see the situational star ratings for each teams playbooks. Some teams have 450-500 plays in their playbooks but over half have no ratings and I'm assuming the CPU because of this will never use or call these plays. In each situational category (1st down, 2nd and long, etc) you might see 15-20 plays rated. Hence why you see the same plays being called.

I have started the Seahawks playbook and am almost done. I have put 500 plays for them, subtracted a few, added a few, and added a couple formations they use. I also set each set or formation with multiples of 3 to make sure if playing versus a human head to head in the same house you won't have a page with only 1 play on it. I also set each audible for every formation. When setting the audibles I gave universal audibles per button so you will see a run play for Y, play action is set to X, then depending on formations whether it be a run set or a pass formation I either have 2 passing plays assigned to RB and LB, 2 run plays to them, or 1 each. In some cases Lb is set to have routes or runs going to the left, and RB has routes or runs going to the right.

The only thing I have to finish (already started) is star ratings for situational downs. For example instead of 15 plays the CPU can use on 1st down I have 80 all in 1st down that the CPU can use with all the stars rated the same for variety in play calling. So for example I gave every 1st down play a 4 star rating. I will upload when finished.

All that being said is like this thread to be used for anyone who creates a team specific playbook or finds a great one in madden share that could be used for certain teams. I highly doubt I'll do this for every team as it's a huge undertaking but if we all came together to create our favorite team using the above method we could see a huge difference in CPU play. Some of you might not be aware that there is a workaround for you to be able to play in a cfm versus the CPU and they can use a custom playbook. I'll link the thread when I find it. Again, this could be huge to see the CPU AI tom Brady, Peyton manning, etc play true to life and keep us on our toes.


I do have a few questions for the community...

1- does anyone know if we can just go set CPU team to a team specific playbook in play now without a 2nd controller?

2- follow up on above maybe just going to change playbooks in rosters might do this?

3- is the same workaround that was in 15 cfm to use these playbooks and assign them to CPU team still doable?

I look forward to seeing some cool playbooks and having a good playbook thread to bounce around ideas from the community.
Unfortunately, the workaround I found for 15 and prior does not work for 16. The reason is due to the new CFM layout. When you created a player in past versions, you can see where in the depth chart he would be, thus you could create a 3rd string QB and he would be the third 3rd stringer when in the game. Now, when you create a player, no matter the kind or type, you can't see the depth position. Basically, no matter the player you create you are stuck controlling him disabling the workaround.

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Old 08-27-2015, 07:46 PM   #4
vannwolfhawk's Arena
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Re: Madden 2016 team specific playbooks / everything playbooks

Originally Posted by mooch49
Unfortunately, the workaround I found for 15 and prior does not work for 16. The reason is due to the new CFM layout. When you created a player in past versions, you can see where in the depth chart he would be, thus you could create a 3rd string QB and he would be the third 3rd stringer when in the game. Now, when you create a player, no matter the kind or type, you can't see the depth position. Basically, no matter the player you create you are stuck controlling him disabling the workaround.

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Wow! Thanks for heads up! Have you tried anything else? I'm now on a mission to see if we can get this to work!
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Old 08-27-2015, 07:51 PM   #5
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Re: Madden 2016 team specific playbooks / everything playbooks

Yeah I tried everything I could think of but no dice. The good thing is in this years game using custom playbooks for the cpu isn't as essential as it was in 15 being the playcalling is much much better by the computer. Still disappointing though.

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Old 08-27-2015, 08:19 PM   #6
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Re: Madden 2016 team specific playbooks / everything playbooks

Originally Posted by mooch49
Yeah I tried everything I could think of but no dice. The good thing is in this years game using custom playbooks for the cpu isn't as essential as it was in 15 being the playcalling is much much better by the computer. Still disappointing though.

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Is have to disagree here. Although I do agree it is better it's still bad... It could be sooooooooo much better if they actually dove into and rated their playbooks properly. I looked at a few of them and it's same plays you have seen for years with a few new plays mixed in in addition to shot plays. So many great plays not even rated.

Keep me posted if you find anything I'm gonna try a few things.
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Old 08-27-2015, 10:58 PM   #7
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Re: Madden 2016 team specific playbooks / everything playbooks

Hopefully with the other issues CFM is having this is something that also might catch their eye and get fixed or implemented. I don't know if they'd have to make it so that the playbooks loaded in like a custom roster file at the beginning of a CFM but it doesn't like an extremely difficult implementation.
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Old 08-28-2015, 01:35 AM   #8
vannwolfhawk's Arena
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Re: Madden 2016 team specific playbooks / everything playbooks

I'm 90% done with the Seahawks playbook and was deep enough in it with star ratings to go test it with the Seahawks. I was the steelers and I went into play now with a 2nd controller and selected appropriate playbooks and assigned the Seahawks with a custom book id been working on. Once we got to kickoff I went to control settings and moved the 2nd controller to CPU. I had to kick off but then it was all the CPU. Easy workaround for play now games.

It was incredible! The plays selected, the precision of the offense with passing plays with multiple (good) routes in proper down and distances was a breath of fresh air. They played like the Hawks. Every down and distance, red zone, 2 minute offense, etc now has at the very least 50 plays to choose from. Anyways, I saw read options from different formations mixed in with playactions. Down inside the 5 they went for a goaline fade pass to jimmy graham in the corner for a perfect touchdown pass as he went up above my corner in the corner. It was one of those wow moments that felt so real and amazing and it was against me! They also went to a shotgun 3 wr set on 3rd and 7 with jimmy graham on an island on the other side and thru it up and they got it again. The only play I saw (I had see last play on so I could see how and what CPU was calling) multiple times was read option run plays BUT they were from different formations as well as different down and distances so I never knew if they were throwing or passing.

I can't wait for the community to try this and test this. It's a whole different experience and game of madden. To be honest now that I know this I'm not sure I will be able to play this game anymore offline in a cfm vs the CPU. I'll probably just play versus friends and quick play now games vs CPU with setting up each teams playbook through the 2nd controller.

I've been trying to upload to madden share for you guys to test for yourselves but it has given me an error the last 2 nights?!

I also tried to mess around with cfm to see if this could work and can't seem to find a way to do it. I cant believe we can't upload custom playbooks into cfm and input into schemes in the year 2016! That's just crazy! I hope someone finds a crazy workaround or ea adds this option in the future, but more importantly I hope they put someone to really look into these playbooks and fix them as they are truly bad with situational football as well as lack of variety.

Gamer tag is: vannwolfhawk206 on xbox1 - I'll keep trying to upload the playbook for you guys to test. The next team I do will be the packers.
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