
Madden NFL 15 Screenshots & Blog - Player Sense 2.0

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Old 07-24-2014, 02:58 PM   #17
hanzsomehanz's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Screenshots & Blog - Player Sense 2.0

Originally Posted by TheRealHST
If I am still playing THIS Madden after 3 months then ill be satisfied. The past couple of Madden stopped holding my interest due to the same issues. I have faith in this one.
The combination of AI enhancements and new coach tools at the user and cpu disposal will make for a more engaging game of strategy!

The engagement that your focus will require now is what is holding weight w me ovee player movement and the eyesore therein.

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how could I lose? im playing by my own rules..
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Old 07-24-2014, 07:16 PM   #18
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yea right, been here done that. how many times are we gonna fall for this "this new feature is rebuilt/redone/so much better etc" and it turns out to be a complete dud? really wish i could recruit my fellow football fans to boycott madden just a month. i know that boycotting it the whole year would not be possible, but how about none of us buy it til 30 days after the release? that would not only send a message to that crapfest of a company but also bring on a price cut.

my predictions
-minimal changes to the gameplay. the roster will the be the only real change
-90 percent of the stuff these Madden blogs to proclaiming will not work even close to what their promising.
-all improvements will be marginal ones with graphics being the main focus.

anyone wanna try and dispute that? because i have the last 5 years of madden as evidence.
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Old 07-24-2014, 10:00 PM   #19
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Screenshots & Blog - Player Sense 2.0

Originally Posted by redkumar
yea right, been here done that. how many times are we gonna fall for this "this new feature is rebuilt/redone/so much better etc" and it turns out to be a complete dud? really wish i could recruit my fellow football fans to boycott madden just a month. i know that boycotting it the whole year would not be possible, but how about none of us buy it til 30 days after the release? that would not only send a message to that crapfest of a company but also bring on a price cut.

my predictions
-minimal changes to the gameplay. the roster will the be the only real change
-90 percent of the stuff these Madden blogs to proclaiming will not work even close to what their promising.
-all improvements will be marginal ones with graphics being the main focus.

anyone wanna try and dispute that? because i have the last 5 years of madden as evidence.
I would say we've seen most of these features in action. Buy the game on release to show that we appreciate the transparency and dedication to improving the fundamentals.
Because I live in van down by the river...
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Old 07-24-2014, 10:34 PM   #20
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Screenshots & Blog - Player Sense 2.0

Originally Posted by redkumar
yea right, been here done that. how many times are we gonna fall for this "this new feature is rebuilt/redone/so much better etc" and it turns out to be a complete dud? really wish i could recruit my fellow football fans to boycott madden just a month. i know that boycotting it the whole year would not be possible, but how about none of us buy it til 30 days after the release? that would not only send a message to that crapfest of a company but also bring on a price cut.

my predictions
-minimal changes to the gameplay. the roster will the be the only real change
-90 percent of the stuff these Madden blogs to proclaiming will not work even close to what their promising.
-all improvements will be marginal ones with graphics being the main focus.

anyone wanna try and dispute that? because i have the last 5 years of madden as evidence.
Sadly this could be true, but Clint and Rex have given me a slither of hope.
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Old 07-24-2014, 10:56 PM   #21
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Screenshots & Blog - Player Sense 2.0

There was one thing that slightly confused me. Previously we were told that guys with high zone coverage would break on the ball as soon as the QB locked his shoulder.

This article suggests that PRC is the deciding attribute to determine when a guy breaks on a play.

So which is it?
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Old 07-25-2014, 10:20 AM   #22
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Screenshots & Blog - Player Sense 2.0

I have a question if guys break on the ball when then qbs shoulder start to move what if I use a pump fake what will that do to a over zealous corner with a high zone rating?
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Old 07-25-2014, 09:48 PM   #23
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Re: Madden NFL 15 Screenshots & Blog - Player Sense 2.0

Originally Posted by Malcd9583
I have a question if guys break on the ball when then qbs shoulder start to move what if I use a pump fake what will that do to a over zealous corner with a high zone rating?
Good question. I wonder what attribute is involved in determining whether a defender bites on a pump fake or not?

Also, I think the game could benefit from adding two new ratings: Aggressiveness and discipline. I would rather not tie them to the awareness rating as I don't like having one rating control multiple things. Aggression would add some personality to the field.
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Old 07-28-2014, 04:27 PM   #24
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Re: Madden 15 Deep Dive Player Sense 2.0

Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
I really like the concept of programming the AI for each player on every play to make actual football decisions and reads, I hope they continue to build on that year over year. In the stream Rex mentioned adding force calls, hopefully that leads to adding proper fits and gap responsibility as a whole, also linked to ratings. People way more football savvy than me, have been pushing for real football AI logic in-game forever, it doesn't take away from the casual fun of the game because the AI has to be programmed to do something, that something might as well be sound.

As far as the part about ratings, I like that there is a difference in the AI behavior based on ratings and I think there has to be another layer or compliment added to that, animation tiers. Again I'm not saying anything others haven't already been saying for years but the point still stands. Representing the mental aspect of the game is great but you have to account for physical technique too, so you don't have every player out there moving the same, only differentiated by reaction time.

I have spoken with an EAGC about this here: http://traditionsportsonline.com/thr.../#post-1552230
There's been discussion on this for a while in the FIFA series where they're aiming in the future to program player specific A.I. like Messi will play like Messi and so on... if they can get Player specific A.I. for Madden.... that's where we need to go with it.

Last edited by A_Quiet_Pro; 07-28-2014 at 04:29 PM.
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