
Madden NFL 24 Impressions | PS5, XBOX Series X/S, PC

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Old 10-20-2023, 08:38 AM   #689
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Re: Madden NFL 24 Impressions | PS5, XBOX Series X/S, PC

Originally Posted by ODogg
It happens for real, just happened to the Hurricanes in fact. Madden doesn't intentionally mess it up, but then neither do real coaches, LOL

Yeah I have over 100 hours in it so far, game is just so beautiful to see in motion and so much fun to play now that it feels more organic, and less scripted...

I can't wait to see what EA does with College Football, now that they've finally gotten Madden to where it is.
I am genuinely happy for you that this iteration is as great as you see it, envious in fact.

I have been reading your comments for years and generally agree with your views; however, you've been overly aggressive minimizing those comments that aren't hailing this game as the greatest. You are condescending to grown men, speaking as if to a child and their ridiculous notions.

As an older gamer, I've played through them all and appreciate how far the industry has come; but, it is within my right to appropriately convey my opinion that this game did not live up to my expectation. I did not say it in a way that was demeaning or disrespectful to others. Just submitting my opinion to a thread that is designed for such was my way of sharing my experience.

I am playing this game, and as many hours as you, believe it or not, and will continue to make the best of it.
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Old 10-20-2023, 09:02 AM   #690
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Madden NFL 24 Impressions | PS5, XBOX Series X/S, PC

Originally Posted by Hammerhunker
I am genuinely happy for you that this iteration is as great as you see it, envious in fact.

I have been reading your comments for years and generally agree with your views; however, you've been overly aggressive minimizing those comments that aren't hailing this game as the greatest. You are condescending to grown men, speaking as if to a child and their ridiculous notions.

As an older gamer, I've played through them all and appreciate how far the industry has come; but, it is within my right to appropriately convey my opinion that this game did not live up to my expectation. I did not say it in a way that was demeaning or disrespectful to others. Just submitting my opinion to a thread that is designed for such was my way of sharing my experience.

I am playing this game, and as many hours as you, believe it or not, and will continue to make the best of it.

Haha I continue to be on the fence about purchasing this game even 8 hours into the trial. I too have been playing football games since SEGA Genesis.

Making the best of it is making me realize there are far better games out there that are just good fun and I don’t have to make the best of anything I just enjoy them. Just won’t be Madden.

I only bought MLB The Show this year as a sports game and I used to buy them all every year. NBA, NHL, NFL, Golf, and racing. I still like most racing games though.

I’m done pissing my money away to sports games that definitely have prioritized making money with season passes and card based systems.

Some games get away with it like COD or Fortnite. I generally like those games. Although COD should be a free to play IMO.

Sports games have left behind their most hardcore fans the ones that have been there since day one.

They don’t care about franchise mode or if the sim stats are correct. The gameplay in most sports games has regressed as well.

I remember thinking as technology improves so should are gaming experiences and features and boy was i wrong.

It’s not a lack of technology though it’s a lack of effort and care.

If they can’t be bothered then I can’t be bothered to waste my precious time or money.

I’ll go buy some Fortnite skins or a $20 COD Ash Williams pack because you know what I enjoy those games. I know that’s subjective but that’s how I feel.

I’ll continue to lurk though hoping I read that sports games go back to the standard they used to be.

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Old 10-20-2023, 09:36 AM   #691
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Re: Madden NFL 24 Impressions | PS5, XBOX Series X/S, PC

Originally Posted by whitemamba24xx
I keep going back and forth with should I buy the game. My ten hour trial is almost up and I like the gameplay. I can get it from GameStop for $37. Might do it today.

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do it, game is awesome, don't listen to the nitpickin' negative nellies here, LOL

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Old 10-20-2023, 09:49 AM   #692
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Re: Madden NFL 24 Impressions | PS5, XBOX Series X/S, PC

Originally Posted by Hammerhunker
I am genuinely happy for you that this iteration is as great as you see it, envious in fact.

I have been reading your comments for years and generally agree with your views; however, you've been overly aggressive minimizing those comments that aren't hailing this game as the greatest. You are condescending to grown men, speaking as if to a child and their ridiculous notions.

As an older gamer, I've played through them all and appreciate how far the industry has come; but, it is within my right to appropriately convey my opinion that this game did not live up to my expectation. I did not say it in a way that was demeaning or disrespectful to others. Just submitting my opinion to a thread that is designed for such was my way of sharing my experience.

I am playing this game, and as many hours as you, believe it or not, and will continue to make the best of it.
Well thanks for posting, I think I have become more into pushing back against, what I consider, overtly negative people who I disagree with. I'm sorry if that means you take my opinion less seriously, or with a jaundiced eye but it's just my opinion that I have formed through the years.

My opinion of Madden is, as my last post above indicated, it's a fun game that I play for hours and hours. I don't choose to ignore the flaws, in fact I do get into betas and submit long and detailed issues to the developers.

I just do not subscribe to the philosophy that many of you on here subscribe to, that individual issues tally up to a game that is less than. I look at it like, oh yes, this is incorrect, oh the weather ain't that good, etc, etc, as many folks do, but at the end of the day I ask myself, did I have a lot of fun? Am I enjoying myself? Is the game worthwhile to enjoy, warts and all?

And this is where I diverge from many folks here, the sum of Madden is far greater, than the individual parts of the game. The flaws, while they can be maddening (pun intended) do not have to ruin the game for you, but it can if you let it.

We can agree to disagree as to our bottom line thoughts, I think we all want the same thing, for a better NFL game. I just believe in enjoying the game for what it is, finding faults and properly channeling them to the people that need to get the information.

While posting at OS about how stupid some issues are may be therapeutic to blow off steam, I ultimately think it's imperative for people to try to channel their issues directly to EA, hopefully in the context of beta feedback and game studies (which you can sign up for free on their website)

I purposely avoid some threads on OS, and intentionally minimize some comments that I don't find particulary happen to me, because I believe that it is integral for that filter to not bias you AGAINST the game. And by that I mean if you come here and read through most of the threads then, even without playing the game, you will find you hate Madden, lol..its' true, negativity begats more of it.

I have no issues with someone who has negative things to say about Madden, but I do have issue with folks who think that THEIR issues with Madden must become negative, game stopping type issues for ALL of us. I don't agree with that and will always speak up against it.

Constructive criticism, with video examples when possible, about issues that matter to you, is the key to what we should all try to put our resources into, and yes, of course discuss those issues here, but if you're just blowing off steam here, and it's not getting to EA or whomever needs to see it, isn't really that helpful. But of course that is just my opinion, to each their own.

At the end of the day I've played Madden since it was originated back in the PC days and I've seen how far it has come. Many people don't seem to see the overall progress because they're so focused on the details of the NOW.

I do agree Madden is behind other sports games and I would love them to have competition, but I ultimately subscribe to the idea that if you're miserable with the game, then set yourself free and quit being angry about it, at the end of the day it's just a video game and it's supposed to be a source of fun, not anger and grief...

"It's a hell of a thing, killing a man. Take away all he's got and all he's ever gonna have."

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Old 10-20-2023, 11:27 AM   #693
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Re: Madden NFL 24 Impressions | PS5, XBOX Series X/S, PC

Originally Posted by ODogg
At the end of the day I've played Madden since it was originated back in the PC days and I've seen how far it has come. Many people don't seem to see the overall progress because they're so focused on the details of the NOW.
'How far we've come'..

Visually, a stunning product. Whats the list after that? Honestly? For any positive, we can name at least one negative.

Look at the game reviews. 6/10 from IGN. 5/10 Gamespot. 65 on Metacritic. All worse than last year. Their self-proclaimed "make or break" year.

(just for some context, the DISASTEROUS initial 6th gen release [PS3/360] has higher ratings on all 3 sites)

I want to love this game the way I loved it for two decades. I can't. Its impossible. Its a partner that stopped caring.
You want free speech?
Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours.

Last edited by Madden08PCgmr; 10-20-2023 at 11:40 AM.
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Old 10-20-2023, 12:08 PM   #694
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Re: Madden NFL 24 Impressions | PS5, XBOX Series X/S, PC

Originally Posted by Madden08PCgmr
'How far we've come'..

Visually, a stunning product. Whats the list after that? Honestly? For any positive, we can name at least one negative.
Absolutely, you certainly could.

Originally Posted by Madden08PCgmr
Look at the game reviews. 6/10 from IGN. 5/10 Gamespot. 65 on Metacritic. All worse than last year. Their self-proclaimed "make or break" year.
Other people's opinion, no more weighted in value than mine or yours.

Originally Posted by Madden08PCgmr
(just for some context, the DISASTEROUS initial 6th gen release [PS3/360] has higher ratings on all 3 sites)
True, but see I'm old and I've lived through every year of Madden and other sports games. Most older games are viewed more positively, for various reasons.

That means very little to me, in fact virtually nothing really, that older games in Madden, or any game, were once rated higher, it's typical really.

Originally Posted by Madden08PCgmr
I want to love this game the way I loved it for two decades. I can't. Its impossible. Its a partner that stopped caring.
Oh I get it, don't think that I'm not sympathetic to your view, I recall years ago I had a similar feeling about Madden and sort of was at a cross roads.

So I get it, I just can only speak to my experience with the game and it's been really enjoyable. Could it be much better? Absolutely, I recall playing Front Office Football on the PC (Barry Sanders was on the cover) and how in depth that game was, creating your own plays, your gameplan, etc.

In that sense I do understand the feeling of unhappiness with "Man, Madden could be......." but that's really a perspective. You could think the same on anything. I choose to try to focus on my overall experience with the game rather than focus on what an ideal NFL game could be, or should be.

It's all opinion, no one is right or wrong. I am no more right because I truly enjoy the game and can explain why, than you or anyone else is that really hate what it has become and can cite specific, truthful issues with it.

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Old 10-20-2023, 04:41 PM   #695
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Re: Madden NFL 24 Impressions | PS5, XBOX Series X/S, PC

Originally Posted by ODogg
I have no issues with someone who has negative things to say about Madden, but I do have issue with folks who think that THEIR issues with Madden must become negative, game stopping type issues for ALL of us. I don't agree with that and will always speak up against it.
Oh my....this is some good stuff right here....extremely well-said....
Play the games you love, not the games you want to love.
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Old 10-20-2023, 08:20 PM   #696
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Re: Madden NFL 24 Impressions | PS5, XBOX Series X/S, PC

Originally Posted by Madden08PCgmr

Look at the game reviews. 6/10 from IGN. 5/10 Gamespot. 65 on Metacritic. All worse than last year. Their self-proclaimed "make or break.
Given the current state of game reviews not sure why this would carry much weight, especially with sports games.

Madden has plenty of things to criticize and whether you like the game or not is subjective and up to you, but to use game site review scores as an argument doesn’t really have any impact.
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