
Matt10's Madden 21 Sliders

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Old 08-30-2020, 03:57 PM   #1
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Matt10's Madden 21 Sliders

Matt10's Madden 21 Sliders

Focus of the Sliders: Gameplay customization is essential in any sports game, especially now with the emergence of Esports and lootboxes, etc. Like a lot of slider enthusiasts, I'm of an old school nature in trying to bridge the gap of Esports base gameplay to more simulation/realistic. Each year it becomes more difficult, and each year it takes more and more effort to find a proper balance. Which is why I was quite surprised with this year's version of Madden. It has been the closest representation of what I look for in a football game. I could say it's Madden 20.5 as even Madden 20 was pretty close, but just missing some basic elements such as QB's being more active in the pocket and more realistic pass deflections.

As always, I am focused on animations. I've said it before, and not long ago, but animations is the confirmation of logic. Madden's animations are some of the best, but when it's bad...it's really bad. The goal here is to ensure that I'm letting proper animations play out from the contextual library. For example, if a corner is lagging behind on a slant route, I do not want to see him warping to make the play; I'd rather see a dive animation attempting a pass deflection. If the warping happens, I want to find out why and how it can be isolated to ensure it doesn't trigger again.

So, I go through that process of ensuring the games I play have the proper animations playing out. This makes testing take much longer because I have to see the same scenarios multiple times and in different context, such as player fatigue, player ratings and match ups, etc. The good thing is that Madden 21 does a pretty good job, even if it still performs primarily two-man animations, which considering where we are now in video games, you would think physics based gang-tackling would already be here. Overall, though, the game plays really good as a base, and I'll explain my changes, or lack of, in the descriptions.

For those that followed my Madden 20 Sliders , there will be some same concepts, but also some that I haven't explored - or may not feel it's necessary at the time of this post.

Slider Update Log - VERSION 14 (Works for Current-gen and Next-gen)
5/28/2021: For a while, I felt like the game was in a good spot. I still feel that version 13 is solid, but I also have recently felt that the game was becoming a bit stale - even on default sliders.

As a result, I made updates to the set. My goal was to get more dynamic gameplay as I could "feel" the CPU QB in particular running out of ideas. I also adjusted All-Pro to a more challenging level. It's such a sad state of affairs in having to raise those values so much for the CPU, but that's where we are.

I'll keep this short since we are almost at M22(???) so here's Version 14:

If you provide feedback, please advise of any modifications you have done from this OP set. Please also let me know if you are using All-Madden or All-Pro set. Lastly, you can either import into franchise, or manually adjust. The sync of previous Maddens does not seem necessary this year. I've tested both and have not seen anything outstanding that has de-synced the experience.

Version 14 - Game Settings
Ways to play:

User v CPU - Traditional game style
User v User - Traditional game style
CPU v CPU - Simmed > slow > end of game
Coach Mode - Snap only, auto throw "On", only select DL on defense & leave controller alone
Skill Level: All-Madden || All-Pro
• I list it this way because I test on AM first, then All-Pro. Most of the time, I'm able to make some subtle changes to the AM set to be more balanced for AP as a result. This allows me to keep the core of the slider set intact through the two skill levels.

Rosters: EA Default (Active or Preseason)

Auto-subs: Default

Game Style: Simulation

Quarter Length: 10 minutes
• I wanted to bump the minutes here to get more NFL type numbers, from plays, yards, scores, etc. At times I also felt like long drives just chewed up so much clock, and it'd be a maximum of a single possession for one team or the other. This slight bump should help a bit more.
Accelerated Clock: 20 seconds
• Mainly personal preference, but I'm happy that I can do it, is going from 10 minutes to 10 minutes with a 20 second accelerated clock. I feel like the stats were getting just a bit much on 10 minutes "flat", but with the acc clock, it just gets it perfect for me. The nice thing is that the audibles and adjustments by the CPU are still there, which was one of my biggest concerns.
Superstar Abilities: User Preference
• I'm not seeing too much arcade-like gameplay with this on. Either way, it's user preference, but I have tested both and am personally keeping the abilities on.
Gameplay Helpers

• Mainly default On

Defensive Ball Hawk: On

Defensive Heat Seeker Assist: On

Defensive Switch Assist: On

Game Options

Injuries: 15
• I love injuries this year, but it does seem like there are a bit too many on 10/25 (MM/Franchise) set ups.
Fatigue: 52
• A value I've stuck with because it controls a lot of on the field play, but also the way the players tire (as expected), which brings in another dimension of game management.
Speed Disparity Scale: 5 (Previous: 55)
• I scaled this from 55 and just gradually got more frustrated with just how either the coverage was, or how the CPU QB would play. I also wanted to find a way to get more of a challenge in space and separation. I felt that in coverages the space was almost nonexistent - especially the last couple of updates. It made the CPU QB especially boring - even if they tried deep shots, but they would pretty much look for curl routes or stand in the pocket for 5 seconds before passing short. So, this is the way the game changes and still manages to be a challenge with the other values.
Player/CPU Skill Settings
*Community PC file: "Matt10V14" (pending, tbd)
*Community PS5 file: "Matt10V14" (pending, tbd)

Key: All-Madden || All-Pro
I may use some references to previous Madden iterations and my theories behind gameplay values, so some of this may not make a lot of sense if you haven't taken part in my slider approach before.


• Penalties do affect gameplay. As we have moved through each title update, the importance of having them modified has grown. In particular Version 9 where I've had to force the DL to shed blocks and get some sense of urgency more.

All penalties/On default except:

Offside: 85
• As always, this works in combo with False Start and Holding. In raising threshold as much as I did, the release had to happen sooner, which means the value had to be raised significantly. Doesn't hurt to have more penalties either.
False Start: 85
• As always, this works in combo with False Start and Holding. In raising threshold as much as I did, the release had to happen sooner, which means the value had to be raised significantly. Doesn't hurt to have more penalties either.
Holding: 55 (Previous: 70)
• Lowered holding to help with the OL/DL interaction, especially with the lower threshold, but primarily get some more blocks being held versus shed/released.
Facemask: 55 (Previous: 40)
• Raised to allow the wrap-up tackles to happen more often versus big hits, especially by corners.
Roughing the Passer: 40 (Previous: 50)
• This will help the aggressive play from the secondary to close the ball down both in the air and on the ground. Can create some more RAC as a result. CPU QB will feel pressure where necessary, but the lower threshold will make it less about throwaways and more about making something happen out of nothing.
Defensive Pass Interference: 20 (Previous: 5)
• This is the big adjustment in helping the CPU QB to get passes off. I had it at 5, which was good for coverage, but it was just too much for the CPU QB's perception of what was a target and what wasn't. I wanted to avoid the coverage freezing/spinning on routes animation, so that's the opposite endpoint I'm going for. What I want instead is feet constantly moving, and ending with a reaction - either interception attempt or pass deflection, or tackle as last. To accomplish this, I need to allow the defenders to play with 100% focus on their assignment. Meaning they aren't worried about being called for any penalties. What's nice about this is the CPU QB still uses PCV as their perception, so they will still throw the same type of throws. This is especially apparent on next-gen, but I have seen the behavior with all types of QBs on current-gen as well.
Roughing the Kicker: Off
• Still happens in the title update. Simply just needed to turn it off because it gets called to often. The animation of walking into the kicker results in the kicker falling down easily.
Illegal Contact: Off
• Still strong enough value that it creates that resistance at the start of routes to make a difference. In so many coverage issues that Madden has, they happen in the first yard of the DB/WR interaction, so this ensures just a bit more attention to that.
QB Accuracy: 45/48 || 48/50
• All Madden || Just a slight bump for the CPU QB to stretch the field when they are able to - basically increasing their passing distance. A lot of the other values play their role here, but it's better to have QBA above 45 than at or below it.

• All Pro || The CPU QB in the AP difficulty needs more confidence in making throws. By default at 50, they still have the chance of varied pass speeds, and I would much rather they try to stay in the game more.
Pass Blocking: 48/48 || 50/50
• All Madden || When I had the value at 45 for the CPU, the QB started to put less faith in their OL, basically choosing to scramble immediately or dropping back more and more until they couldn't any longer. The animation here is always when it's a deep route, such as 4-verts, and the CPU QB chooses to keep dropping back or stands still (QB Statue) while waiting for a receiver to come back after already streaking upfield. With a very subtle adjustment to 48, they've now got just a bit more time to make a decision, but not so much that they choose to stay in the pocket forever.

• All Pro || With AP it's the opposite where if you give the CPU QB too much PBL, they take too long to decide and end up waiting on those receivers to come back on long routes again. Technically you could make the CPU QB throw quicker at a lower PBL, but the issue is the user DL is quite overpowering under 50, that it would just result in unrealistic sacks or pressure.
WR Catch: 48/42 || 50/55 (Previous: 48/42 || 50/50)
• All Madden || In this update, it seems that the CPU catching went up despite the value being fairly low. Seeing the catches in traffic and the way the CPU QB would choose to throw more intermediate passes led me to believe that the perception is off the mark again. The CPU QB goes safe, while the CPU WR can ignore what's around them because passes are right in the numbers. This adjustment helps, but the penalty value of Roughing the Passer (RTP) will wake up the defenders to make those catches in traffic more combative.

• All Pro || Raised this value for the CPU to give them more of a chance at 50/50 catches. Still good amount of deflections and incompletions, ints, etc.
Run Blocking: 20/44 || 10/78 (Previous: 20/44 || 10/65)
• All Madden || Some pretty significant changes here to get the run-game on track. I feel there were too many times that the runs were getting easier and easier. The defenders just couldn't shed blocks early enough, and the OL/WR/TE got too far upfield, too fast.

• All Pro || Just getting more of a challenge in the CPU run game. The lower threshold will still allow the blocks to be shed, but also get the OL to the second level.
Fumbles: 52/52 || 55/55
• All Madden || There's going to be more tackles, more action in general, the ball will come loose, so I've raised fumbles just slightly.

• All Pro || No change, still feel it's in a good spot.
Pass Defensive Reaction: 52/50 || 30/55 (Previous: 52/50 || 50/50)
• All Madden || It allows the little bit of lag to be made up when the ball is in the air. The WRC value controls a lot more than PDR or PCV do, but this is still necessary to make it all come together.

• All Pro || With the increase in RTP and DPI lowered, the CPU QB needed a bit of a boost to completions. The user's secondary needs to lay off a bit. This doesn't mean they won't react at all, it just means they will be less psychic and successful in competing with the receivers in the obvious catch situations.
Interceptions: 25/20 || 20/35

• All Madden || Just a slight bump down for the CPU as I felt they were a bit more skilled at interceptions than the user.

• All Pro || Dropped for the user because it seemed that every opportunity was resulting in turnovers.
Pass Coverage: 52/50 || 50/50
• All Madden || Same as PDR, but more so to keep the players just a tad closer in certain man coverages. I felt that even adjusting coverages there was a bit freezing that was costing inches - which turned into big gains. Still happens on occasion because it's Madden, but not as bad as before.

• All Pro || No changes.
Tackling: 44/48 || 40/88 (Previous: 44/48 || 40/78)
• All Madden || No change. Still in a good spot

• All Pro || Pretty ridiculous it's come to this, but the user's run game needs to be toned down. I'm not saying this is the absolute value to make that happen, but with everything combined, it's working.
Special Teams

FG Power: 70/70
• Another year of devs not addressing the oomph! of how kickers kick the ball. As a former kick myself, it's all about height - and the only way to get decent height in this game (ball above the midpoint of posts) is to raise power.
FG Accuracy: 40/40
• Received feedback that kicks were going sideways. Personally haven't seen it, but safe bet to just raise the value.
Punt Power: 55/55
• Raised this value because the CPU tends to not call a fair catch, even if there's no room to run after. As a result, just wanted to give them more space to either call early or run after.
Punt Accuracy: 45/45
• With the bump in power, just had to balance by reducing the accuracy.
Kickoff Power: 52/52
• A bump here to get more kicks out of the endzone.
Question and Answers!

**I'll have more of these as the thread goes along**


Slider Log Update - Archive












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Last edited by Matt10; 05-29-2021 at 02:08 AM.
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Old 08-30-2020, 04:08 PM   #2
MvPeterson2828's Arena
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Re: Matt10's Madden 21 Sliders

Originally Posted by Matt10
Matt10's Madden 21 Sliders

Focus of the Sliders: Gameplay customization is essential in any sports game, especially now with the emergence of Esports and lootboxes, etc. Like a lot of slider enthusiasts, I'm of an old school nature in trying to bridge the gap of Esports base gameplay to more simulation/realistic. Each year it becomes more difficult, and each year it takes more and more effort to find a proper balance. Which is why I was quite surprised with this year's version of Madden. It has been the closest representation of what I look for in a football game. I could say it's Madden 20.5 as even Madden 20 was pretty close, but just missing some basic elements such as QB's being more active in the pocket and more realistic pass deflections.

As always, I am focused on animations. I've said it before, and not long ago, but animations is the confirmation of logic. Madden's animations are some of the best, but when it's bad...it's really bad. The goal here is to ensure that I'm letting proper animations play out from the contextual library. For example, if a corner is lagging behind on a slant route, I do not want to see him warping to make the play; I'd rather see a dive animation attempting a pass deflection. If the warping happens, I want to find out why and how it can be isolated to ensure it doesn't trigger again.

So, I go through that process of ensuring the games I play have the proper animations playing out. This makes testing take much longer because I have to see the same scenarios multiple times and in different context, such as player fatigue, player ratings and match ups, etc. The good thing is that Madden 21 does a pretty good job, even if it still performs primarily two-man animations, which considering where we are now in video games, you would think physics based gang-tackling would already be here. Overall, though, the game plays really good as a base, and I'll explain my changes, or lack of, in the descriptions.

For those that followed my Madden 21 Sliders , there will be some same concepts, but also some that I haven't explored - or may not feel it's necessary at the time of this post.

Slider Update Log - VERSION 1
8/30/2020: Okay, first version coming right up. I've logged about 35 hours on the PC version since Early Access, and of course it's just been slider testing. As always, I have tested every value to the limit and understood the Madden 21 game a lot better. I will say it's similar to Madden 20, but is much more polished.

The main focus was to establish the base gameplay on default values. I wanted to see where the shortcomings were, and what type of animations did not seem to be correct - and how consistent this occurred.

The next part was to isolate animations and figure out workarounds. For example, the soft cushion animation is a big bug because it results in the defender to spin briefly and/or jogging in place, thus losing complete momentum in following the route.

Video here:

Of the 35 hours total I've had the game, about 10 hours were geared in removing/reducing those animations. These animations cannot be removed. There is no workaround to remove them, only to accept them and set up the slider set to be in position to ensure its impact is minimal.

With that in mind, the base of any Madden slider set is threshold. I had to find the best one that could not only minimize the effect of the soft cushion animation, but also keep animations smooth, while still ensuring difficulty was on point. For this, I raised threshold from 50 to 60. The fear of raising threshold at anytime is breakaway speed. Can the players' true speed be seen and felt? Will there be the problem of D-linemen chasing down running backs?


As a result of finding the threshold, it was just about determining which values needed adjusting. What may be a surprising change from those who have followed my previous sliders is that the penalties are moderately changed. The goal was honestly to just produce the penalties more, except for one value, which is Roughing the Passer (RTP). RTP is something I've used in the past in which it acts as an aggression tool for the defenders in the run and pass. I've explained more in its designated section below.

Overall, quite impressed with M21. Definitely some room for improvement. Yes, slider values seem closer to default, but I have threshold playing the anchor role with some other adjustments to further compliment it.

Enjoy Version 1. Hopefully the first of not so many...

If you provide feedback, please advise of any modifications you have done from this OP set. Also note, you can either import into franchise, or manually adjust. The sync of previous Maddens does not seem necessary this year. I've tested both and have not seen anything outstanding that has de-synced the experience.

Version 1 - Game Settings

Skill Level: All-Madden || All-Pro
• I list it this way because I test on AM first, then All-Pro. Most of the time, I'm able to make some subtle changes to the AM set to be more balanced for AP as a result. This allows me to keep the core of the slider set intact through the two skill levels.

Rosters: EA Default (Active or Preseason)

Auto-subs: Default

Game Style: Simulation

Quarter Length: 9 minutes
• I want to ensure there is enough plays in the game. This should get an average of about 60-65 total. Raise it higher if you'd like though.

Accelerated Clock: Off
• This value is off because I want to take advantage of experiencing the CPU QB audible, not to mention give myself more pre-snap reads. I think the QBs this year have such depth to their play, that it would only make sense to give them more time as well.

Superstar Abilities: User Preference
• I'm not seeing too much arcade-like gameplay with this on. Eitherway, it's user preference, but I have tested both and am personally keeping the abilities on.

Gameplay Helpers

• Mainly default On

Defensive Auto Strafe: Off

Defensive Ball Hawk: On

Defensive Heat Seeker Assist: On

Defensive Switch Assist: On

Game Options

Injuries: 15
• I love injuries this year, but it does seem like there are a bit too many on 10/25 (MM/Franchise) set ups.

Fatigue: 70
• There is a certain threshold in which fatigue doesn't even take place, and when it does, you won't see proper recovery time. If a running back unleashes a 40+yard run, he's most likely going to be subbed out to get some oxygen. I wanted to ensure this happens, but to multiple positions. I check the fatigue presnap and the indicators of stamina drain by OL, receivers, backs and QBs, is a thing of beauty. I think it builds another level of play management as a result.

Speed Disparity Scale: 60
• I explained a bit above, but the goal is to tighten the coverage throughout. This will create a ripple effect of other values being able to stay near default because it is a reaction to the different tightness. Passing windows are smaller, gaps close quicker, etc.

Player/CPU Skill Settings
*Community PC file: "Matt10V1" (pending, tbd)
*Community PS4 file: "Matt10V1" (pending, tbd)

[i]Key:[i] All-Madden || All-Pro
I may use some references to previous Madden iterations and my theories behind gameplay values, so some of this may not make a lot of sense if you haven't taken part in my slider approach before.

QB Accuracy: 50/50 || 50/50
• There isn't a need to change this value for either All Madden or All Pro because there is just more depth to the QB this year. They scramble, they throw out of sacks, they dump off, they go deep. It's just too much goodness to change.

Pass Blocking: 50/50 || 50/50
• I have played around with lowering this value, but against the QBs are dynamic and spend most of the time running backwards too quickly. The push on the line is quite good as is, and when the combination of a higher threshold + RTP + fatigue takes part, it introduces many more elements than just stock strength vs strength matchups. This is why I do not need to adjust the usual Offside-FalseStart-Holding values to make a block shed threshold as I did in previous years. It's that good from the start.

WR Catch: 48/48 || 48/48
• I wanted to make this value universal for both AM and AP because the animations that played out were much smoother. At higher values, even at 50, the arcade type of catches come out - especially those in traffic - that just did not make sense. Once or twice every 3 games or so, fine - but not every game. I wanted instant hits on catches to be felt, and a proper animation to play out. I want diving attempts that don't always result in a catch. Sure, you can make AP harder by raising this value for the CPU, but the animations just wouldn't feel balanced enough to validate.

Run Blocking: 50/50 || 50/50
• I've played with this value a lot, and determined that it's not necessarily about quality of blocks but more so the speed of the blocks. The second layer of that is the speed of the blocks going upfield. With the threshold at 60, the attempt at the blocks happen as is - but it's the RTP that then plays its role in aggression that can make defenders accountable to their pursuit angles. Again though, fatigue will play its role, and a tired pulling guard may just run into their running back more often than not. In terms of difficulty, I use the tackling value to dictate that.

Fumbles: 50/50 || 50/50
• With the way the CPU run game was going, this was an obvious value to look into. Thankfully, the increase in threshold and RTP has helped the CPU runners take more direct routes - but they will still use their OL when needed. In terms of the actual occurrence of fumbles, I'd say there are more factors at play than just this one.

Pass Defensive Reaction: 50/50 || 50/50
• No reason to change this away from default because it shows up in the right times, even after the soft cushion animation causes some defensive lag in the routes. Some really great animations this year.

Interceptions: 35/35 || 35/35
• The interceptions on 50 were just too frequent. The defenders could catch better than the receivers at times. It was just too consistent, and to me, unrealistic. Get a bit more "brick hands" with this lower value, not to mention the pass deflection animations raised in priority over interception animation.

Pass Coverage: 50/50 || 50/50
• I will say, whether this value is 1 or 99, it doesn't matter. Coverage is built into the threshold in my testing. As a result, there's no point in adjusting this value either.

Tackling: 46/48 || 46/52
• Tackling is where the AM and AP set start to separate, but not as significant in terms of animations. The good thing is this year the tackling is built to be more realistic looking wrap-ups versus WWE big hits. As a result, the tackle value for AP can be raised to a higher value. I settled on 52 because going higher than that and it seemed there were far too many perfect tackles in open-field, regardless of ratings.

Special Teams

FG Power: 70/70
• Another year of devs not addressing the oomph! of how kickers kick the ball. As a former kick myself, it's all about height - and the only way to get decent height in this game (ball above midpoint of posts) is to raise power.

FG Accuracy: 30/40
• As a result of increasing power, the accuracy has to be lowered. It's pretty easy to kick in this game, so some added difficulty is welcomed. If I'm really up for a challenge, I like to use the kicking meter as the direction input as well. A late kick will pull, an early one will push.

Example video:

Punt Power: 55/55
• Raised this value because the CPU tends to not call a fair catch, even if there's no room to run after. As a result, just wanted to give them more space to either call early or run after.

Punt Accuracy: 45/45
• With the bump in power, just had to balance by reducing the accuracy.

Kickoff Power: 52/52
• A bump here to get more kicks out of the endzone.


• Penalties do affect gameplay. In previous Maddens I have had to use a lot of penalties to get certain gameplay aspects down. This year, so far, it's in a better spot and penalties to be used as gameplay adjustments is lessened.

False Start: 55
• Just wanted to see more of this penalty being called.

Defensive Pass Interference: 60
• Same, I just wanted to see more DPI's called and take advantage of the tighter coverage.

Roughing the Passer: 40
• This is used as a tool to raise the aggression of the defenders. Since there is less of a perceived chance to the penalty being called, they choose to be even aggressive on their own. This can be a good or bad thing - it just depends. Good because more pressure on the QB, but maybe bad because poor defensive players can take wrong angles in their pursuit. A proper balancing act. An added reward is that the penalty still gets called.


Roughing the Kicker: Off
• Simply just needed to turn it off because it gets called to often. The animation of walking into the kicker results in the kicker falling down easily.
Question and Answers!

**I'll have more of these as the thread goes along**


Slider Log Update - Archive

Versions go here
Finally!! I've been checking everyday for your slider thread for Madden 21 lol. I can't wait to try these out. Your sliders for Madden 20 made the game fantastic for me. Can't wait for another amazing year. Thank you for all the work you put in for all of us to enjoy a Madden franchise.

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Old 08-30-2020, 04:24 PM   #3
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Re: Matt10's Madden 21 Sliders

You have been a god send to me the last 2 years! Super pumped to try these out! THank you for all your work homie!!!

I was going to just stick it out myself this year then 2mins ago I said screw it, going back to sliders and boom you just posted these! This was meant to be for me

Last edited by zoso52; 08-30-2020 at 04:44 PM.
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Old 08-30-2020, 04:48 PM   #4
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Re: Matt10's Madden 21 Sliders

Trying these out now!! All madden version. Week 1 vs packers. Using flazkos madden 20 auto subs and xp sliders

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Old 08-30-2020, 05:03 PM   #5
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Re: Matt10's Madden 21 Sliders

Damn these are hard lol maybe i just suck
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Old 08-30-2020, 06:44 PM   #6
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Re: Matt10's Madden 21 Sliders

Played a game with these...not sure if its the FG accuracy slider or not but I missed an extra point and the kick didn't go passed the LOS. I missed a chip shot field goal after getting the meter perfect and the ball went 30 yards to the right of the FG posts. Those were my only 2 kicks, went for it on 4th down and 2 PT conversions the rest of the game.

Everything else seemed to play really well however.
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Old 08-30-2020, 06:47 PM   #7
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Re: Matt10's Madden 21 Sliders

Fantastic as usual!!!! appreciate you bro.
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Old 08-30-2020, 06:52 PM   #8
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Re: Matt10's Madden 21 Sliders

Originally Posted by toodles2you90
Played a game with these...not sure if its the FG accuracy slider or not but I missed an extra point and the kick didn't go passed the LOS. I missed a chip shot field goal after getting the meter perfect and the ball went 30 yards to the right of the FG posts. Those were my only 2 kicks, went for it on 4th down and 2 PT conversions the rest of the game.

Everything else seemed to play really well however.
Kinda the same for me also. Three extra point tries, way right, way left, & way right again.
It like my kicker was aiming for the back corner of the end zone each time.
The first on caught me off guard, then I remember reading your reasoning for adjusting FG sliders so on the second attempt I made it a point to get the meter as close to dead on as I could and I had a way left result.

Other than that this is a great slider set. I enjoyed last years version also and appreciate the hard work that you put in to these.

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