
CONFIRMED: No Madden NFL 15 Demo

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Old 08-11-2014, 09:15 AM   #1
Steve_OS's Arena
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CONFIRMED: No Madden NFL 15 Demo

Looking at the list of upcoming demos for the week (via PlayStation.Blog), it doesn't appear as though we will see a Madden NFL 15 demo this week and odds are we won't see one next week either.

Things could change, but it doesn't look like we get a Madden demo this year. It could have something to do with EA Access, but that is an Xbox One exclusive. Who really knows, but it certainly doesn't look promising.

We have sent a note to EA Sports and if we get an official response we will update this post.

UPDATE: Just received an official response from EA Sports. Confirmed: No Madden NFL 15 demo.

UPDATE #2: (Polygon received a more detailed response)

Update: While EA initially declined to comment on the reasons for the lack of a Madden 15 demo, an EA representative reached out to Polygon after the publication of this story with the following statement to provide some additional context: "The difficult decision not to do a demo for Madden was strictly a result of the team's commitment to deliver the highest-quality game possible. We chose to put 100 percent of our development resources toward the full game."
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Old 08-11-2014, 09:24 AM   #2
Khanchus's Arena
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I had feeling, with some people hinting towards a no demo.

Im kinda disappointed for the fact the demo always helped me with the learning curve for each new madden.

Its ok tho, i can tough it out until the 21st. only 10 days away
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Old 08-11-2014, 09:25 AM   #3
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Wow if this is true its complete bull***t and I own both Xbox one &ps4
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Old 08-11-2014, 09:28 AM   #4
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Re: Looks Like No Madden NFL 15 Demo?

I can understand it. every company has a bottomline, and those are resourses they feel a better used elsewhere. I would like a demo as much as the next guy, but I understand the business side of things too.
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Old 08-11-2014, 09:30 AM   #5
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azdawgpound's Arena
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Re: Looks Like No Madden NFL 15 Demo

so basically we have to drop $65 to see even if we like what ea added or not? least with the ea access they only pay $5 to test madden out for 5 days before release so they can save $60... if they don't like it.
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Old 08-11-2014, 09:34 AM   #6
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Re: Looks Like No Madden NFL 15 Demo?

Not cool. I think a demo is particularly important with Madden because every year seems to contain several new features and initiatives, pushing questions about implementation to the forefront. If the design approach was more about polishing existing features, then I wouldn't worry so much about implementation, but that's not Madden's strategy, so I want to see the final build in a demo each year to assess the quality of the new features myself.
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Old 08-11-2014, 09:39 AM   #7
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Re: Looks Like No Madden NFL 15 Demo?

Originally Posted by ManiacMatt1782
I can understand it. every company has a bottomline, and those are resourses they feel a better used elsewhere. I would like a demo as much as the next guy, but I understand the business side of things too.
True. Producing a demo is serious and expensive business that the general gamer isn't aware of. In many cases, it can be akin to producing a separate game. That's why I wince when I hear people complain about Kickstarter projects and general indie games not having them. Just tells me the industry hasn't done much to educate gamers on how these things work.

That said, it seems like demos at the AAA level are getting lean this generation, and I don't like it one bit. Overall, it seems like EA/Tiburon is trimming the fat from their marketing and at the same time trying to avoid over-saturation. We'll see how that works sales-wise this year.
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Old 08-11-2014, 09:42 AM   #8
Aggies67's Arena
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Re: Looks Like No Madden NFL 15 Demo?

They'd release a demo if they weren't the only game in town.
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