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Old 01-04-2015, 06:43 PM   #1
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CPU QB Accuracy

I played a lot of Madden on previous gen, but just got 15 on PS4. I haven't played a LOT of games, so my sample size isn't huge. I didn't find this in Play Now (again, maybe I haven't played enough), but in my 3 games as the Seahawks in Offline CFM, I have gotten absolutely annihilated by Rodgers, Peyton, and Rivers. I get that these are 3 of the best QB's in the NFL, but the Seahawks D is also elite. It's not even that they're doing really well, they literally throw 1-2 incomplete passes a game. Is there any way to fix this?? Is anyone else finding this? Was this just an unlucky stretch of games, or do I just suck? I was playing All-Pro w/ default sliders for the first two, but against the Chargers I went down to Pro and still got shredded by the offence.
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Old 01-04-2015, 07:33 PM   #2
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Re: CPU QB Accuracy

I had the same issue. I'm on All-Madden difficulty, but have had to move the QB accuracy down to 5. I can still get shredded, and QB can also through some crap passes but it's reasonable now.
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Old 01-04-2015, 08:11 PM   #3
oh ummm
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Re: CPU QB Accuracy

It seems like a bug, to me. CPU QB's in my experience will always find someone to dump the ball off to, rather than trying to hit a receiver with somebody on him. Sliders are very wonky, and seem to affect a lot more than just the accuracy. It's frustrating, but I have yet to find a fix, and probably won't with the mess the current slider system is.
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Old 01-04-2015, 08:54 PM   #4
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Re: CPU QB Accuracy

Visit the slider forum for settings and ideas on how to combat this...

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Old 01-05-2015, 03:47 PM   #5
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Re: CPU QB Accuracy

Its not a bug. I think it was by design. They wanted to make the CPU tougher and they did. You can offset it somewhat by sliders, as mentioned, but you will still have really good CPU QB play, especially if on All-Madden.
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Old 01-06-2015, 06:54 PM   #6
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Re: CPU QB Accuracy

I play on All-Madden, with the CPU accuracy at 4. I see very little Robo QB. Elite QB's still put up good numbers. I also have the cpu pass block at 0.
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Old 01-06-2015, 11:07 PM   #7
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Re: CPU QB Accuracy

I play on All-Pro, and I have QBA at 10 for both sides. I had a game where Luck completed only 53%, but usually I'm seeing upper 60s, low 70s. Sacks are there, but not a major issue...average 2-3 per team each game. And the above post is right...the QBA slider (all sliders, probably) impacts more than just accuracy. In fact, after exhaustive testing, I've seen it impact the run game, too.

For instance, I put QBA at 1, all else, including penalties at default, and I had realistic comp % but run game sucked. Moved it to 10, same thing, although a bit better comp %. Here's the kicker...I moved it to 5 (again, everything else is at 50), and suddenly the run game was kick *** and comp % was in the 80s.

Bottom line, just be careful what you adjust. You start tinkering with one, then you end up having to edit another, and you just start going down the rabbit hole. I just have everything at 50 except for QBA, RBL, and TKL (the latter to help with the run game), only because if I change one thing, it changes two other areas.
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Old 01-07-2015, 03:17 PM   #8
timsmooth503pa's Arena
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Re: CPU QB Accuracy

Originally Posted by LegendRyder
I played a lot of Madden on previous gen, but just got 15 on PS4. I haven't played a LOT of games, so my sample size isn't huge. I didn't find this in Play Now (again, maybe I haven't played enough), but in my 3 games as the Seahawks in Offline CFM, I have gotten absolutely annihilated by Rodgers, Peyton, and Rivers. I get that these are 3 of the best QB's in the NFL, but the Seahawks D is also elite. It's not even that they're doing really well, they literally throw 1-2 incomplete passes a game. Is there any way to fix this?? Is anyone else finding this? Was this just an unlucky stretch of games, or do I just suck? I was playing All-Pro w/ default sliders for the first two, but against the Chargers I went down to Pro and still got shredded by the offence.
I got my settings at 1 for human and cpu and get realistic results yap should try it if you do tell me what you think and play all madden
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