
CPU Playcalling Pass/Run Ratio

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Old 12-07-2022, 12:34 AM   #1
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CPU Playcalling Pass/Run Ratio

I have yet to be able to get the CPU to get to a 50/50 pass run ratio in franchise games whether user v cpu or cpu v cpu. It's always 65/35 pass to run or more for the CPU. I've tried checking playcalling tendencies and changing playbooks to at least a 50/50 pass/run ratio but there has been no changes. Is there any way to get the CPU to increase their run calls in game or is this a lost cause...smh
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Old 12-07-2022, 08:52 PM   #2
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Re: CPU Playcalling Pass/Run Ratio

The thing that I’ve noticed over the years is that if you shut down their first few attempts, then they are much more likely to give up the run. Couple that with them falling behind on the scoreboard and they’re done altogether.

The only times I’ve seen them stick with it and be 50/50 or greater is when neither of those happen. They’ll have early and ongoing success running, and the game script plays in their favor.

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Old 12-07-2022, 09:52 PM   #3
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Re: CPU Playcalling Pass/Run Ratio

Originally Posted by kzdwfy
I have yet to be able to get the CPU to get to a 50/50 pass run ratio in franchise games whether user v cpu or cpu v cpu. It's always 65/35 pass to run or more for the CPU. I've tried checking playcalling tendencies and changing playbooks to at least a 50/50 pass/run ratio but there has been no changes. Is there any way to get the CPU to increase their run calls in game or is this a lost cause...smh

What are real life tendencies?….league is pass first but im not sure of run/pass ratios

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Old 12-08-2022, 01:27 AM   #4
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Re: CPU Playcalling Pass/Run Ratio

Originally Posted by K_GUN
What are real life tendencies?….league is pass first but im not sure of run/pass ratios

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Yes sometimes but the last several games, if you look at pass run ratios last week, teams winning games were as follows:

Bills vs Pat's

Bills 52/48 run/pass
Pats 28/72 run/pass

Sea vs Rams
Sea 37/63
Rams 54/46

Pit 56/44 run/pass
Atl 54/46 run/pass

And these are just a few examples
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Old 12-08-2022, 03:08 AM   #5
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Re: CPU Playcalling Pass/Run Ratio

Isn't there a cause and effect there though? Same as "teams with 20 carries / 100+ rushing yards win"

They didn't win because they ran. They ran because they were in the lead and wanted to run the clock.

My own franchise experience (PS5, All Madden, 11 mins 20 sec run off)

My first franchise as Dallas (always get good players from generous EA ratings staff ) I had a good run D (4-3 regular) built early leads and teams did not run on me. Primary defence was some form of cover 3, man in 3rd and short. Haven't got the stats to hand, but typically the league top D vs the run.

Second rebuild franchise with Texans. Now playing Tampa 2 scheme so all defenders focus on pass rush/cover. Weak team who play from behind. I get run all over! I have two single game rushing records against me! I am bottom of the league in run defence.

I think user play style affects a lot of complaints about the AI. In a similar way, players complain about the lack of AI deep ball, but play cover three all game. Play some cover 1 and blitzes, and you'll see it (next gen much better here)
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Old 12-08-2022, 07:27 AM   #6
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Re: CPU Playcalling Pass/Run Ratio

I've done extensive testing on this.

Give the CPU either the Tennesse Titans playbook or the Baltimore Ravens playbook (if they have a mobile QB that runs options like Jackson, Murray or Hurts)

I believe that solves the problem. I am not convinced the issue is the AI abandoning the run or playing to your tendencies or whatever. I don't believe quite frankly that the Madden AI is sophisticated enough for that to be true. I do accept that the AI is too quick to go to a no huddle style/pass only attack way too early in the 4th Qtr if behind by only a TD or FG.

The fundamental problem I suspect is that most of the PB's simply have too many pass plays vs run plays which means the AI picks randomly and picks pass plays way too often.

Either way I get lots of AI runs with the Titans PB. I use it as default in all my CPU vs CPU games.
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Last edited by British Bronco; 12-08-2022 at 07:36 AM.
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Old 12-08-2022, 10:05 AM   #7
Jagsfan24's Arena
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Re: CPU Playcalling Pass/Run Ratio

This issue seems to pop up often. I played the saints yesterday where the cpu only threw the ball about 20 times in the game, granted they were going 3 and out a few times but they also ran the ball a lot.

I mentioned this in another thread but another fix I think you can do is go an edit each teams playbook because they have favorited plays for each scenario and so you can edit it to make it more balanced
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Old 12-08-2022, 11:58 AM   #8
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Re: CPU Playcalling Pass/Run Ratio

Originally Posted by Jagsfan24
This issue seems to pop up often. I played the saints yesterday where the cpu only threw the ball about 20 times in the game, granted they were going 3 and out a few times but they also ran the ball a lot.

I mentioned this in another thread but another fix I think you can do is go an edit each teams playbook because they have favorited plays for each scenario and so you can edit it to make it more balanced
I tried that last year and I don't believe that tactic can work in franchise. Any edited playbooks do not appear as an option to give the CPU team. You can only give them one of the 32 existing unedited team playbooks. Real shame, because the ability to edit playbooks in franchise and manipulate them to play more realistically would be awesome!

I'd be happy to test and confirm if this is viable in Madden 23.
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