
punting: ball physics

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Old 09-08-2014, 07:47 AM   #1
OVR: 2
Join Date: May 2003
punting: ball physics

This is something that hasn't been right since the ps2. Im tired of every tired I punt the ball(if I dont coffin corner) it skids into the end zone % 95 of the time. Give me some wacky side way bounces, straight up bounces,back bounces, foward then back bounces, foward then side bounces...Etc. in real
life the ball bounces foward about % 50 of the time, the other percentage varies. They need to put tho back in the game.
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Old 09-08-2014, 07:54 AM   #2
El_Poopador's Arena
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Re: punting: ball physics

Agreed. They really need to work on ball physics in general, as right now it doesn't seem that there are any realistic bounces or deflections.
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Old 09-08-2014, 07:58 AM   #3
Shon 23's Arena
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Re: punting: ball physics

Originally Posted by tikibarber
This is something that hasn't been right since the ps2. Im tired of every tired I punt the ball(if I dont coffin corner) it skids into the end zone % 95 of the time. Give me some wacky side way bounces, straight up bounces,back bounces, foward then back bounces, foward then side bounces...Etc. in real
life the ball bounces foward about % 50 of the time, the other percentage varies. They need to put tho back in the game.
I agree. If you actually checked out the punting trajectory skill tutorial, the ball's physics was actually realistic in that. It wouldn't bounce 20-30 yards into the endzone, but rather roll slightly or bounce a few times and halt. It was very possibly to pin it inside the 10 to 5 yard line without kicking it out of bounds.

I don't know why the ball physics while punting in the tutorial was more realistic, but not in a regular game. Baffling.
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Old 09-08-2014, 10:30 AM   #4
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Re: punting: ball physics

Originally Posted by tikibarber
This is something that hasn't been right since the ps2. Im tired of every tired I punt the ball(if I dont coffin corner) it skids into the end zone % 95 of the time. Give me some wacky side way bounces, straight up bounces,back bounces, foward then back bounces, foward then side bounces...Etc. in real
life the ball bounces foward about % 50 of the time, the other percentage varies. They need to put tho back in the game.
I think there is something you can do while you are punting to make the ball bounce backwards! I think using the RB buttons or the LT or RT triggers! Try it out and see if it works! I know you could do something in Madden NFL 25.
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