
ZERO Slider Adjustments & HIGH MOTOR

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Old 12-17-2017, 07:24 PM   #1
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ZERO Slider Adjustments & HIGH MOTOR


Initial Setup
1. Delete Profile.
2. Select Favorite Team.
3. Game Style: Competitive (Schnaidt1 inspiration)
4. Level: AM

I've long thought that Competitive mode likely gets the most attention and testing. For this reason I've wanted to try and get it to work for offline CFM. Khaliib at one point came out with a setup using Competitive. It was certainly over the top on big splash plays. Schnaidt1's idea to mix modes got me looking at it again and I like what I'm seeing.

Main Menu Setup
1. Game Options:
1. Playbooks: User Choice.
2. Even Teams OFF
2. Difficulty
1. Skill Level: AM
2. Game Style: Competitive
3. Clock Management
1. Quarter Length: 9-10 minutes
2. Play Clock ON
3. Accelerated Clock OFF

I'm in the camp that believes the CPU just makes better decisions when accelerated clock is off. I tend to ignore time of possession and focus on total plays for each team.

4. Gameplay Helpers
1. Game Speed SLOW
2. Auto Flip ON
3. Ball Carrier Special Move MANUAL
4. Auto Strafe ON
5. Ball Hawk OFF
6. Heat Seeker OFF
7. Defensive Switch Assist OFF

I like slow speed as it makes for better pocket dynamics and gives rushers a chance to work the blocks. It also puts and emphasis on pocket integrity as time is needed for deeper routes to develop.

5. Player Sliders
1. Injuries 10
2. Fatigue 50
3. Speed Parity 50
6. Coin Toss Default

Penalties: default

I could see some adjusting here in MM to influence the frequency of penalties, however, I've been seeing on average 5 penalties per game.

Player & CPU Skill Sliders (Schnaidt1)
1. All = 0
2. Special Teams
1. FGP 50
2. FGA 0
3. PWR 50
4. PAC 60
5. KOP 75

I sim all kicks, so this helps. The CPU has issues with KO not getting deep unless kicking with the wind.

Auto-Subs 49-50 (JoshC)


Use default roster. Import sliders and then “reset”. Adjust any sliders to below listed settings.

League Settings
1. Skill Level AP
2. Game Speed Slow
3. Game Style SIM
4. Instant Starter OFF
5. Player Progression Every 4 Weeks
6. Quarter Length 9-10 Minutes
7. ACC Clock OFF
8. User Team Help All Manual
9. Team Settings
1. Progress Players ON

Game Options
1. Auto Flip ON
2. Ball Carrier Special Moves MANUAL
3. Auto Strafe ON
4. Ball Hawk OFF
5. Heat Seeker OFF
6. Switch Assist OFF
7. Coin Toss Default

XP Sliders
1. Year 1 All 0 (Tdawg3782)
2. Year 2 on All 30

Gameplay Sliders
1. All Default except:
1. INJ 30
2. FAT 48 (JoshC)

Auto-subs 49/50 (JoshC)

Player Edits (must be done inside CFM)
1. QB
1. Tight Spiral OFF
2. Sense Pressure JoshC Table
<65 Awareness: Paranoid
65-75 Awareness: Trigger Happy
75-85 Awareness: Average
85-100 Awareness: Ideal
3. Force Pass anything but Conservative (JoshC)
4. Mobile QB set to BAL/BAL
5. QB Style either BAL or Pocket
6. Lower HUM QB SAC/MAC/DAC/TOR based on player skills
2. HB/FB/WR/TE Sideline Catch ON (iMac2307)
3. HB/FB/TE/OL/<85DL& 3-4 OLB/LB High Motor ON
4. WR Aggressive/Possession/RAC Catches ON
5. DT Bull Rush ON
6. Big Hitter OFF (Mil)
7. LB/DB Drops Pass ON
8. DB Strip Ball ON
9. LB Style set to either BAL or Cover 2.
1. 3-4 OLB Style set to Pass Rush

I know there are many who really don't want to get into player edits because of the time needed, but I really believe these are a must. There are a number of other player edits I've found that work very well, but I tried to go without for now. You can always run without the player edits and see if it works for you.

Coach Schemes (done for both CPU & HUM coach)(JoshC)
1. OFF Playbook default or generic
2. DEF Playbook generic
3. Balanced Offense
4. Either Base 4-3/3-4, Tampa 2, Hybrid
5. All player positions BAL (only holds for HUM coach)
1. DE either BAL 4-3 or 3-4 Versatile

What I haven't been able to fix is the poor zone play on either side. Unfortunately this most likely needs to come from EA, although I doubt it will as I'm sure competitive gamers don't want to see solid zone D.

If you decide to give these a try, by all means let me know what you think and how they play for you. I'm finally satisfied and will be moving forward with a CFM. The only area that I may adjust are MM penalties and HUM QB passing ratings if I get too accurate (I've had games where I've barely been above 50% with mediocre QBs).

Enjoy and thanks for checking in...

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Please leave your comments and questions as I am most definitely interested in what others see and think.

Last edited by mpd3892; 01-28-2018 at 08:44 PM. Reason: 01/28 Updated current setup.
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Old 12-17-2017, 08:28 PM   #2
Robo COP's Arena
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Re: ZERO Slider Adjustments & HIGH MOTOR

Some visual proof would be great. Just recording some gameplay with and without it on and pointing out the differences
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Old 12-17-2017, 09:14 PM   #3
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Re: ZERO Slider Adjustments & HIGH MOTOR

Wish I knew how to do that. You can easily see for yourself by turning it off for your OL. Then replay the game with it on. Watch how they will hold their ground if not engaging a rusher or how they will move to come off a double team if they see an unblocked rusher.

Same with LB. Turn it on and they don’t pick up receivers. Turn it off and they will move to cover an open receiver.

If you can give me easy to follow instructions on how to add videos, I’ll do my best.

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Old 12-18-2017, 04:22 PM   #4
howboutdat's Arena
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Re: ZERO Slider Adjustments & HIGH MOTOR

Originally Posted by mpd3892
Wish I knew how to do that. You can easily see for yourself by turning it off for your OL. Then replay the game with it on. Watch how they will hold their ground if not engaging a rusher or how they will move to come off a double team if they see an unblocked rusher.

Same with LB. Turn it on and they don’t pick up receivers. Turn it off and they will move to cover an open receiver.

If you can give me easy to follow instructions on how to add videos, I’ll do my best.

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Use twitch to live stream and have channel setting on twitch set to auto record streams is 1 way, or same for youtube.

On ps4 , you can record game play , and just upload it to your youtube or dailymotion channel ( may have to create one but its free)

xbox 1 im sure can do something similar.
Yup, i said it !

Twitch Channel
MBC Twitch Channel
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Old 12-18-2017, 06:05 PM   #5
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Re: ZERO Slider Adjustments & HIGH MOTOR

Thanks for the info. I’ll look into it. Tech can be a challenge for old guys like me.

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Old 12-18-2017, 06:42 PM   #6
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Re: ZERO Slider Adjustments & HIGH MOTOR

Ok, following howboutdat's suggestion for being able to provide some video, I did research and found a way that seems simple enough for me to follow. It may not be until the weekend until I have the time to record some video, but will endeavor to do so as soon as I am able (weekdays are crazy busy). I'll try and upload some clips to this thread if I am able.
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Old 12-18-2017, 08:02 PM   #7
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Re: ZERO Slider Adjustments & HIGH MOTOR

clutch for players rated 70 + overall, when combined with AM gives great cpu defensive play.
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Old 12-18-2017, 09:52 PM   #8
benton32's Arena
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Re: ZERO Slider Adjustments & HIGH MOTOR

would this be default sliders... thats the biggest area is the sliders always trying to find decent ones.. i was told once just to try all pro 50 on everything... maybe lower qb acc...

i like that they fixed the qb statue thing but sometimes it backfires.. and theny scramble around to much... lol
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